Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Political Discussion and Debate => Topic started by: 1 CAT FAN on October 21, 2020, 10:39:46 AM

Title: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: 1 CAT FAN on October 21, 2020, 10:39:46 AM

Robeson Co. Sheriff speaks out about assaulted Rowland police officer (

Wilkins said, "I don't want you to hear about the assault on the Rowland Police Officer that occurred early this morning, I want you see it. This is the harsh reality that law enforcement in America is facing right now where some think it's okay to Defund the Police, Assault the Police and actually laugh and video the event while it's occurring while at the same time encouraging the suspect to continue to fight the officer even after the officer has lost his weapon and is obviously disabled."

Wilkins went on to say it is a total disregard for authority and the situation could have turned out to be a more tragic situation.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 12:42:11 PM
Until this nation can have an honest conversation about black criminality we will see more of this and more police leaving the force. The left has been coddling criminals for decades and this is the result. If Demonrats get their way we will live in a lawless Hellscape like South Africa.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Solar on October 21, 2020, 12:56:52 PM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 12:42:11 PM
Until this nation can have an honest conversation about black criminality we will see more of this and more police leaving the force. The left has been coddling criminals for decades and this is the result. If Demonrats get their way we will live in a lawless Hellscape like South Africa.
Let's be clear, this is not a race issue, this is a Marxist Cultural Issue. The left has held the Black family captive on their plantation in Blue cities and states.
Through public housing, drug addiction and just enough to live on, they've created a crime problem like the world has never seen.

I remember great black families growing up in Ca, some of the nicest, welcoming and warm people you'd ever want to meet. I also remember LBJ destroying govt housing projects and busing them out here to Ca, the state never recovered.

Trump is ending the DNC drug cartel that has fed this problem for decades.

Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 02:42:17 PM
Quote from: Solar on October 21, 2020, 12:56:52 PM
Let's be clear, this is not a race issue, this is a Marxist Cultural Issue. The left has held the Black family captive on their plantation in Blue cities and states.
Through public housing, drug addiction and just enough to live on, they've created a crime problem like the world has never seen.

I remember great black families growing up in Ca, some of the nicest, welcoming and warm people you'd ever want to meet. I also remember LBJ destroying govt housing projects and busing them out here to Ca, the state never recovered.

Trump is ending the DNC drug cartel that has fed this problem for decades.

To say there's not a racial component to crime in this and every other western country would be putting be putting blinders on. No one is saying that all black people are criminals or that there aren't nice black families, but when 50+% of violent crime in this country is committed by one demographic there is a real problem and these problems are represented in every country in the west that have taken in blacks.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Solar on October 21, 2020, 03:02:33 PM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 02:42:17 PM
To say there's not a racial component to crime in this and every other western country would be putting be putting blinders on. No one is saying that all black people are criminals or that there aren't nice black families, but when 50+% of violent crime in this country is committed by one demographic there is a real problem and these problems are represented in every country in the west that have taken in blacks.
And where are these crime stats taken from? Blue State shitholes, where the DNC, has in essence kept them as voting slaves.
This is not a black and white issue, this is a cultural issue! The Marxists have encouraged anti American behavior ever since LBJ killed the black nuclear family, which historically had the lowest divorce rate of all racial groups, including whites.

What the Left did was remove the father, and we know from history, that leads to decay of any social human contract.
This was not an accident, this was done on purpose, I know, I watched it my entire life.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 03:30:03 PM
Quote from: Solar on October 21, 2020, 03:02:33 PM
And where are these crime stats taken from? Blue State shitholes, where the DNC, has in essence kept them as voting slaves.
This is not a black and white issue, this is a cultural issue! The Marxists have encouraged anti American behavior ever since LBJ killed the black nuclear family, which historically had the lowest divorce rate of all racial groups, including whites.

What the Left did was remove the father, and we know from history, that leads to decay of any social human contract.
This was not an accident, this was done on purpose, I know, I watched it my entire life.

I'm sure LBJ's war on poverty aka (family) didn't help the matter any, at some point though taking responsibility for ones own actions has to come into play. I wonder, did all western nations adopt the LBJ's policies?
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Pop Daddy on October 21, 2020, 03:33:11 PM
Quote from: Solar on October 21, 2020, 03:02:33 PM
And where are these crime stats taken from? Blue State shitholes, where the DNC, has in essence kept them as voting slaves.
This is not a black and white issue, this is a cultural issue! The Marxists have encouraged anti American behavior ever since LBJ killed the black nuclear family, which historically had the lowest divorce rate of all racial groups, including whites.

What the Left did was remove the father, and we know from history, that leads to decay of any social human contract.
This was not an accident, this was done on purpose, I know, I watched it my entire life.

I think you can blend the two statements.  The fact that blacks commit 50%(?) of the crime is cultural, not racial.  The democraps have been the party that has never freed the slaves.  Welfare took the place of shackles.  And the system was designed that the more unwed mothers, the more money, the more children in the house, the more money.  There are many whites that were also herded into the welfare system as well, therefore the problem is cultural.

When you give someone something of value that the working man paid for, and then was given to a welfare queen, the result is that something has no value to the welfare queen and her offspring. 

It is very similar to the obummercare scam.  It was designed to fail to get to a different end result.  Creating unrest in the streets like we have today took the marxists years to have happen.  The roots were there courtesy  of marxist money, Soros, and all that was needed was a spark.  The rent-a-mob was trained and funded.  They could be in the hundreds in any city within hours.  George Floyd, despite being a career criminal thug drug addict, was the perfect spark.  When mixed with massive unemployment due to a hoax virus, the ingredients for the marxist to make their final push was coming together.

As you will notice in Portlandia, these are white kids in their black ninja pajamas out in the streets attacking the police.

Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Possum on October 21, 2020, 03:40:44 PM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 03:30:03 PM
I'm sure LBJ's war on poverty aka (family) didn't help the matter any, at some point though taking responsibility for ones own actions has to come into play. I wonder, did all western nations adopt the LBJ's policies?
No doubt, I am not going to argue that point, however, lbj's destruction will take generations to overcome. Then you had biden come along with his crime bill which put thousands into prison for a hell of a lot less than his son if guilty of. Trump is on the right track, creating jobs is a major part of the answer. Makes you wonder why the democrats will go to great lengths to destroy jobs, especially manufacturing, and in the oil industry. To put it another way, had we not had lbj or biden in any role of authority, we probably would not be in the race mess that is still going on in the liberal run hell holes.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Solar on October 21, 2020, 03:50:23 PM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 03:30:03 PM
I'm sure LBJ's war on poverty aka (family) didn't help the matter any, at some point though taking responsibility for ones own actions has to come into play. I wonder, did all western nations adopt the LBJ's policies?
"Didn't Help"? Hell, that was the plan all along, then they introduced drugs into the equation. What could have possibly gone wrong? :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Solar on October 21, 2020, 03:55:35 PM
Quote from: Pop Daddy on October 21, 2020, 03:33:11 PM
I think you can blend the two statements.  The fact that blacks commit 50%(?) of the crime is cultural, not racial.  The democraps have been the party that has never freed the slaves.  Welfare took the place of shackles.  And the system was designed that the more unwed mothers, the more money, the more children in the house, the more money.  There are many whites that were also herded into the welfare system as well, therefore the problem is cultural.

When you give someone something of value that the working man paid for, and then was given to a welfare queen, the result is that something has no value to the welfare queen and her offspring. 

It is very similar to the obummercare scam.  It was designed to fail to get to a different end result.  Creating unrest in the streets like we have today took the marxists years to have happen.  The roots were there courtesy  of marxist money, Soros, and all that was needed was a spark.  The rent-a-mob was trained and funded.  They could be in the hundreds in any city within hours.  George Floyd, despite being a career criminal thug drug addict, was the perfect spark.  When mixed with massive unemployment due to a hoax virus, the ingredients for the marxist to make their final push was coming together.

As you will notice in Portlandia, these are white kids in their black ninja pajamas out in the streets attacking the police.
Exactly!!! When one puts all the pieces on the table, it's obvious they all fit together perfectly. Just like every communist revolution in history, it has always been about "Divide and Conquer".

The trick is not to fall for the Marxist plot to place blame where it does not belong, but rather on the perpetrator, The DNC Marxist party.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 04:45:53 PM
Quote from: Possum on October 21, 2020, 03:40:44 PM
No doubt, I am not going to argue that point, however, lbj's destruction will take generations to overcome. Then you had biden come along with his crime bill which put thousands into prison for a hell of a lot less than his son if guilty of. Trump is on the right track, creating jobs is a major part of the answer. Makes you wonder why the democrats will go to great lengths to destroy jobs, especially manufacturing, and in the oil industry. To put it another way, had we not had lbj or biden in any role of authority, we probably would not be in the race mess that is still going on in the liberal run hell holes.

No doubt the Dims want to keep black people as a permanent underclass and if that doesn't work they always have open borders.

Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Possum on October 22, 2020, 04:27:01 AM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 21, 2020, 04:45:53 PM
No doubt the Dims want to keep black people as a permanent underclass and if that doesn't work they always have open borders.
I think you have hit on it.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Billy's bayonet on October 22, 2020, 06:30:07 AM
I've dealt with crime, violence and the vagaries of inner city policing a large metropolitan city (DC) with a 76% Black population for decades.

There are so many variables to the equasion.  first it is true that young Black males DO commit most of the crime in the nation, the flip side is Most of the VICTIMS are Black. The FLIP SIDE TO THAT is many crimes go UNREPORTED.
Ad since inner city hell holes have LARGER police depts, naturally the criminals are more likely to be caught, hold that thought coz now you see why these Marxists want to defund cops.

So go out in the "Vanilla" subrubs or rural America. THAT is where you are going to find high incidences of UNREPORTED CRIME, usually committed by non Blacks.  Smaller Police or sheriff Depts smaller amount of arrests.

But here is a STat all the egghead bean counting "sociaologists" do tell you.  ANYTIME you have a 76% (or whatever) of certain ethnicity in a given area of real estate...THAT IS GOING TO REFLECT THE PERCETAGE CRIMINAL ELEMENT

And yes Crime is a cultural thing, Rap stars, TV and Movies (Hollywood again) PROMOTE the thug life...part of which is killing cops, definace of authority.

So along comes BLM, a bunch of marxist thugs and it comes as no surprise that they expound upon this theme. One of the tenants of Marxist "revolution" is to nullify the police. THrow race into the mix, stir well add a few lies and rumors and BANG....instant volitility.

So anyone who denies a carefully planned strategy here is a bigger fool than most. 
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: joesixpack on October 22, 2020, 06:54:09 AM
Quote from: Billy's bayonet on October 22, 2020, 06:30:07 AM
I've dealt with crime, violence and the vagaries of inner city policing a large metropolitan city (DC) with a 76% Black population for decades.

There are so many variables to the equasion.  first it is true that young Black males DO commit most of the crime in the nation, the flip side is Most of the VICTIMS are Black. The FLIP SIDE TO THAT is many crimes go UNREPORTED.
Ad since inner city hell holes have LARGER police depts, naturally the criminals are more likely to be caught, hold that thought coz now you see why these Marxists want to defund cops.

So go out in the "Vanilla" subrubs or rural America. THAT is where you are going to find high incidences of UNREPORTED CRIME, usually committed by non Blacks.  Smaller Police or sheriff Depts smaller amount of arrests.

But here is a STat all the egghead bean counting "sociaologists" do tell you.  ANYTIME you have a 76% (or whatever) of certain ethnicity in a given area of real estate...THAT IS GOING TO REFLECT THE PERCETAGE CRIMINAL ELEMENT

And yes Crime is a cultural thing, Rap stars, TV and Movies (Hollywood again) PROMOTE the thug life...part of which is killing cops, definace of authority.

So along comes BLM, a bunch of marxist thugs and it comes as no surprise that they expound upon this theme. One of the tenants of Marxist "revolution" is to nullify the police. THrow race into the mix, stir well add a few lies and rumors and BANG....instant volitility.

So anyone who denies a carefully planned strategy here is a bigger fool than most.

This is actually a major conversation. The theory is that the gatekeepers of these industries are purposely promoting the negativity.

There are just as many rap stars, tv pilots, and movies about positivity that don't get made or promoted as heavily in order for the gatekeepers to promote the negative things that do become 'popular'.

To that point, we need more PBS' and less Cable TV in general.

Criminality isn't a cultural thing, imo. It's an economic thing. Even white-collar criminals do it for the money.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Billy's bayonet on October 22, 2020, 07:02:01 AM
Quote from: joesixpack on October 22, 2020, 06:54:09 AM
This is actually a major conversation. The theory is that the gatekeepers of these industries are purposely promoting the negativity.

There are just as many rap stars, tv pilots, and movies about positivity that don't get made or promoted as heavily in order for the gatekeepers to promote the negative things that do become 'popular'.

To that point, we need more PBS' and less Cable TV in general.

Criminality isn't a cultural thing, imo. It's an economic thing. Even white-collar criminals do it for the money.

You missed the point Promoting criminality is certainly a cultural thing.  Just listen to the lyrics of some rappers like NWA and you'll see what I mean.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Possum on October 22, 2020, 07:08:20 AM
Quote from: joesixpack on October 22, 2020, 06:54:09 AM
This is actually a major conversation. The theory is that the gatekeepers of these industries are purposely promoting the negativity.

There are just as many rap stars, tv pilots, and movies about positivity that don't get made or promoted as heavily in order for the gatekeepers to promote the negative things that do become 'popular'.

To that point, we need more PBS' and less Cable TV in general.

Criminality isn't a cultural thing, imo. It's an economic thing.
Even white-collar criminals do it for the money.
The Biden family are some of the biggest criminals out there, they are not poor. Same for the clintons. Some people just have to have what is yours, has nothing to do with economics. Being poor does not make you a criminal nor does it give you criminal tendencies.
Why do the crimes such as looting take place in liberal hell holes? Why are the gang shootings in liberal cities? There are poor in conservative run cities too, why no riots? Sorry, your theory" has far too many holes in it, poor is not a crime. This is neither a economic problem nor is it a race problem, this is caused by the very party YOU voted for to fix this problem.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Killer Clouds on October 22, 2020, 09:08:30 AM
Quote from: Possum on October 22, 2020, 07:08:20 AM
The Biden family are some of the biggest criminals out there, they are not poor. Same for the clintons. Some people just have to have what is yours, has nothing to do with economics. Being poor does not make you a criminal nor does it give you criminal tendencies.
Why do the crimes such as looting take place in liberal hell holes? Why are the gang shootings in liberal cities? There are poor in conservative run cities too, why no riots? Sorry, your theory" has far too many holes in it, poor is not a crime. This is neither a economic problem nor is it a race problem, this is caused by the very party YOU voted for to fix this problem.
You're absolutely correct. It an ideology problem. An ideology that is built on lies.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: liberalgirl on October 22, 2020, 10:12:36 AM
After reading everyones comments about this issue, I believe this is not fair. You guys are prejudice. Despite this, we need to talk about the systematic issues about law enforcement. We are not saying every cop is a bad cop, we are talking about how systematically there is racism within enforcement and we need to talk address this.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: supsalemgr on October 22, 2020, 10:26:35 AM
Quote from: liberalgirl on October 22, 2020, 10:12:36 AM
After reading everyones comments about this issue, I believe this is not fair. You guys are prejudice. Despite this, we need to talk about the systematic issues about law enforcement. We are not saying every cop is a bad cop, we are talking about how systematically there is racism within enforcement and we need to talk address this.

Please advise us how you define this "systematic racism".
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Killer Clouds on October 22, 2020, 10:49:59 AM
Quote from: liberalgirl on October 22, 2020, 10:12:36 AM
After reading everyones comments about this issue, I believe this is not fair. You guys are prejudice. Despite this, we need to talk about the systematic issues about law enforcement. We are not saying every cop is a bad cop, we are talking about how systematically there is racism within enforcement and we need to talk address this.
Give one example of systemic racism troll. You can't do it. Systemic racism is a BS narrative put out there by BLM which is a racist Marxist terrorist organization.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Solar on October 22, 2020, 10:54:59 AM
Quote from: liberalgirl on October 22, 2020, 10:12:36 AM
After reading everyones comments about this issue, I believe this is not fair. You guys are prejudice. Despite this, we need to talk about the systematic issues about law enforcement. We are not saying every cop is a bad cop, we are talking about how systematically there is racism within enforcement and we need to talk address this.
So because your original assault failed, now you want to change the subject to racism?

Fair warning babe, you are about to get an education. (hint) the left are the racists, not the Right.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: 1 CAT FAN on October 22, 2020, 12:54:42 PM
Yeah, the bystander systematically encouraged the guy being arrested to fight the police officer.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Sick Of Silence on October 22, 2020, 01:05:05 PM
Quote from: supsalemgr on October 22, 2020, 10:26:35 AM
Please advise us how you define this "systematic racism".

The way media, social media, academia, entertainment, and business has become pro blm/diversity/anti-white, THAT is systemic racism towards whites.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: taxed on October 22, 2020, 01:43:26 PM
Quote from: liberalgirl on October 22, 2020, 10:12:36 AM
After reading everyones comments about this issue, I believe this is not fair. You guys are prejudice. Despite this, we need to talk about the systematic issues about law enforcement. We are not saying every cop is a bad cop, we are talking about how systematically there is racism within enforcement and we need to talk address this.

No. You need to finish out your baby-murder thread.  You can't come and robo-post new threads that you're not willing to defend.  After that, then we can discuss AntiFa-BLM domestic terrorism.
Title: Re: Why is this not on liberal media? BLM... Hmmm
Post by: Mimsy on October 22, 2020, 05:11:13 PM
Quote from: Sick Of Silence on October 22, 2020, 01:05:05 PM
The way media, social media, academia, entertainment, and business has become pro blm/diversity/anti-white, THAT is systemic racism towards whites.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner!