You Come For The News, However...

Started by Solar, September 07, 2023, 05:44:00 AM

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With the left losing at every turn daily, it's damn near impossible to keep up with posting new articles.
Seriously, it's literally exhausting with nearly a dozen Marxist scandals coming out on a regular basis.

My original thought was to create a "Headline" slot above the Poli forum, but even that would require a categorized thread system, from the CCP Flu, to the J6 Lie, Trump collusion BS, Global Warming hoax to the BLM and Antifa attack on American culture, Trans crap as pedophilia is being ignored, ETC, ETC, ETC!!!.

Point being, the Nation is being inundated with Marxist lies, too numerous to keep up with.
I'd like to know how we should approach this. Any ideas?
Official Trump Cult Member