Conservative Political Forum

General Category => The Constitution => Topic started by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:48:07 PM

Title: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:48:07 PM
American Patriots Calendar.     This is my thinking.   The left (media/dems) continue to add or delete American Holidays.  Who says they get to make that determination.  It's up to us to celebrate what we determine as worthy and ignore what we deem unworthy.    Starting with this month.     
Also out of respect for what THis President is doing for this country and for Americans.

Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:48:50 PM

july 4 Independence Day
July 12 National Pecan Pie Day
July 21 Dept of Veteran Admnistration created.
July 29 Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corp
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:52:11 PM

VJ Day

When :
August 14th - Japan surrenders
August 15th - Surrender announced to the world
August 23rd - Black ribbon day in honor of victims of communism & Nazism
September 2 - Ceremony and formal signing of surrender

VJ Day marks the end of WWII, and the cessation of fighting against Japan. It is called "Victory In Japan Day or "Victory Over Japan Day".

The confusion over three dates:
There is some confusion over what date is V-J Day. You can consider any (or all) of three dates as V-J Day. President Harry S. Truman caused some of this confusion........
On August 14, 1945, the Japanese government cabled to the U.S. their surrender. This is the date of most modern observances.
On August 15, 1945, news of the surrender was announced to the world. This sparked spontaneous celebrations over the final ending of World War II.
On September 2, 1945, a formal surrender ceremony was held in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri. At the time, President Truman declared September 2 to be VJ Day.

Regardless of which day you view as VJ Day, World War II was finally over.

A Little VJ Day History
The war in the Pacific was hard fought and bloody. The tide had definitely turned, and the U.S. military was fighting island by island towards Japan. Resistance was fierce. Casualties on both sides were high.

The U.S. had developed the atomic bomb. The U.S. government was anxious to end the war, and stop the loss of American lives.

On August 6th, 1945, the United States military dropped an atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Japan in an effort to force Japan into an immediate, unconditional surrender. Instead of immediately surrendering, the Japanese government debated what to do. So, the U.S. dropped a second atomic bomb on August 9, 1945 over the city of Nagasaki, Japan.

On August 14, 1945, Japanese Emperor Hirohito cabled the U.S. to surrender, and agreed to the terms of the Potsdam Declaration.

On August 15, 1945, news of the surrender was announced to the world. World War II was finally over. Hostilities ended.

On September 2, 1945, the Japanese formally surrendered aboard the U.S. battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. President Truman declared this to be V-J Day.
Did You Know? The battleship USS Missouri was chosen for the formal surrender ceremony, as she was named after President Truman's home state.

August 23:Adding for Next august 23. Black Ribbon Day. Why? To honor the victims of communism and Nazism and to make the progs heads explode.

What is Black Ribbon Day, and what purpose does it serve?
Black Ribbon Day marks the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed on August 23, 1939, on the pretext of "non-aggression" between these two evil regimes for a period of ten years. The Nazis invaded Poland on September 1, 1939; the start of World War II shortly followed. As a result, the Soviet Union occupied the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), parts of Finland and Poland, the Romanian province of Bessarabia (Moldova), northern Bukovina (Ukraine), and the former Czechoslovak territory of Carpathian Ruthenia (Ukraine). Tyranny then ensued.
As a result of this pact, millions of people were prominently displaced, oppressed, or killed. This rearrangement of occupation zones resulted in countless people being shipped off to labor camps (or gulags) to die, among many things. My late maternal grandfather was one of those people subjected to the horrors of imprisonment in one of Stalin's s gulags, having survived an 18-month prison sentence at the Belomor Canal gulag near the Finnish-Russian border. There, he endured unspeakable horrors ranging from being torture to enduring near-freezing temperatures. He managed to survive solely because he was an able-bodied farmer and a deeply faithful Catholic. If it weren't for his strong will, he would have died. Countless others weren't as lucky as him to survive.
Fifty years after this horrible pact was sealed- on August 23, 1989- over two million people from the Baltics formed a human chain called the "Baltic Way" to protest the Soviet Union. It spanned roughly 600 kilometers, or 372 miles, from Estonia to Lithuania. Two and a half months later, the Berlin Wall fell.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:55:37 PM
First Monday in September: Labor Day

September 7: Grandparents' Day
September 11: Patriots Days as set by George W. Bush to honor those lost in the 911 attacks on the NY twin Towers, Pentagon and the downing of Flight 93 in Shanksville by Americans who gave their lives to make sure that plane did not harm more Americans. Up yours obama.

September 17 Constitution Day.

September 22: Autumn Equinox
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:56:34 PM

October 12 Columbus Day (second Monday in October)
October 13 United States Navy Birthday
October 26 Day of the Deployed

I don't have to tell you what the America haters are trying to do to Columbus day. They want to destroy it and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day. WELL BAG THAT. THIS is AMERICA.

Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:58:39 PM
Entire Month of November: National Military Family Month.

Thank a vet and thank his family.
November - first sunday before first Tuesday (election day) Remembrance day
in honor of US citizens killed by Illegal Aliens
November 10 - US Marine Corp birthday
November 11 - Veteran's Day
November (4th Thursday) Thanksgiving Day
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:59:26 PM

December 7 Pearl Harbor Day
December 13 US National Guard Birthday
December 17 Wright Brothers Day

December 24 Christmas Eve
December 25 Christmas Day
December 31 New Year's Eve
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:01:01 PM
I'm putting this together in light of the recent column by some curmudgeon huffpoo/salon writer who said, If we got rid of Christmas would anybody care' AND the fact that most americans are unaware of the holidays and memorial days that WE as a NATION used to celebrate. SO. I am enlisting your aid in putting together OUR Patriots' American Calendar.

So let's get started:


Jan 1 - New Year's Day
Jan 8 - US forces prevail over the British in the Battle of New Orleans Thank you @Old Ridge Runner
January 16 - National Religious Freedom Day
Jan 17 - Lee/Jackson Day (OR Friday before the 3rd Monday)***
Jan 19 - Lee's actual birthdate
Jan 21 - Stonewall Jackson's actual birthday
3rd Monday in January - MLK day (optional)
January 23 - National Pie Day
January 28, Challenger Memorial day

Please let me know if I've missed anything in particular days of memoriam, celebration, observances to do with the military, WWII, and history of the nation.

Note to self: They should combine mlk day and National pie day. Nothing beats pie and milk.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:02:02 PM

Feb 2. Groundhog day
Feb 6. 100th+ Anniversary of Reagan's birthday. i think that is appropriate.
Feb 6. Superbowl Sunday 2011
Feb 12 Lincoln's birthday (optional)
Feb 14 Valentine's Day
3rd Monday in February: Presidents' day
Feb 15: USS Maine. Remember The Maine
Feb 20: National Cherry Pie Day
Feb 21 Washington's Birthday/Presidents Day
Feb 23 US Marines raise US flag over Iwo Jima

List of stupid 'days'.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:08:15 PM

March 2: National Banana Cream Pie Day
March 5 Boston Massacre
March 6 The Alamo
March 9 this year...Lent begins
March 15 Ides of March 
March 17 St. Patrick's Day
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:12:18 PM

April 1: April Fool's Day
April 16th: Holocaust Remembrance Day
April 22: Earth Day, use as much energy as you can. Make a huge carbon footprint. 

April (last friday in april) Arbor Day

Good Friday and Easter could fall in april.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:12:56 PM
May 1: May Day
May 1: Victims of Communism Day
May, first Thursday in May: National Day of Prayer. Can't hurt
May 8: VE Day

May 10: Israel Independence day. 2014, 66th anniversary.
May 11: Mothers Day

May, 3rd Sat: Armed Forces Day
May 26: First Anniversary of John Wayne Day.
May, last Monday in May: Memorial Day

FIRST Thursday in May is National Day of Prayer.

Now I don't care if you decide to drink a lot of beer on cinco de Mayo  for whatever reason...maybe in remembrance Of Emperor Maximilliano of mexico..> BUT DAMNED if you celebrate Cinco de Mayo or Cinco de Quatro as Emperor Obama calls it. DON"T. I'll celebrate May 5 if they send the illegal Mexicans back home on that day.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:18:36 PM
June 3. Jefferson Davis' birthday. I just throw these things in to aggravate northerners.
June 5. Moonshine Day
June 6. D-Day. I just throw these things in to aggravate leftists.

June 12 (this year) second sunday in june. Flag day commemorates the adoption of the US flag. Wilson did this in 1917 but it is at the presidents discretion whether to celebrate it nationally in any particular year.

June 21, Fathers Day. I just throw in these things to aggravate mothers.

so far nothing celebrating cows this month. or pies. I'll check for cowpies. for stupid month, week, day celebrations.

Moonshine day: 5th. definitely an American tradition worthy of celebrating.

US Army Birthday - June 14
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday - June 23
PTSD Awareness June 27
Operation Red Wings Observance day June 28
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 04, 2020, 06:04:07 AM
Quote from: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:52:11 PM

VJ Day

When :
August 14th - Japan surrenders
August 15th - Surrender announced to the world
August 23rd - Black ribbon day in honor of victims of communism & Nazism
September 2 - Ceremony and formal signing of surrender

VJ Day marks the end of WWII, and the cessation of fighting against Japan. It is called "Victory In Japan Day or "Victory Over Japan Day".

The confusion over three dates:
There is some confusion over what date is V-J Day. You can consider any (or all) of three dates as V-J Day. President Harry S. Truman caused some of this confusion........
On August 14, 1945, the Japanese government cabled to the U.S. their surrender. This is the date of most modern observances.
On August 15, 1945, news of the surrender was announced to the world. This sparked spontaneous celebrations over the final ending of World War II.
On September 2, 1945, a formal surrender ceremony was held in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri. At the time, President Truman declared September 2 to be VJ Day.

Regardless of which day you view as VJ Day, World War II was finally over.

A Little VJ Day History
The war in the Pacific was hard fought and bloody. The tide had definitely turned, and the U.S. military was fighting island by island towards Japan. Resistance was fierce. Casualties on both sides were high.

The U.S. had developed the atomic bomb. The U.S. government was anxious to end the war, and stop the loss of American lives.

On August 6th, 1945, the United States military dropped an atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Japan in an effort to force Japan into an immediate, unconditional surrender. Instead of immediately surrendering, the Japanese government debated what to do. So, the U.S. dropped a second atomic bomb on August 9, 1945 over the city of Nagasaki, Japan.

On August 14, 1945, Japanese Emperor Hirohito cabled the U.S. to surrender, and agreed to the terms of the Potsdam Declaration.

On August 15, 1945, news of the surrender was announced to the world. World War II was finally over. Hostilities ended.

On September 2, 1945, the Japanese formally surrendered aboard the U.S. battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. President Truman declared this to be V-J Day.
Did You Know? The battleship USS Missouri was chosen for the formal surrender ceremony, as she was named after President Truman's home state.

August 23:Adding for Next august 23. Black Ribbon Day. Why? To honor the victims of communism and Nazism and to make the progs heads explode.

What is Black Ribbon Day, and what purpose does it serve?
Black Ribbon Day marks the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed on August 23, 1939, on the pretext of "non-aggression" between these two evil regimes for a period of ten years. The Nazis invaded Poland on September 1, 1939; the start of World War II shortly followed. As a result, the Soviet Union occupied the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), parts of Finland and Poland, the Romanian province of Bessarabia (Moldova), northern Bukovina (Ukraine), and the former Czechoslovak territory of Carpathian Ruthenia (Ukraine). Tyranny then ensued.
As a result of this pact, millions of people were prominently displaced, oppressed, or killed. This rearrangement of occupation zones resulted in countless people being shipped off to labor camps (or gulags) to die, among many things. My late maternal grandfather was one of those people subjected to the horrors of imprisonment in one of Stalin's s gulags, having survived an 18-month prison sentence at the Belomor Canal gulag near the Finnish-Russian border. There, he endured unspeakable horrors ranging from being torture to enduring near-freezing temperatures. He managed to survive solely because he was an able-bodied farmer and a deeply faithful Catholic. If it weren't for his strong will, he would have died. Countless others weren't as lucky as him to survive.
Fifty years after this horrible pact was sealed- on August 23, 1989- over two million people from the Baltics formed a human chain called the "Baltic Way" to protest the Soviet Union. It spanned roughly 600 kilometers, or 372 miles, from Estonia to Lithuania. Two and a half months later, the Berlin Wall fell.

lost my link for Black ribbon day in the transfer.  Here it is.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 04, 2020, 05:18:33 PM

Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Sick Of Silence on July 04, 2020, 05:24:40 PM
Part of me wants to cancel all holidays to stop the anti-Christmas people in taking Christmas off, and the like.

Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 05, 2020, 10:37:58 PM
Quote from: Sick Of Silence on July 04, 2020, 05:24:40 PM
Part of me wants to cancel all holidays to stop the anti-Christmas people in taking Christmas off, and the like.


if they don't want to celebrate Christmas it is their loss.  A small group of people should not be allowed to ruin everything for the rest of us.  NOR the media.   Americans are so stupid sometimes that they don't remember holidays and memorial days on their own.  DON"T allow the media and the left to dictate our national holidays.

Having said that.  I enjoy celebrating earth day.   Big bonfires in the fire pit, or elsewhere, cookout, plenty of beer and nibblies, friends in and turning on all the lights in the house, playing loud music.

ON the Great Smokeout.... We light up.  We don't smoke, but I make an exception for that one day.

We celebrate Lee and Jackson day.  I do not however celebrate anything on June the 19th whatever that is.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on July 22, 2020, 08:50:04 AM
Quote from: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:48:50 PM

july 4 Independence Day
July 12 National Pecan Pie Day
July 21 Dept of Veteran Admnistration created.
July 29 Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corp

July 22  National hotdog day.   Knock yourselves out.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Sick Of Silence on July 22, 2020, 08:54:42 AM
Quote from: Calypso Jones on July 05, 2020, 10:37:58 PM
if they don't want to celebrate Christmas it is their loss.  A small group of people should not be allowed to ruin everything for the rest of us.  NOR the media.   Americans are so stupid sometimes that they don't remember holidays and memorial days on their own.  DON"T allow the media and the left to dictate our national holidays.

Having said that.  I enjoy celebrating earth day.   Big bonfires in the fire pit, or elsewhere, cookout, plenty of beer and nibblies, friends in and turning on all the lights in the house, playing loud music.

ON the Great Smokeout.... We light up.  We don't smoke, but I make an exception for that one day.

We celebrate Lee and Jackson day.  I do not however celebrate anything on June the 19th whatever that is.

The average person who is anti-Christmas or anti-American usually takes those day off. I want to stop it.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on November 01, 2020, 03:03:16 PM
Quote from: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 08:58:39 PM
Entire Month of November: National Military Family Month.

Thank a vet and thank his family.
November - first sunday before first Tuesday (election day) Remembrance day
in honor of US citizens killed by Illegal Aliens
November 10 - US Marine Corp birthday
November 11 - Veteran's Day
November (4th Thursday) Thanksgiving Day

The President, President Trump has added a new National Day of Remembrance for those Americans (and their families) killed by Illegal aliens.  November 1.

Add that to YOUR calendar because you know the Left Wing Ene-Media will NOT.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Possum on November 01, 2020, 03:42:14 PM
Quote from: Sick Of Silence on July 04, 2020, 05:24:40 PM
Part of me wants to cancel all holidays to stop the anti-Christmas people in taking Christmas off, and the like.

:thumbup: Get the government out of the Christmas holiday. It won't be long and the feds will want Christmas on the third Monday in December so they get a three day weekend. Christmas has nothing to do with American history and it needs to stay in the churches and for the people who worship Christ.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on February 18, 2021, 10:42:23 AM
Quote from: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:01:01 PM
I'm putting this together in light of the recent column by some curmudgeon huffpoo/salon writer who said, If we got rid of Christmas would anybody care' AND the fact that most americans are unaware of the holidays and memorial days that WE as a NATION used to celebrate. SO. I am enlisting your aid in putting together OUR Patriots' American Calendar.

So let's get started:


Jan 1 - New Year's Day
Jan 8 - US forces prevail over the British in the Battle of New Orleans Thank you @Old Ridge Runner
Jan 12 - Birth of Rush Limbaugh, EIB, Talent on Loan from God
January 16 - National Religious Freedom Day
Jan 17 - Lee/Jackson Day (OR Friday before the 3rd Monday)***
Jan 19 - Lee's actual birthdate
Jan 21 - Stonewall Jackson's actual birthday
3rd Monday in January - MLK day (optional)
January 23 - National Pie Day
January 28, Challenger Memorial day

Please let me know if I've missed anything in particular days of memoriam, celebration, observances to do with the military, WWII, and history of the nation.

Note to self: They should combine mlk day and National pie day. Nothing beats pie and milk.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: RV on February 19, 2021, 05:17:17 AM
Quote from: Calypso Jones on February 18, 2021, 10:42:23 AM

You know speaking of MLK day. I was listening to Golden Oldies the other day as I was working around the house. It dawned on me that many of the "stars" that I/we listened to as kids and teens were not White. We never even considered their skin color. Nowadays with the Democrats making EVERYTHING about skin color, I now realize that many of the singers and musicians were not "White". Now I have to think about everything from a racial and skin color standpoint. As an adult, I was in a position to hire many people, I never even thought about their race, skin color nor ethnicity only their qualifications. That has all changed now thanks to the Democrats for bringing this issue to the forefront.
Title: Re: American Patriots Calendar
Post by: Calypso Jones on April 17, 2021, 08:43:28 AM

Quote from: Calypso Jones on July 03, 2020, 09:12:18 PM

April 1: April Fool's Day
April 13th: Thomas Jefferson's birthday
April 16th: Holocaust Remembrance Day
April 22: Earth Day, use as much energy as you can. Make a huge carbon footprint. 

April (last friday in april) Arbor Day

Good Friday and Easter could fall in april.