Who should Trump pick for VP?

Started by je_freedom, May 30, 2016, 02:16:54 PM

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Quote from: supsalemgr on June 05, 2016, 07:09:18 AM
It would certainly complete the circle of turning the GOP totally leftist.
Ya know what's sad? I'll bet they've already discussed the possibility. Hell, that's like discussing whether or not to turn in a cousin because you know for a fact that they're a serial killer. There's nothing to discuss.
Just acknowledging the fact should set off warning bells that there's a serious lapse in judgement along with a severe lack of moral discernment.
Why is it even a possibility? Because we have what amounts to the 70s Dim party in the GOP.
Official Trump Cult Member




Trump has been courting the Sanders support - he'd crush Hillary without a single Conservative vote.

Mitch McCon-man would be doing back flips and cart wheels!  We finally got a POTUS we can fully embrace, without "coming out as Tax & Spend Libs".  Yippie!  It's pay day for Socialism!
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Hoofer on June 05, 2016, 01:03:04 PM
Trump has been courting the Sanders support - he'd crush Hillary without a single Conservative vote.

Mitch McCon-man would be doing back flips and cart wheels!  We finally got a POTUS we can fully embrace, without "coming out as Tax & Spend Libs".  Yippie!  It's pay day for Socialism!

Donald Trump he's ready to tax the rich more, but lower corporate taxes.  Now just where in the hell does he think the rich will get the money from.  Can you say the CONSUMER, they will just pass it on in the price.  Like always the working people will pay for it.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on June 05, 2016, 01:28:38 PM
Donald Trump he's ready to tax the rich more, but lower corporate taxes.  Now just where in the hell does he think the rich will get the money from.  Can you say the CONSUMER, they will just pass it on in the price.  Like always the working people will pay for it.

It will be telling what happens with the tax write-offs for re-investments and business expenses.
Will the "Businessman Trump" shine through, or not... If he gives the business environment a big wet kiss, oh boy, are the Libs gonna go crazy (but, my 401K might really soar).

Who cares about a Trump VP, when there's a ton of money to be made...?  Trump is by far, the best outsider/insider choice for Elitism and wealthy investors.  It's no wonder the Beltway folks like him so much after a private meeting - everyone comes out smiling!?  The perfect Republican who thinks and acts like a Democrat.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Hoofer on June 05, 2016, 01:53:38 PM
It will be telling what happens with the tax write-offs for re-investments and business expenses.
Will the "Businessman Trump" shine through, or not... If he gives the business environment a big wet kiss, oh boy, are the Libs gonna go crazy (but, my 401K might really soar).

Who cares about a Trump VP, when there's a ton of money to be made...?  Trump is by far, the best outsider/insider choice for Elitism and wealthy investors.  It's no wonder the Beltway folks like him so much after a private meeting - everyone comes out smiling!?  The perfect Republican Democrat who thinks and acts like a Democrat.


A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: mrclose on June 05, 2016, 05:17:45 PM
Donald J. Trump Releases List of Potential United States Supreme Court Justices


OK that's today, what about tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.    You keep your own insurance. You keep your own doctor.   Trump is a democrat politician has been from the get go. 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Here's a Timeline of Every Time Donald Trump Ran for President.


And they call him a outsider.   :lol:
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on June 05, 2016, 05:48:55 PM

Here's a Timeline of Every Time Donald Trump Ran for President.


And they call him a outsider.   :lol:
Ya gotta love the spin. He's an outsider alright, an outsider to Conservatism, but a Dim insider...
Official Trump Cult Member



Cryptic Bert

It doesn't matter. VP's only count during campaigns. They're the attack dogs. They do the dirty work that the candidate is supposedly above. Well Trump is both. He does and says the things he isn't supposed to say and gets away with it.


Quote from: The Boo Man... on June 05, 2016, 11:22:38 PM
It doesn't matter. VP's only count during campaigns. They're the attack dogs. They do the dirty work that the candidate is supposedly above. Well Trump is both. He does and says the things he isn't supposed to say and gets away with it.

I am available to attack either party for any reason. That salary SHOULD matter, for what little use they are put to if nobody dies or has to go apologize.


Quote from: Bowhntr on May 31, 2016, 07:23:41 AM
I keep hearing Gingrich's name pop up :blink:

Newt would be too easy to parody as the Grinch.  Besides, he's the guy who lost his seat in Congress to Cooter from the Dukes of Hazard tv series.  He lost to Cooter! 

If Trump really wanted my vote, he would promise to nominate Ted Cruz to the United States Supreme Court.  Outside of that, Trump will pick someone that will urinate the conservatives off.  I heard he's been calling his own staff members stupid. 

He don't want to be president.  Trump wants to wreck the Republican Party for good.


Quote from: TheResister on June 06, 2016, 03:46:22 PM
Newt would be too easy to parody as the Grinch.  Besides, he's the guy who lost his seat in Congress to Cooter from the Dukes of Hazard tv series.  He lost to Cooter! 

If Trump really wanted my vote, he would promise to nominate Ted Cruz to the United States Supreme Court.  Outside of that, Trump will pick someone that will urinate the conservatives off. I heard he's been calling his own staff members stupid. 

He don't want to be president.  Trump wants to wreck the Republican Party for good.

Well they do work for him!   :sneaky:
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: TheResister on June 06, 2016, 03:46:22 PM
Newt would be too easy to parody as the Grinch.  Besides, he's the guy who lost his seat in Congress to Cooter from the Dukes of Hazard tv series.  He lost to Cooter! 

If Trump really wanted my vote, he would promise to nominate Ted Cruz to the United States Supreme Court.  Outside of that, Trump will pick someone that will urinate the conservatives off.  I heard he's been calling his own staff members stupid. 

He don't want to be president.
Trump wants to wreck the Republican Party for good.

Really is that a bad thing? The GOP destroyed themselves without Trump's help when they moved to the dark side with the RATS.


Quote from: tac on June 06, 2016, 04:17:07 PM
Really is that a bad thing? The GOP destroyed themselves without Trump's help when they moved to the dark side with the RATS.

Constitutionalists and strict constructionists have wanted to move away from the Republican Party for many years.  Republicans have been socialist lite for most of their existence.

At one level it's entertaining when you watch them implode, but the fact remains:  Hillary Clinton can forever screw this country up in one term and I'm pretty well convinced that Trump wants to assist her and / or put some of the wheels in motion with the support of those who are on the right.


Quote from: TheResister on June 08, 2016, 03:30:37 PM
Constitutionalists and strict constructionists have wanted to move away from the Republican Party for many years.  Republicans have been socialist lite for most of their existence.

At one level it's entertaining when you watch them implode, but the fact remains:  Hillary Clinton can forever screw this country up in one term and I'm pretty well convinced that Trump wants to assist her and / or put some of the wheels in motion with the support of those who are on the right.

Hmm...IS there any doubt in your mind at all!
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."