Trump's Rally in Fla 11/26/19....... 1 in 4 Attendees Were Democrats

Started by Bronx, November 27, 2019, 01:24:44 PM

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Okay..... we know the rally was a full house but the numbers I want to pay close attention to are:

1 in 4 Attendees Were Democrats. That's 25% my friends.

27% of the crowd was Hispanic.

People sleep peacefully at night because there are a few tough men prepared to do violence on their behalf.

A foolish man complains about his torn pockets.

A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.



And, 31k voters identified....  which means there's a bunch they didn't identify, so the number is likely higher.  No fucking way the Dems are making contact with 30k voters a pop... not even close!

These rallies are gold...
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Not to mention the increase in support from the Black community.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"