THE thing EVERYONE is missing about the Deep State

Started by je_freedom, November 18, 2019, 12:25:07 PM

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THE thing EVERYONE is missing about the Deep State

The intelligence community swamp serves the GLOBAL monster!

The deep state is on full display in the current "impeachment inquiry" hearings.
One official after another is being paraded before the committee
to denounce how Mr Trump supposedly withheld military assistance from Ukraine
to pressure them into investigating the Bidens' corruption.
(Never mind the obvious fact that
the committee is upset that
the Bidens' corruption is being investigated!)
And never mind the fact that Ukraine re-started its investigation
five months BEFORE the controversial phone call!

Many observers see this whole exercise as
the intelligence community and the foreign policy community
being upset that the President is taking foreign policy matters into his own hands,
instead of being just a figurehead and blindly endorsing whatever deals
the "professionals," the permanent UNELECTED foreign policy "experts" want to make.

What these observers, from Rush Limbaugh on down, are missing, is the fact that
the foreign policy officials in DC are NOT acting on their own!
The foreign policy officials in DC do NOT decide foreign policy!
They only IMPLEMENT policies that are DICTATED to them by their bosses!

Who are their bosses? Certainly not the elected officials in DC!
And certainly not the American people,
who are supposed to be the ultimate boss of EVERY part of government!
The bosses that the foreign policy "experts" in DC have been obeying for decades
are the global corporations that bribe and bully EVERY part of government!

We know that the foreign policy "experts" have doing the global corporations' will
and stabbing the American people in the back
by examining the deals that they have been making in recent decades.
The corporations have shut down over 50,000 factories in America
and moved those jobs to police states like China
to cut their costs and fatten their profits.

They don't care that they're gutting America's industrial base!
They don't care that they're gutting America's national security!
They're just out for short term profits!
They are cannibalizing America for their own private profit!

Generations ago, people became extremely wealthy by BUILDING great industries.
Today, billionaires are increasing their wealth by CANNIBALIZING the industries WE built!

The billionaires, the global corporations
are NOT "American" corporations,
regardless of where they are registered,
or where they have their headquarters.
They do not see America as the mother that gave them birth.
They see America as just another colony in THEIR global empire!

They don't see America as something to be defended or preserved!
They see America only as something to be USED!
They send American troops all over the world
to prop up tin horn dictators, who enforce police states
to keep the corporations' new, cheap employees from seeking the sort of rights
that American workers USED TO enjoy - until their jobs got exported!

Before Mr Trump became President,
the corporations dictated foreign policy to the "experts" in the government.
But now, Mr Trump is taking foreign policy into his OWN hands,
as Presidents are supposed to do!
And he is changing the policies to serve the interests of the American PEOPLE!
NOT the global corporations!

HOW have the global corporations controlled
the UNELECTED officials in the government?
The corporations hire law firms, based in New York and in DC.
(This to obtain attorney-client privilege,
to obstruct any investigation of this corruption.)
The law firms then hire high-priced "security consultants" in DC.
These "security consultants" are retired government officials,
who handled national security and foreign policy matters.

These consultants provide access to their former colleagues
who still are in government positions.
The consultants tell their former colleagues what the corporations want them to do.
The former colleagues then carry out the orders from the corporations.
They implement policies that favor the corporations, and harm America.
They make sweetheart deals with foreign entities,
like getting Joe Biden's son a $50,000 a month position with a Ukrainian company,
a position for which Biden Jr. had ZERO qualifications!

These corrupt government officials get rewarded for their obedience
by being hired by the consulting firms
after they retire from their government jobs.
As government officials, they got paid a paltry $100,000 to $200,000 a year.
But as security consultants, they get paid MILLIONS of dollars a year!

Mr Trump is shutting down all these corrupt deals that
these government employees, the "deep state" has made.
He is stopping the global corporations' cannibalizing of America!
THAT is why the political Establishment is so furious with him!
THAT is why the Democrats are trying to impeach him!

And leading the charge is the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee,
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-CA-28.
Guess who hosted a campaign fundraiser for "Lying Sack of Schiff" in 2013?
A Ukrainian arms dealer!
It's HIS OWN corruption that Lying Sack of Schiff is trying to hide!
It's HIS OWN worthless self he is trying to keep out of prison!
This "investigation" he is conducting IS THE COVERUP!

The Democrats are trying to remove Mr Trump from office
to shut down all the investigations he has started of the Democrats' corruption!

Elections have consequences!  STOP ELECTING YOUR ENEMIES !!!
The "news" media will NEVER report these facts!
The "news" media will ALWAYS lie about the things that really matter!
The "news" media will ALWAYS be
the propaganda mouthpiece of the global corporations!

How do we know that?  Look at who gives them money!
The "news" and "entertainment" media are
the brainwashing department of the global corporate dictatorship!
The "news" and "entertainment" media will
ALWAYS present THE OPPOSITE of what is true!

Whoever the "news" and "entertainment" media like the most
will ALWAYS be your worst enemies!
Whoever the "news" and "entertainment" media hate the most
will ALWAYS be your best friend!
Remember that!  And always vote accordingly!
Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao


Official Trump Cult Member




I actually do not think anyone is missing those points.
It is fairly obvious that almost all government workers are Democrats but they just do not stand out as much under Democrat presidents.
Leaks and undermining of Bush was a frequent event, but he just hid his head instead of fighting like Trump.


Killer Clouds

Quote from: carolina73 on November 18, 2019, 06:57:44 PM
I actually do not think anyone is missing those points.
It is fairly obvious that almost all government workers are Democrats but they just do not stand out as much under Democrat presidents.
Leaks and undermining of Bush was a frequent event, but he just hid his head instead of fighting like Trump.

I would disagree with that at least where I work anyway. Most military is for Trump.


How much power do you think a president could/should have vs the longer term needs of the itelligence/defense community?

Lets presume a hypotetical case: the US public ellect a total pacifist who promises among others to disband the US nuclear arsenal. Do you think the millitary and intelligence community are going to just accept that?

Obviously the US "millitary industrial conflict" has huge long term power and presence in the world, and many people depend on it. Any president could do huge dammage to that and even the long term interrests of US dominance in the world. So it's atleast "natural" that the interrests of the milltary industrial complex can supercede the office of the potus, and this was something that has been warned about by past presidents decades ago already, cue a legendary part of Eisenhowers farewell adress:

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

"It is always sound business to take any obtainable net gain, at any cost and at any risk to the rest of the community"
--Thorstein Veblen


Je, a good job of nailing what the "deep state" is. The initial hearings are about over and, IMO, roves your point.

We have seen a parade of State Department no names testify who have their panties in a wad. It is clear they are accustomed to making recommendations and having politicians follow them. Trump comes in and makes his own decisions, with his own people. The career politicians are pissed and this is how they can get back at Trump.

The good news is this loaded process against Trump has not moved the needle. This petrifies the bureaucrats in Washington as they can foresee another four years of Trump.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Quote from: je_freedom on November 18, 2019, 12:25:07 PM
THE thing EVERYONE is missing about the Deep State

The intelligence community swamp serves the GLOBAL monster!

The deep state is on full display in the current "impeachment inquiry" hearings.
One official after another is being paraded before the committee
to denounce how Mr Trump supposedly withheld military assistance from Ukraine
to pressure them into investigating the Bidens' corruption.
(Never mind the obvious fact that
the committee is upset that
the Bidens' corruption is being investigated!)
And never mind the fact that Ukraine re-started its investigation
five months BEFORE the controversial phone call!

Many observers see this whole exercise as
the intelligence community and the foreign policy community
being upset that the President is taking foreign policy matters into his own hands,
instead of being just a figurehead and blindly endorsing whatever deals
the "professionals," the permanent UNELECTED foreign policy "experts" want to make.

What these observers, from Rush Limbaugh on down, are missing, is the fact that
the foreign policy officials in DC are NOT acting on their own!
The foreign policy officials in DC do NOT decide foreign policy!
They only IMPLEMENT policies that are DICTATED to them by their bosses!

Who are their bosses? Certainly not the elected officials in DC!
And certainly not the American people,
who are supposed to be the ultimate boss of EVERY part of government!
The bosses that the foreign policy "experts" in DC have been obeying for decades
are the global corporations that bribe and bully EVERY part of government!

We know that the foreign policy "experts" have doing the global corporations' will
and stabbing the American people in the back
by examining the deals that they have been making in recent decades.
The corporations have shut down over 50,000 factories in America
and moved those jobs to police states like China
to cut their costs and fatten their profits.

They don't care that they're gutting America's industrial base!
They don't care that they're gutting America's national security!
They're just out for short term profits!
They are cannibalizing America for their own private profit!

Generations ago, people became extremely wealthy by BUILDING great industries.
Today, billionaires are increasing their wealth by CANNIBALIZING the industries WE built!

The billionaires, the global corporations
are NOT "American" corporations,
regardless of where they are registered,
or where they have their headquarters.
They do not see America as the mother that gave them birth.
They see America as just another colony in THEIR global empire!

They don't see America as something to be defended or preserved!
They see America only as something to be USED!
They send American troops all over the world
to prop up tin horn dictators, who enforce police states
to keep the corporations' new, cheap employees from seeking the sort of rights
that American workers USED TO enjoy - until their jobs got exported!

Before Mr Trump became President,
the corporations dictated foreign policy to the "experts" in the government.
But now, Mr Trump is taking foreign policy into his OWN hands,
as Presidents are supposed to do!
And he is changing the policies to serve the interests of the American PEOPLE!
NOT the global corporations!

HOW have the global corporations controlled
the UNELECTED officials in the government?
The corporations hire law firms, based in New York and in DC.
(This to obtain attorney-client privilege,
to obstruct any investigation of this corruption.)
The law firms then hire high-priced "security consultants" in DC.
These "security consultants" are retired government officials,
who handled national security and foreign policy matters.

These consultants provide access to their former colleagues
who still are in government positions.
The consultants tell their former colleagues what the corporations want them to do.
The former colleagues then carry out the orders from the corporations.
They implement policies that favor the corporations, and harm America.
They make sweetheart deals with foreign entities,
like getting Joe Biden's son a $50,000 a month position with a Ukrainian company,
a position for which Biden Jr. had ZERO qualifications!

These corrupt government officials get rewarded for their obedience
by being hired by the consulting firms
after they retire from their government jobs.
As government officials, they got paid a paltry $100,000 to $200,000 a year.
But as security consultants, they get paid MILLIONS of dollars a year!

Mr Trump is shutting down all these corrupt deals that
these government employees, the "deep state" has made.
He is stopping the global corporations' cannibalizing of America!
THAT is why the political Establishment is so furious with him!
THAT is why the Democrats are trying to impeach him!

And leading the charge is the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee,
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-CA-28.
Guess who hosted a campaign fundraiser for "Lying Sack of Schiff" in 2013?
A Ukrainian arms dealer!
It's HIS OWN corruption that Lying Sack of Schiff is trying to hide!
It's HIS OWN worthless self he is trying to keep out of prison!
This "investigation" he is conducting IS THE COVERUP!

The Democrats are trying to remove Mr Trump from office
to shut down all the investigations he has started of the Democrats' corruption!

Elections have consequences!  STOP ELECTING YOUR ENEMIES !!!
The "news" media will NEVER report these facts!
The "news" media will ALWAYS lie about the things that really matter!
The "news" media will ALWAYS be
the propaganda mouthpiece of the global corporations!

How do we know that?  Look at who gives them money!
The "news" and "entertainment" media are
the brainwashing department of the global corporate dictatorship!
The "news" and "entertainment" media will
ALWAYS present THE OPPOSITE of what is true!

Whoever the "news" and "entertainment" media like the most
will ALWAYS be your worst enemies!
Whoever the "news" and "entertainment" media hate the most
will ALWAYS be your best friend!
Remember that!  And always vote accordingly!

Wrong! This is what you anti-capitalists can never seem to understand.  The business does not "bully" the government.  The government sets and enforces the laws, controls the military, and steals from the people and circulates to the corrupt.  The business holds NO POWER over a government or the people.  Individuals in government are bribed and compromised, but the government holds the power.  Therefore, root out the corruption in government.  A company can bribe as much as it wants, but if there's no government official to take the bribe, or caught diddling some kid on video in a hotel room, then the business is forced to compete with the rest of us.

Wal-Mart, for example, gained market share by abusing eminent domain.  They bribed the fuck out of state and local governments, and now they have stores in basically every city.  If those government politicians, mayors, legislators, etc., said "no!", then Wal-Mart would still be a little shack in Bentonville.

#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on November 21, 2019, 06:44:19 PM
Wrong! This is what you anti-capitalists can never seem to understand.  The business does not "bully" the government.  The government sets and enforces the laws, controls the military, and steals from the people and circulates to the corrupt.  The business holds NO POWER over a government or the people.  Individuals in government are bribed and compromised, but the government holds the power.  Therefore, root out the corruption in government.  A company can bribe as much as it wants, but if there's no government official to take the bribe, or caught diddling some kid on video in a hotel room, then the business is forced to compete with the rest of us.

Wal-Mart, for example, gained market share by abusing eminent domain.  They bribed the fuck out of state and local governments, and now they have stores in basically every city.  If those government politicians, mayors, legislators, etc., said "no!", then Wal-Mart would still be a little shack in Bentonville.

Correct, Wall st insiders bribe our so call Reps to do their bidding, business has to play by their rules.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on November 21, 2019, 06:46:49 PM
Correct, Wall st insiders bribe our so call Reps to do their bidding, business has to play by their rules.

Exactly.  These global corps are no angels, but they can't do shit without government officials taking their money, bribes, etc.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon

T Hunt

Quote from: carolina73 on November 18, 2019, 06:57:44 PM
I actually do not think anyone is missing those points.
It is fairly obvious that almost all government workers are Democrats but they just do not stand out as much under Democrat presidents.
Leaks and undermining of Bush was a frequent event, but he just hid his head instead of fighting like Trump.

i listen to rush ever since bill orielly went down, and i can say he doesnt see all of this either, or else he is just playing dumb so he can appear to be shocked and woken up like the average person will be in the great awakening. rush sees it as the career politicians being pissed and doesnt take it much beyond that to the globalist approach
"Let's Go Brandon, I agree!"  -Biden


Quote from: taxed on November 21, 2019, 06:44:19 PM
Wrong! This is what you anti-capitalists can never seem to understand.  The business does not "bully" the government.  The government sets and enforces the laws, controls the military, and steals from the people and circulates to the corrupt.  The business holds NO POWER over a government or the people.  Individuals in government are bribed and compromised, but the government holds the power.  Therefore, root out the corruption in government.  A company can bribe as much as it wants, but if there's no government official to take the bribe, or caught diddling some kid on video in a hotel room, then the business is forced to compete with the rest of us.

Wal-Mart, for example, gained market share by abusing eminent domain.  They bribed the fuck out of state and local governments, and now they have stores in basically every city.  If those government politicians, mayors, legislators, etc., said "no!", then Wal-Mart would still be a little shack in Bentonville.


Many people have the misconception that
"major corporations are free market capitalists."
They are not.  They are MONOPOLISTS! 
The LAST thing in the world they want is a free market!
The LAST thing in the world they want is competition!
That's why they bribe the government to enact expensive regulations -
to financially bleed the smaller companies to death!

All of the major corporations have interlocking boards of directors.
The same people sit on the boards of several corporations.
The major corporations are NOT independent!
They are all controlled by this "corporate collective."
I call it "cloud management."
One ruling clique controls ALL of the global corporations!
The global corporations really are like ONE GIANT CORPORATION!

This same ruling clique controls ALL of the institutions that control people.
Government, finance, and business control what people do.
Media, education, and religion control what people think.
The same ruling clique controls ALL SIX categories of institutions!

They lie about everything.
Antifa, short for "anti-fascist," is funded and controlled by
the world's leading fascist, George Soros!
These real fascist dictators smear us libertarians as "fascist!"

The globalists would have us believe that
we need big government to rein in big business.
Fact is, big government and big business are NATURAL ALLIES!
Big government will ALWAYS favor big business!
Big business has more money with which to bribe government!

For more on the alliance between big business and the party of big government,
see the first posting I ever made on CPF:'-party/

For more on how the major corporations are actually one giant collective, see!/

It's a mistake to think that only government is the problem.
Government is just one arm that the monster uses.
The monster uses each of its arms
to drive people into the embrace of its other arms.
People fear one arm or another, only to be deceived into
contributing their strength to the monster's other arms!

The solution is for We The People to support OUR OWN versions of the six institutions.
- Support political candidates who will RESTRAIN government as the Constitution commands!
- Try to SAVE as much money as you can, and borrow as little as you can.
- Do business with independent businesses as much as you can.
- Get your news from INDEPENDENT sources, not corporate propagandists!
- Guard your mind from the propaganda woven into "entertainment" media!
Watch "news" and "entertainment" programs with an "opposition research" mindset.
- And don't just blindly follow corrupted, Establishment religious institutions!
Look for true, Biblical ministries, like American Vision.

If everyone would continually do those things,
it really would create Heaven on Earth!
The socialist, collectivist Hell
that murdered over 150 million people in the last century
(Just in their purges!  That's not counting any of their war deaths!)
would die of starvation!
Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao


Quote from: je_freedom on November 26, 2019, 03:33:25 PM

Many people have the misconception that
"major corporations are free market capitalists."

I never had that misconception, nor does it support your point.  Nothing scares these corps more than a competitive free market, hence why they require corruptible government officials.

They are not.  They are MONOPOLISTS!
Government creates monopolies.  It's almost impossible to have a monopoly within the free market.

The LAST thing in the world they want is a free market!
The LAST thing in the world they want is competition!
That's correct, hence why they need government, and why we need government to not be corruptible.

That's why they bribe the government to enact expensive regulations -
to financially bleed the smaller companies to death!
They can bribe all they want, but if there's no takers on the government side, they're forced to remain in-bounds of the free market, where smaller companies run circles around them.

All of the major corporations have interlocking boards of directors.
The same people sit on the boards of several corporations.
The major corporations are NOT independent!
They are all controlled by this "corporate collective."
I call it "cloud management."
One ruling clique controls ALL of the global corporations!
The global corporations really are like ONE GIANT CORPORATION!

This same ruling clique controls ALL of the institutions that control people.
Government, finance, and business control what people do.
Media, education, and religion control what people think.
The same ruling clique controls ALL SIX categories of institutions!

They lie about everything.
Antifa, short for "anti-fascist," is funded and controlled by
the world's leading fascist, George Soros!
These real fascist dictators smear us libertarians as "fascist!"
Hopefully you appreciate how Trump is reigning in China and reigning in the globalists.

The globalists would have us believe that
we need big government to rein in big business.
Fact is, big government and big business are NATURAL ALLIES!
Big government will ALWAYS favor big business!
Big business has more money with which to bribe government!
You Bernie guys will never understand how things work.  Government is what allows all of this.  Government must be corruptible.  You focus on a corp's willingness to capitalize on government's corruptibility instead of reducing government and rooting out corruption.  They're not equals.  The players of the game are not on par with the referee or commission.  Take the NFL: what if a player bribed a referee to let him get away with fouls and let calls go his way?  Who are you going to blame?  A sane person would agree the referee would be to blame.  Why would that not apply to government?

It's a mistake to think that only government is the problem.
Government is just one arm that the monster uses.
The monster uses each of its arms
to drive people into the embrace of its other arms.
People fear one arm or another, only to be deceived into
contributing their strength to the monster's other arms!
Wrong. You Bernie guys just have a disdain for business in any form. Words like "profit" are emotional triggers for you. It's sad.

The solution is for We The People to support OUR OWN versions of the six institutions.
- Support political candidates who will RESTRAIN government as the Constitution commands!
- Try to SAVE as much money as you can, and borrow as little as you can.
- Do business with independent businesses as much as you can.
- Get your news from INDEPENDENT sources, not corporate propagandists!
- Guard your mind from the propaganda woven into "entertainment" media!
Watch "news" and "entertainment" programs with an "opposition research" mindset.
I agree. I encourage you to start instead of getting manipulated into Marxist BS.

#PureBlood #TrumpWon


The left wing never ceases to amaze me. If leftists ran Hertz then they would be sitting in strategy meetings to plan on how to be more like Rent-A-Wreck.

They are drawn to proven failures  because they are taught by people that never succeeded and then they choose government leaders that also never succeeded.

Maybe the MLB should hire Obama as a pitching couch.


QuoteThe billionaires, the global corporations
are NOT "American" corporations,
regardless of where they are registered,
or where they have their headquarters.
They do not see America as the mother that gave them birth.
They see America as just another colony in THEIR global empire!

I don't agree with this. Billionaires and global corporations (as taxed mentioned earlier are no angels, but they have helped to provide millions of jobs and forward thinking products that have helped to advance society. Every time people go after billionaires I am reminded of Bill Gates, who has donated upwards of 50 billion dollars across his entire life to causes that not only help Americans, but promote stability in other countries. I'd love to know why you demonize billionaires after hearing this.


Quote from: ConservativeInCT on November 27, 2019, 04:39:38 AM
I don't agree with this. Billionaires and global corporations (as taxed mentioned earlier are no angels, but they have helped to provide millions of jobs and forward thinking products that have helped to advance society. Every time people go after billionaires I am reminded of Bill Gates, who has donated upwards of 50 billion dollars across his entire life to causes that not only help Americans, but promote stability in other countries. I'd love to know why you demonize billionaires after hearing this.

One thing I've learned in all my years is these anti-capitalist Bernie types form their opinions based on envy and insecurity.  They are not happy with their lives, hence why they need a villain to blame for their shortcomings.  Nobody happy or successful is a Bernie supporter.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon