Baltimore: Lets ban toy guns because of the high murder rate

Started by Billy's bayonet, November 17, 2016, 04:20:22 PM

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Billy's bayonet

 I don't think we should be allowing replica guns in the city of Baltimore, especially with the murder rate we have."

This is how Democrats "fight Crime" noting the increase in Homicides the city Fathers in their infinite widom have banned TOY guns...thats right, toy plastic guns that fire nothing more lethal than water.
Evil operates best when under a disguise





These stories drive me nuts! Some family from out of town comes to visit relatives, decides to take all the kids to the park for some harmless squirt gun or Nerf gun play and the next thing you know, the cops are killing some child's father because of stupid laws.

This was a response to a former member that just didn't get it.

K, I said I understand you POV, I really do, but the problem is, you are letting the left dictate social rules of behavior.
You are being conditioned to believe the sight of a gun, even a toy one means violence. I refuse to allow that mindset to continue and will fight it at every turn, it's simple conditioning, and to allow yourself to see this as anything but innocent, means you too are falling for the big lie that all guns are evil, guns kill people, not the other way around.

It's that incessant drum beat of the left that guns are a problem, when in truth gun violence is at an all time low in more than a decade.
I only ask that you step back and look at this with an objective eye (The Big Picture), lose the emotional grip this has on you and see this for what it really is, an overbearing big brother using collapsing public opinion of guns to further the cause of disarming America.
That is the real story here, not that the guy did something publicly insulting to some thin skinned lib with an agenda, but rather her feigning insult, taking a picture with the goal of creating an illusion that even toy guns are bad.

It's that critical thinking thing I keep repeating to libs that view everything through an emotional prism.
This is not an emotional issue, this is our 2nd Amendment Right at issue, even though it's just a toy, a man was arrested for what was once considered a Right before our Govt.

Do you see where we are headed?
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Billy's bayonet on November 17, 2016, 04:20:22 PM
I don't think we should be allowing replica guns in the city of Baltimore, especially with the murder rate we have."

This is how Democrats "fight Crime" noting the increase in Homicides the city Fathers in their infinite widom have banned TOY guns...thats right, toy plastic guns that fire nothing more lethal than water.

Next they'll be arresting the Hamburgler.



Quote from: tac on November 18, 2016, 03:26:59 PM
Makes sense, if you are an idiot.  :rolleyes:
Does not make sense even to idiots. What is does do is extend the socialist agenda of demonizing firearms.  It is the same motive behind all those reports of children being expelled or otherwise punished in the public education system for doing such abhorrent things as biting a pop tart into the shape of a pistol.

Hit the youngsters with the subliminal message that any type of positive attitude toward firearms is animalistic and criminal. Do it right, and by the time the next generation reaches voting age they WILL have the support they need to repeal the 2nd Amendment, if not the full Bill of Rights.

One more reason to get the feds the hell out of the public education system.


Quote from: zewazir on November 19, 2016, 12:31:08 PM
Does not make sense even to idiots. What is does do is extend the socialist agenda of demonizing firearms.  It is the same motive behind all those reports of children being expelled or otherwise punished in the public education system for doing such abhorrent things as biting a pop tart into the shape of a pistol.

Hit the youngsters with the subliminal message that any type of positive attitude toward firearms is animalistic and criminal. Do it right, and by the time the next generation reaches voting age they WILL have the support they need to repeal the 2nd Amendment, if not the full Bill of Rights.

One more reason to get the feds the hell out of the public education system.

Next time you meet someone wanting to ban firearms ask them if they believe in open borders.

"Well," you tell them, "you can't believe in banning firearms and open borders."

When they're through being startled, elaborate: "Once you've banned firearms across the country, where do you think criminals will be getting their firearms? Which means you'll have to lock down the border."