Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Alternate Boards => Scams => Topic started by: Hoofer on April 02, 2021, 03:16:42 PM

Title: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on April 02, 2021, 03:16:42 PM
Yes.. it's a day off of work for Good Friday - so *I* get to take all the incoming barrage of phone calls.

I leap to the phone, "hello!" as fast as I can... and wait.  So far today, I got one call from our kid, asking about our crappy healthcare, why it didn't cover $280 glasses.  "Just get the prescription, we can order it for about 1/4 of that price online" - sigh, too late for that one.

OK, I *just* got my 2 "Visa & MasterCard Service Center",  "Because of your good credit standing, we can LOWER you interest rate." - very American sounding voice, so I immediately pressed "1" (with a bit of joy)!
WTH is this coming across my phone lines... straight from India!  He starts into the script.... 
"why did you call us?   Why did you call us, this is illegal, I should report your company for harassment."
"Dang..." I thought, these people get paid by the calls they complete... "I gotta HOLD 'EM longer..." - if I got the patience, meh.... maybe I'm just in a FOUL MOOD instead.

Now, if this was my friend "James" - who has answered the door with 2 Jehovah (false) Witness, and starred them directly the eye... totally silent, till they stop talking ... about 2 minutes, when they actually ask him a question, "You know, you have a small mouth, and your friend has a larger one - do you swallow...?"  Well, they usually call him a pervert, spin around and leave (mark that one down as a never go back, house).   One young lady, paused, smiled and the elderly lady with her smacked HER and drug her off, she was nearly doubling up in laughter, staggering down the sidewalk.

Next call from "Visa & Mastercard" - OK... press 1 immediately, to get to the operator... Indian accent of course - so we know it's a scam, they absolutely cannot lower interest rates, they only want your SSN, card or whatever to run up a huge bill for you!
She ... Starts into the pitch... blah, blah.
"Why did you call me?"
"Because of your good payment history, we can lower your..."
"But, why did you call a number on the Government Do-Not-Call-List?"
"Because of your good..."
"This call is being recorded, and traced to your company in India - did you know that?"

I gotta work on that...

Next call from Visa & Mastercard card services...  Same thing, press "1", and on comes a younger sounding Indian lady... who starts into her pitch, same script, and I answer, with the "Why did you call me...?"
"What did you say, this is a recorded line, you're telling the customers to SHUT UP?"
"Is it that time of the month for you?"
Well, at least she could understand english - and maybe that'll halt the calls from that Indian scam for a day or two.

Earlier, we got slammed with the "Medicare Supplement Insurance" scam.  If I really wanted Medicare, I'd apply for it, if I wanted Supplement Insurance, I'd apply for it.  Over the phone, NEVER, unless I initiate the call - that's a rule of thumb in our house, you want OUR business so BADLY, get out a Stamp, and mail it to us, PERIOD.

Same as the other ones, I don't even wait to hit "1" and get to the sap manning the call center.
My co-worker worked those phones for Hughes...  "Hey Joey, how can I really piss these guys off?"
"Ahem... they already HATE their jobs - why would you want to do that?"
"You ever gotten a phone call during sex...?   Or did you give that up for Lent?"   :ttoung:
"OK, point made - keep them on the phone forever... as long as you can... it ruins their numbers."
--- To the call ---
"Really, Medicare Insurance?  I got OBAMA care!!!"
"Oh, but sir, that's not covering all your expenses..."
"I got OBAMA care!!!" - back and forth a few times...
"Is there a Mr B in this household...?"
"Nope, just us kids, and we're all under 40yrs old, we got OBAMA care!!!"

Tonight, since it's just after 6pm... the political surveys will start coming in.
OH, yeah, we got a LOT of surveys, and I might just warm up a bit with a shot of Jack or Jim, first.

I'm not as good as Tom Mabe - but he's right on track with this. (
Title: Extending my car's warranty...?
Post by: Hoofer on April 23, 2021, 02:48:08 PM
"This is your FINAL warning!   Our records show, the warranty on your car is about to RUN OUT, to extend it, press #1 now, or #2 to be taken off our call list."

Well, don't press #2, it'll just move you to another SCAMMER.
BTW.... if you're the kind of person who gives out personal information to a cold caller - you shouldn't have a phone.   No matter who it is, *never* give out any personal information to anyone who calls you.   If what they're selling is SO IMPORTANT - ask them to just mail it.

Here's the real rub, if they don't have ALL your personal information, why are they claiming they do?  "Just need to confirm our information is correct...  What is your SSN, Name & Address?" 
Wait, a sec, YOU CALLED ME, claiming the IRS has an open investigation, or my computer is crashing the internet, or my Iphone has been HACKED - yet, you're asking me for what...?

Of course, I always press #1, and wait patiently for the Extended Warranty Coverage on my "non-existent car" ... Truth is, we drive "trucks", not cars.   

"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"

Literally... 2 minutes of that.

"I can't help you get a car."
Oh, do I need a Driver's License to drive a Car?
"You don't own a Car?"
Nope, but, I want to get a car, so I can get your extended warranty coverage.

My co-worker, worked for Hughes, in the call-center, he said to keep them on the line as long as possible, don't give them anything, no information, just keep asking stupid questions (makes them hang on longer), and eventually, they will hang up.  Time wasted with no-go-type calls are the worst.

I've read it's not good to say, "Yes" or "No" in case they're recording the call (which they probably do), and might edit the conversation to indicate you just donated your house to an Indian in Bangalore.
Another rule for me, since our company DOES offshore tech support to India (there are some pretty sharp tech support people - you gotta be pretty dedicated to work-from-home at 2am in your parent's house, IMO, supporting OUR company!) - So, if the calling party has a thick accent... yeah... they're not really continental USA based company - no brainer!

Bottom line, IMHO - if you buy ANYTHING, or donate ANYTHING to a cold caller - you're a fool, and the calls are going to start coming - your name is on THEIR lists.   Even if the "Police Society" or whatever well sounding charitable organization calls - ask them to MAIL it to you.  Working in the telecom industry for decades, and set up these Call Centers, meeting the people manning the desks...  I wouldn't trust them with my credit card information.  On the other hand, I will harass them...  they did call me, and legally, I can say anything I want, recorded line or not.
Title: Re: Extending my car's warranty...?
Post by: dickfoster on April 23, 2021, 03:34:30 PM
Quote from: Hoofer on April 23, 2021, 02:48:08 PM
"This is your FINAL warning!   Our records show, the warranty on your car is about to RUN OUT, to extend it, press #1 now, or #2 to be taken off our call list."

Well, don't press #2, it'll just move you to another SCAMMER.
BTW.... if you're the kind of person who gives out personal information to a cold caller - you shouldn't have a phone.   No matter who it is, *never* give out any personal information to anyone who calls you.   If what they're selling is SO IMPORTANT - ask them to just mail it.

Here's the real rub, if they don't have ALL your personal information, why are they claiming they do?  "Just need to confirm our information is correct...  What is your SSN, Name & Address?" 
Wait, a sec, YOU CALLED ME, claiming the IRS has an open investigation, or my computer is crashing the internet, or my Iphone has been HACKED - yet, you're asking me for what...?

Of course, I always press #1, and wait patiently for the Extended Warranty Coverage on my "non-existent car" ... Truth is, we drive "trucks", not cars.   

"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"
I don't have a car, but I want one, can you help me get a car?
"Blah - Blah - Blah.... what is the Year, Make & Model of your Car?"

Literally... 2 minutes of that.

"I can't help you get a car."
Oh, do I need a Driver's License to drive a Car?
"You don't own a Car?"
Nope, but, I want to get a car, so I can get your extended warranty coverage.

My co-worker, worked for Hughes, in the call-center, he said to keep them on the line as long as possible, don't give them anything, no information, just keep asking stupid questions (makes them hang on longer), and eventually, they will hang up.  Time wasted with no-go-type calls are the worst.

I've read it's not good to say, "Yes" or "No" in case they're recording the call (which they probably do), and might edit the conversation to indicate you just donated your house to an Indian in Bangalore.
Another rule for me, since our company DOES offshore tech support to India (there are some pretty sharp tech support people - you gotta be pretty dedicated to work-from-home at 2am in your parent's house, IMO, supporting OUR company!) - So, if the calling party has a thick accent... yeah... they're not really continental USA based company - no brainer!

Bottom line, IMHO - if you buy ANYTHING, or donate ANYTHING to a cold caller - you're a fool, and the calls are going to start coming - your name is on THEIR lists.   Even if the "Police Society" or whatever well sounding charitable organization calls - ask them to MAIL it to you.  Working in the telecom industry for decades, and set up these Call Centers, meeting the people manning the desks...  I wouldn't trust them with my credit card information.  On the other hand, I will harass them...  they did call me, and legally, I can say anything I want, recorded line or not.

The best one i ever did was some asshole selling solar panels for my roof. They.'d call constantly until one day I decided to have a little fun. Talked to that shit for brains for nealerly an hour before I finally decided go ruin his day. I went on and on about my south facing roof etc. etc. His chops were wet and he just knew he had one in the bag. I think I even had him looking at my house on google earth . Then I decided to lower the boom, BTW I have a Calshake roof, that isn't a problem is it? CLICK, silence and they never ever called me again.
Title: Re: Extending my car's warranty...?
Post by: Hoofer on April 23, 2021, 03:50:14 PM
Quote from: dickfoster on April 23, 2021, 03:34:30 PM
The best one i ever did was some asshole selling solar panels for my roof. They.'d call constantly until one day I decided to have a little fun. Talked to that shit for brains for nealerly an hour before I finally decided go ruin his day. I went on and on about my south facing roof etc. etc. His chops were wet and he just knew he had one in the bag. I think I even had him looking at my house on google earth . Then I decided to lower the boom, BTW I have a Calshake roof, that isn't a problem is it? CLICK, silence and they never ever called me again.

Good one!

We've been interrupted by these telephone solicitors for a LONG time, with the last 5-6 years being the absolute worst, and 90% of them are Indian Scammers.  Those started with one of my sons, "biting" on "his Windows computer is crashing the internet" - he was getting all worked up, till he realized, he had no computer on the internet... at all... not in this house.  I think it got us "on the call center's list".

However, the last month, of us handing it right back - we stopped getting calls, nothing!   Just when we start wasting THEIR time, they quit calling...?   Wifey and the kids were doing the same thing - did they give up, or simply move us back to a "call in 3 months file"?   We'll see.

The SURVEYS keep coming though - and wifey jumps for those.   Like I always say, "don't believe the polls."  With wifey answering those questions... snicker... they don't mean squat!
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Sick Of Silence on April 23, 2021, 04:40:44 PM
Next time, ask the girl what she is wearing.

Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on April 26, 2021, 01:58:39 PM
Phone rings...  "This is blank from Chase Manhattan Visa-Mastercard" - I press "1" before the woman's voice finishes.

"Hi, this is blank, how are you today?" - thick Indian accent.

Hello, Mr scammer, what do you have for me today?


Dang... they're on to me!   I gotta work on that, keep them on the line longer.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on May 19, 2021, 03:33:28 AM
Gotta come up with some way to combat these AI calls.
They don't allow me to press 1 and get a live operator sucker, so I wind up wasting MY time, instead of THEIRS.

It's still the same Spoofing (using someone else's phone number) and Spamming (anything to get my personal data).

As a rule, don't ever give out personal information over the phone, tell them to use the USPS... 99% of the time, nothing ever shows up.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Solar on May 19, 2021, 04:35:30 AM
Quote from: Hoofer on May 19, 2021, 03:33:28 AMGotta come up with some way to combat these AI calls.
They don't allow me to press 1 and get a live operator sucker, so I wind up wasting MY time, instead of THEIRS.

It's still the same Spoofing (using someone else's phone number) and Spamming (anything to get my personal data).

As a rule, don't ever give out personal information over the phone, tell them to use the USPS... 99% of the time, nothing ever shows up.
We bought a new Panasonic phone with call block. Model # PNLC1077.
Rings once then cuts them off. I now get one ring and it's gone, used to ring on and on 20, 30 times, then if you picked up, you couldn't hang up until they did.

Sure, they still call, but the frequency has dropped by 90%, and it was only about 1 or 2 numbers that were doing all of it.
I suspect the numbers we saw on the phone were designed to deceive, when in fact it was only a handful of call scammers.
All this time I just assumed there were more than 20.
I like the phone, but it doesn't have a port for a headset. :glare:
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: dickfoster on May 19, 2021, 11:46:29 AM
Quote from: Solar on May 19, 2021, 04:35:30 AMWe bought a new Panasonic phone with call block. Model # PNLC1077.
Rings once then cuts them off. I now get one ring and it's gone, used to ring on and on 20, 30 times, then if you picked up, you couldn't hang up until they did.

Sure, they still call, but the frequency has dropped by 90%, and it was only about 1 or 2 numbers that were doing all of it.
I suspect the numbers we saw on the phone were designed to deceive, when in fact it was only a handful of call scammers.
All this time I just assumed there were more than 20.
I like the phone, but it doesn't have a port for a headset. :glare:
Sure it does if it uses a regular RJ10 style handset connection.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Solar on May 19, 2021, 12:15:31 PM
Quote from: dickfoster on May 19, 2021, 11:46:29 AMSure it does if it uses a regular RJ10 style handset connection.
It was a real disappointment, all my Panasonic phones in the past had it standard, but not this one.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on May 19, 2021, 03:19:35 PM
Quote from: Solar on May 19, 2021, 12:15:31 PMIt was a real disappointment, all my Panasonic phones in the past had it standard, but not this one.
I think you guys meant RJ11...?  Whatever...

Had not even considered a phone that would allow White/Black listing - geeeeze... I work in the industry... I guess it shows, I completely unplug from work while at home.  Last thing I want to think about are POTS Lines - after working on Gigbit & Terabit circuits... 56k vs 100G - guess which one is EASIER (bigger is easier, the optics do all the work!).

OK - I need to search for white/black listing, CID, 2 lines, answering machine phone.
Got 2 of these calls in the last hour ....  they are taxing my patience.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Solar on May 19, 2021, 03:23:24 PM
Quote from: Hoofer on May 19, 2021, 03:19:35 PMI think you guys meant RJ11...?  Whatever...

Had not even considered a phone that would allow White/Black listing - geeeeze... I work in the industry... I guess it shows, I completely unplug from work while at home.  Last thing I want to think about are POTS Lines - after working on Gigbit & Terabit circuits... 56k vs 100G - guess which one is EASIER (bigger is easier, the optics do all the work!).

OK - I need to search for white/black listing, CID, 2 lines, answering machine phone.
Got 2 of these calls in the last hour ....  they are taxing my patience.
Let me know what you find. I think this may be a new feature on the Mkt, which is why we didn't research it further, because I definitely need a headset to hear properly.

If you find a better one, I may replace this one, though I really do appreciate the quality of the Panasonic phone, damn near bullet proof.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: walkstall on May 19, 2021, 03:34:50 PM
Quote from: Solar on May 19, 2021, 03:23:24 PMLet me know what you find. I think this may be a new feature on the Mkt, which is why we didn't research it further, because I definitely need a headset to hear properly.

If you find a better one, I may replace this one, though I really do appreciate the quality of the Panasonic phone, damn near bullet proof.

Think about bluetooth hearing aids.  They work great for me.  (no cord)
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Solar on May 19, 2021, 03:44:54 PM
Quote from: walkstall on May 19, 2021, 03:34:50 PMThink about bluetooth hearing aids.  They work great for me.  (no cord)
I know, I really need to get one, but I hate going to the VA, I may just have to bite the bullet and pay for one.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: dickfoster on May 19, 2021, 04:23:50 PM
Quote from: Hoofer on May 19, 2021, 03:19:35 PMI think you guys meant RJ11...?  Whatever...

Had not even considered a phone that would allow White/Black listing - geeeeze... I work in the industry... I guess it shows, I completely unplug from work while at home.  Last thing I want to think about are POTS Lines - after working on Gigbit & Terabit circuits... 56k vs 100G - guess which one is EASIER (bigger is easier, the optics do all the work!).

OK - I need to search for white/black listing, CID, 2 lines, answering machine phone.
Got 2 of these calls in the last hour ....  they are taxing my patience.

No RJ11 is the 6 position connectior that connects between the phone and the wall jack, RJ10 is the smaller 4 position connectior in the same form factor between the phone and the hand set. RJ45 is the 8 position connector, same form factor, used for cat5e and cat6 ethernet.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on May 19, 2021, 04:56:47 PM
thanks for the reminder.

I cannot find, a CID, phone with white/black lists.  Worst than that, I just remembered, I don't have CID on one of my lines (the 2nd one, which never takes calls, it's not listed).  These blocking units are sold as stand along, cost as much as a phone.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: walkstall on May 19, 2021, 05:59:09 PM
Quote from: Solar on May 19, 2021, 03:44:54 PMI know, I really need to get one, but I hate going to the VA, I may just have to bite the bullet and pay for one.

IF you don't have to go to the VA to see a doctor.  Why would you have to go to the VA for hearing aids?
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Solar on May 19, 2021, 06:29:58 PM
Quote from: walkstall on May 19, 2021, 05:59:09 PMIF you don't have to go to the VA to see a doctor.  Why would you have to go to the VA for hearing aids?
Because they issue the unit after testing. I'd still have to go there to be fitted.
I'll see if there's another option...
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: walkstall on May 19, 2021, 08:50:25 PM
Quote from: Solar on May 19, 2021, 06:29:58 PMBecause they issue the unit after testing. I'd still have to go there to be fitted.
I'll see if there's another option...

MY hearing aids are from L & I.  The place I was tested at did all the paper work and did the fittings.  They also check and clean them every 3 to 5 months, L & I pays for all this.  Also L & I has to pay to fix them if need be.   Also I can get a new set every 5 years, they also do all the paper work for the new hearing aids.  All they needed was my L & I claim number and they have that on file.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on May 21, 2021, 05:00:06 PM
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on June 14, 2021, 10:44:10 AM
After a 3-4 week reprieve.... the very DAY I start my vacation for 10 days... the phone starts ringing.

Wifey likes to just HANG up on them - I always press "1" before they get through the message, It's gonna transfer me to *someone* who speaks broken english, right?  We got them going today, it's not even 1:30pm.

4 calls of silence (they know we're home.... heheh)
1 Call for lowing my VISA interest rate (can't do that, it's issued by my bank, know it's a fake)
1 Call for Discover Card (don't have one, can't get me one, can't lower a non-existent interest rate).
1 Call for Social Security Admin (darn - wifey beat me to the phone & hung up)
1 Call for Auto Warranty..

Last call, PRESS 1 - "Hello, Mr., Scammer, what are you gonna try and sell me today (I think he was cursing at me in another language).  "blah-blah-blah..."   "You might want to take us off your call list, cause I'm gonna keep you on the phone, as long as I can - >click< -  and buy nothing." 
The dude was starting to whine, "awww... you blah, blah >click< "  Why should I get into an argument, I work in the industry, THEY called me, I can say anything I want - I did not solicit their call, and my phone numbers are STILL on the government Do-not-call-registry.

Besides... I'm NOT interested in carrying on a conversation with an accent that reminds me of WORK.
I might be like the telephone version of Second Hand Lions, chasing off the salesmen (after you sent that post card, asking for a visit.)

So, I could use s few ideas, suggestions to really piss these people off.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Solar on June 14, 2021, 12:34:33 PM
Quote from: Hoofer on June 14, 2021, 10:44:10 AMAfter a 3-4 week reprieve.... the very DAY I start my vacation for 10 days... the phone starts ringing.

FBI, Hold pleas, while I connect you special agent White in fraud. CLICK!!

Or just pretend you're switching them to other people in the industry. I'm sorry, HR isn't answering, let me transfer you back to registration, please hold. Rinse and repeat.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on June 14, 2021, 02:49:14 PM
Quote from: Solar on June 14, 2021, 12:34:33 PMFBI, Hold pleas, while I connect you special agent White in fraud. CLICK!!

Or just pretend you're switching them to other people in the industry. I'm sorry, HR isn't answering, let me transfer you back to registration, please hold. Rinse and repeat.

When I had my telephony business ... I had a Definity PBX, and phones scattered around the house.  I had to have everything my customers could possibly have, including call center setups... 24 extensions in a 3 bedroom house, digital phones!

So, we'd get a crank call into our 4 phone lines, and, "Hold on please!"

On Hold music was a crow calling tape.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on June 15, 2021, 07:24:41 AM
Since I'm on vacation...  I get to reach for the phone.

"You're under federal investigation for fraud...  Someone has been using your SSN...."

(Oh, yeah, we got these before...) - presses "1" repeatedly...

"Hello sir... blah"

GOOD MORNING Mr. Scammer, how are you gonna try and scam me today!!?


Sigh... they hang up so FAST, don't they? 

Social Security Administration DOES NOT CALL, they write.

... I'm thinking... these cold calls have got to be near the end of their effectiveness.   
What are they going to try next?  Texting, or hacking phones for stored credit accounts?
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Hoofer on June 16, 2021, 03:07:16 PM
Well, I was gone with the FIL for a bit, but, 2 calls today - Medicare companies trying to sign me up.

"I'm looking for Mr.  _*me*_, are you turning 65 in *month*..."

Normally, I'm not home... I got caught off-guard... "Yes - who is this again...?"

"This is such-n-such insurance group... Blah, blah, blah..."

I didn't call you, so this is an unsolicited, illegal call -<click>-..."

IMO - you'd have to be a real SUCKER to buy from a "cold caller" over the phone - without anything in writing.  He could have been *anyone*, calling from a prison cell, collecting credit cards, and running them up to the hilt.
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: p1tchblack on July 13, 2021, 09:29:32 AM
Quote from: Sick Of Silence on April 23, 2021, 04:40:44 PMNext time, ask the girl what she is wearing.


That is a great idea.  I'll be using that one.

I received 3 phone calls, in two days, from the same guy.  Two calls were from a Jamaican phone number and one from California.  He was from "Publishers Clearing House" and I was a winner!  So, he calls me in the morning from the Jamaican number and, after screwing with him for awhile, I say "I didn't know that publishers clearing house was based out of Jamaica.  That's weird!"  He tries to explain it, so I hang up on him.  He calls back a few hours later, from a California number, and tries the same story again.  And I say, "You just called me two hours ago from Jamaica. How did you get to California so quickly?"

My favorite one, which may be unique to states bordering Mexico, is when Customs and Border Patrol (CBT) calls you because a box full of contraband (usually drugs or fake ID + money is in the box).  I let them go on for awhile and then I ask "How much money".  Sometimes they make up a number, other times they say they don't know.  That's when I ask "Do you guys deliver?"
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: WalterEgo on July 26, 2021, 05:18:15 PM

I keep a small pocket recorder next to the phone.  Phone rings, Caller id tells me this has a 99.999% chance of being spam call.  While holding the recorder with finger on Play button I answer the call and they hear the sound of a FAX machine answering instantly.

Actually it was a Verizon employee who told me about the FAX trick.  He said the calling system can detect a dead end call, i.e. "That number is not in service".  Notice how if you do call an out of service number it always starts with that three note squeal?  The phone number is kicked to a dead file.

After starting the fax thing it went from 2 and 3 calls every day, sometimes 4, to one maybe two a week. It only took a week and they just stopped.

Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Solar on July 26, 2021, 06:06:16 PM
Quote from: WalterEgo on July 26, 2021, 05:18:15 PMI keep a small pocket recorder next to the phone.  Phone rings, Caller id tells me this has a 99.999% chance of being spam call.  While holding the recorder with finger on Play button I answer the call and they hear the sound of a FAX machine answering instantly.

Actually it was a Verizon employee who told me about the FAX trick.  He said the calling system can detect a dead end call, i.e. "That number is not in service".  Notice how if you do call an out of service number it always starts with that three note squeal?  The phone number is kicked to a dead file.

After starting the fax thing it went from 2 and 3 calls every day, sometimes 4, to one maybe two a week. It only took a week and they just stopped.
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

That is excellent advice! :thumbup:
Title: Re: FUN with Telephone Solicitors
Post by: Grammy on August 16, 2021, 01:27:01 AM
The new thing now is for the number calling you to look a LOT like your own mobile number.  Which is just weird.   :glare: