Seattle minimum-wage hike did nothing for workers

Started by tac, July 30, 2016, 06:12:57 AM

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Leave the Koch brothers out of any discussion - without the David Koch foundation, NOVA wouldn't exist, and PBS would lose the only other interesting program since "the Undersea World of (what's his face)".
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Solar on August 02, 2016, 05:58:25 AM
Trump is gullible enough to take the bait

The Dims have got to be laughing, this guy is an easy mark.  If they said peeing on an electric fence in bare feet & wet grass enhanced you - he'd probably try that too!  He's a born political sucker.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Hoofer on August 03, 2016, 06:08:07 PM
The Dims have got to be laughing, this guy is an easy mark.  If they said peeing on an electric fence in bare feet & wet grass enhanced you - he'd probably try that too!  He's a born political sucker.
We've all known these people, egos bigger than their brain. I had a roommate when I first got out of the army, the guy was a sucker for a dare, anything, just dare him, then say you were kidding, and he'd say, "I ain't no pussy" and plunge headlong like an idiot.
As long as you mixed it with a reward, he would take any dare. "Bobby, see that cop, you have to hug him, then go in the store and moon everyone, then you can kiss the pretty girl on the cheek"
All he knew was there was a reward at the end of the dare, never once considering they were all wrong and that he was being played for a fool by us.
I see Trump as the same emotional moron, where his ego is so thin, that you can lead this fool around by the nose, and the dims have yet to bait this fool.
I just know they already have a solid plan to create his public meltdown, with about a dozen contingency plans to assist.

Wish I'd had early access to this idiot last year as a reporter just to ask leading questions, you know, the type the media purposely avoided under orders till they could clinch the nomination...
It's coming, just wait....
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Steve,SPHR on August 03, 2016, 04:51:31 PM

Alright.  Let's reset.

as far as Koch voting for Hillary the latest is not so.


""The first thing I want to do is correct the rumor that the media keeps stipulating -- and that is that I'm going to probably support Hillary," Koch said to laughs. "That is a blood libel."

"At this point, I can't support either candidate, but I'm certainly not going to support Hillary," he said.

Stop creating straw men! I stated quite clearly, he supports Clinton over Trump, I never said vote, that's your created myth.
It's time to learn the quote function.

QuoteFrankly i'm not sure of the question.  Soros/Koch? something?
I associate Soros politically the same as Koch.  that's my answer.
Here was my response...

QuoteAnd I gave evidence to the contrary, and you still insist on sounding like a fool, so now show proof of your claim, that a communist and a Libertarian are the same.
As shown, Koch is supporting Hillary over Trump.

You still haven't explained how Koch is like the communist.

QuoteAs far as why don't we raise the wage to $100 the main reason is we don't have to and it would fall under the law of diminishing returns.  The reason "some number" 12, 13, 15 whatever number around there works is because business historically will absorb increases to a certain extent it happens every year COGS go up (rarely down) and business adjusts.  This would be SG&A instead of COGS, just a different column on the income statement.  But the same result business would adjusts.

See, there you go parroting again! Anytime govt interferes with a private entity and changes the rules, you are going to have a negative effect across the board.
You can't name one instance where hiking wages has a positive effect on anything because the negatives outweigh any possible positives that may come of it.
And to that nonsense of business absorbing any increase? The sole purpose of business is to gain equilibrium as quickly as possible, meaning they will simply pass along any incurred cost to the mkt/end consumer.
You see the difference between a govt job and the private sector? Govt can absorb any punishment they inflict on others, because govt creates nothing, it is a total leech on society.
Give me one example to support your argument, just one, that's all I ask. Now that you've been challenged on your talking points, you see you were actually lied to when the left was building their case for a min wage increase, because they know any increase, no matter how small is detrimental to small business.

QuoteNow, I have said I don't agree that $15 is the number everywhere, it may make sense in places like New York City, but probably would be onerous in Mississippi where $10 might be more appropriate.  but I have to say $7.25 anywhere is just too low based on COLA from 1968 to today.  So this would in theory provide increased buying power creating consumption, demand, production and resulting jobs, while these increases would (theoretically although we do see it in periods of economic growth)

Those are my facts and data.
What facts? All you did is post leftist talking points. The truth is, no one gains, we all lose, because you just increased the cost of doing business incrementally across the board.
Action creates reaction, like a ripple on a pond, all you've managed to do is disrupt a functioning mechanism. Not only do you disrupt commerce in the US, the ripples become waves beyond the water affecting the shore, causing anyone along the outlier to adjust for the incoming surge, in turn, they effect those they associate with.
As usual, the left create unintended consequences with their faux feel good bull shit. And here you are, mindlessly defending it. It's your knee jerk responses that expose just how little you know on any given subject, but then, you're not alone, that's a qualifying trait to being a lib, ignoring reality.

QuoteFinally, I am not looking to bump this but I feel these are two relevant clarifications.  My time during the day is sporadic which is why its taken me this long, if you want to let this one die I wont respond anymore.

Have a good night.

As long as it's on topic, it's fine.

If you want to hear "attaboys" then you need to post intelligent data. The only reason I sound harsh, is simply because you're wrong, you try with every post to support a failed ideology being forced on a capitalist society.
A capitalist society, one designed around the belief that individuals decide their own fate, not some faceless bureaucrat.
Start thinking along the lines of Liberty, and you just might break the grips of the Marxist chokehold they have over your train of thought.
Think about that for a moment, free will...
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on August 04, 2016, 07:02:08 AM
And to that nonsense of business absorbing any increase?

IF there no problem(s) with wage hikes, then why do business move out of the U.S.  :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

Why don't they just stay in the U.S. absorb all the hikes and go out of business.   :ohmy:
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on August 04, 2016, 07:45:40 AM
IF there no problem(s) with wage hikes, then why do business move out of the U.S.  :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

Why don't they just stay in the U.S. absorb all the hikes and go out of business.   :ohmy:
Yep, if not for Silicon Valley, Ca would collapse. I wish to Hell they'd leave so the state would finally go under.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on August 04, 2016, 07:02:08 AM

You still haven't explained how Koch is like the communist.

The truth is, no one gains, we all lose, because you just increased the cost of doing business incrementally across the board.

Now I get it.  I went back and read my first Koch quote then my second that you quoted here.  I wondered if it was read that way.  Yes that is what I wrote.  Let me clarify.  I did not mean to insinuate Koch was the "same" as Soros, but I did mean to say they are both different sides of the same coin.  They are the equal of each other for their respective political ideologies but are politically about as opposite as you can get.

My apologies for not being more clear.


as far as raising the wage we can both bring up as many studies to support our points.  I believe I am right and so do you.

here is what some small business owners said in a survey.

the question is by how much?

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

― Nelson Mandela

It can be done.  If you want to.


Quote from: Steve,SPHR on August 04, 2016, 04:02:11 PM

Now I get it.  I went back and read my first Koch quote then my second that you quoted here.  I wondered if it was read that way.  Yes that is what I wrote.  Let me clarify.  I did not mean to insinuate Koch was the "same" as Soros, but I did mean to say they are both different sides of the same coin.  They are the equal of each other for their respective political ideologies but are politically about as opposite as you can get.

My apologies for not being more clear.


as far as raising the wage we can both bring up as many studies to support our points.  I believe I am right and so do you.

here is what some small business owners said in a survey.

the question is by how much?
Problem is, your's is an opinion piece, not actual facts.
This explains in very rudimentary points how a min wage increase hurts the very people they claim to help.
Official Trump Cult Member




More Proof: Raising the Minimum Wage Increases Unemployment

Written by  Bob Adelmann

If more proof were needed that raising the minimum wage would increase unemployment among lesser-skilled workers, the Heritage Foundation's latest study provides it.

For one thing, the push for a national minimum wage of $15 an hour would actually cost employers $18.61 an hour, thanks to payroll taxes, unemployment insurance and ObamaCare taxes. The proposed increase, if passed into law, would, according to Heritage, impact one-third of all American workers, and hurt the most those working in lower-cost states.

The math is simple, and deadly. The only way an employer could justify paying a worker $18.61 an hour would be if that worker can generate more than $18.61 an hour in value for that employer. That's $37,700 a year just to break even. Most employers wouldn't bother hiring unless his new employee could earn more than that very quickly.

The myth that the employer would just suck it up and pay his workers the new minimum wage is just that: a myth. He has many options open to him, including not hiring a new worker, or asking a present employee to take on additional duties. He could stop offering low-margin products or services altogether, or install technology (i.e., robots) to perform those duties. He could close down his business altogether, laying off those employees that he already has. Or he could move — that's called "offshoring."

This will make no impact on those leftists that claim MW hikes do no harm to the workers or the economy.


Official Trump Cult Member




So much for entry level jobs.   :popcorn:

This Vending Machine Bakes 10-Inch Pizzas In 90 Seconds

The makers of the world's first burrito vending machine are turning their attention to pizza.

Box Brands, based out of Los Angeles, is developing a machine that will bake a 10-inch pizza in 90 seconds.

The pies will cost $5 and come in a variety of combinations, including a sausage-and-egg "breakfast" pizza.

more @
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on August 06, 2016, 08:23:41 PM
So much for entry level jobs.   :popcorn:

This Vending Machine Bakes 10-Inch Pizzas In 90 Seconds

The makers of the world's first burrito vending machine are turning their attention to pizza.

Box Brands, based out of Los Angeles, is developing a machine that will bake a 10-inch pizza in 90 seconds.

The pies will cost $5 and come in a variety of combinations, including a sausage-and-egg "breakfast" pizza.

more @
Smart move libs, you just priced yourselves out of a job.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on August 06, 2016, 09:29:27 PM
Smart move libs, you just priced yourselves out of a job.

But Mrs. Pelosi says they can go on welfare and this will stimulate the economy.  :smile:
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Quote from: supsalemgr on August 07, 2016, 04:32:58 AM
But Mrs. Pelosi says they can go on welfare and this will stimulate the economy.  :smile:

That's OK. Trump will build a wall keeping illegal immigrants out.  He will make Mexico pay for it.  The wall will be 10 feet high and beautiful.

Mexico will build more...

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."