Why Conservatives Refuse To Supoport Trump

Started by Solar, July 05, 2016, 09:29:16 AM

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Quote from: TFields on July 05, 2016, 08:09:26 PM
It's still very early me to try to say state by state and New York is real deep blue (I think because of the large inner city population) but I would say he stands the best chance as any R since Reagan that we've had (It's his home if anything).

How did he do versus Hillary in the NY Primaries?
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on July 05, 2016, 08:13:01 PM
How did he do versus Hillary in the NY Primaries?

I can't remember exactly but I believe Hillary won pretty comfortably over Bernie Sanders. Trump won handily over Kasich with Cruz being a distant third (he picked up nearly all 90 delegates by winning over 60 percent of the vote).


Quote from: je_freedom on July 05, 2016, 07:51:47 PM
The above statement is actually accurate.
The Establishment hates Cruz.
But when Trump got close to winning,
Romney, etc. said, "Vote for anyone but Trump!"
Not to promote Cruz, but to stop Trump.
They wanted an "open convention"
so they could maneuver Kasich in.

The Establishment REALLY HATES Trump.
That indicates that Trump could actually be
a renegade from the Establishment.

Of course we'd all feel more confident with someone
who has consistently articulated conservatism over the years,
instead of someone who has sucked up to the Establishment
to be allowed to do business.

I see the general election as a game of Russian roulette.
There are two revolvers.
The one marked "D" has a live round in every chamber.
The one marked "R" is a mystery.
I'll take ANY chance over a certain NO chance.

I've always found that in no place do actions speak louder than words than in politics. The very fact that they hate Trump with such an unprecedented level of hysteria speaks volumes. We know that it couldn't be because he's some closet left wing Democrat like they say because in 2012 they broke a lot of their own primary rules and cheated to all but coronate a pro choice co- architect of Obamacare from Massachusetts that they were so proud to get and were just going gaga over (he was just sooooo electable!) The same with the POW turned Benidict Arnold and every other nominee they've had except Reagan - they hated Reagan but now go around and lie trying to convince us that they are probably biological cousins of his (we Reaganites proudly claim the mantle of Reagan!)- amazing what a little hindsight can do.

Trump comes along and- just like that!- the Republican Party all of a sudden wants a conservative nominee.

You NeverTrumpers think he doesn't add anything the party? He single handedly pulled of a political miracle none of us ever thought we'd see in our lives. The GOP finally wanting a conservative!


Quote from: TFields on July 05, 2016, 10:05:13 PM
I can't remember exactly but I believe Hillary won pretty comfortably over Bernie Sanders. Trump won handily over Kasich with Cruz being a distant third (he picked up nearly all 90 delegates by winning over 60 percent of the vote).

It was about 2-1.  Even Sanders smoked Donald.

To be clear, are you saying Donald has a shot at winning NY?
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: TFields on July 05, 2016, 07:51:19 PM
All the unbound delegates went to Cruz when he was Trump's last serious opponent including every single one of Colorado's delegates because they don't have a primary- all of the deletgates are picked by the state party bosses- and they unanimously selected Cruz.

Controversy erupted in Louisiana when after Trump had already won Louisiana, the state party boses there stole a number of delegates away from Trump and switched them to Cruz.

During the primary, Mitt Romney held a special press conference to blast Trump- calling him a "phony! A fraud!" and then recommended to voters before Super Tuesday night "I would vote for Ted Cruz in Kansas. Jon Kasich in Ohio. Marco Rubio in Florida."

Paul Ryan came out and directly attack Trump on multiple occasions- especially after Trump announced his muslim ban at a campaign rally with Ryan exclaiming on the House floor " This is not conservativism!" "This is not conservativism!"  He's also accused Trump of "Textbook rasicsm" in his criticism of the Latino supremist judge overseeing the Trump University case.

Mitch McConnell has plans underway to run ads against Trump to -as he claims- "protect the Senate" from supposed bad political fallout from Trump.

Ever since Trump won the primary and became the presumptive nominee, Mitt Romney has held many meetings out in Utah with Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, and top GOP donors and party officials. The topic- what to do about Trump.

National Review came out with a hit issue (not a hit piece- an entire hit ISSUE) feature turncoat "conservatives" who are against Trump. (That was the the headline of the issue).

Bill Kristol gathered a petition of NeoCons and so-called "conservatives" to put up David French as a third party so-called "conservative" alternative to Trump. It came apart when French refused.

To date the are still ongoing plots by Romney, the 'Delegates Unbound' PAC, and others in the GOP establishment that are trying to stop Trump at the convention at Cleveland.

You will not find any media outlet either left or right that would even entertain the notion that the GOP establishment wing of the party supported Donald Trump AT ANY POINT during the GOP presidential primary. Ditto with any professional pundit left or right.ALL OF THEM WOULD LAUGH YOU OUT OF ROOM FOR EVEN SUGGESTING SUCH A THING!!!!!!THEY'D RATHER HAVE THE ENTIRE TEA PARTY THAN HAVE TRUMP THEY HATE HIM SO BAD!!!!!

Now that I've caught you guys up on the news for the last year, I return to my original question:

If Trump is such a closet Democrat, why did the establishment choose to back Cruz instead of Trump when it came down to it instead of the reverse?

You made some valid points of GOPe bashing Trump. That does not equate to endorsing Cruz. The LA GOP is an aberration as its establishment is conservative.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"

Double D

Quote from: TFields on July 05, 2016, 10:50:37 PM
I've always found that in no place do actions speak louder than words than in politics. The very fact that they hate Trump with such an unprecedented level of hysteria speaks volumes. We know that it couldn't be because he's some closet left wing Democrat like they say because in 2012 they broke a lot of their own primary rules and cheated to all but coronate a pro choice co- architect of Obamacare from Massachusetts that they were so proud to get and were just going gaga over (he was just sooooo electable!) The same with the POW turned Benidict Arnold and every other nominee they've had except Reagan - they hated Reagan but now go around and lie trying to convince us that they are probably biological cousins of his (we Reaganites proudly claim the mantle of Reagan!)- amazing what a little hindsight can do.

Trump comes along and- just like that!- the Republican Party all of a sudden wants a conservative nominee.

You NeverTrumpers think he doesn't add anything the party? He single handedly pulled of a political miracle none of us ever thought we'd see in our lives. The GOP finally wanting a conservative!

Is there an ignore feature on this forum?
Liberalism is a very serious, non curable mental disorder.....


Quote from: Double D on July 06, 2016, 06:32:16 AM
Is there an ignore feature on this forum?

Is not seeing his name enough to make you just walk on by?  :lol: 

I am not sure who he is working for Hillary or Trump.   
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: Double D on July 06, 2016, 06:32:16 AM
Is there an ignore feature on this forum?
I understand your frustration, but I want their message to get out, I want the people to see just how ignorant Trumpanzees really are.
It's Blatantly obvious the majority of Trump's base just discovered politics when Trump hit the scene for his third attempt at the WH, and most had no clue that one of those runs was under the (D) banner, while the other half of his base are lbs, which is why Trump is having so much luck pandering to Sanders supporters.

But do these Trumpanzees make the leftist connection? Of course not, they only just discovered politics when Trump burst onto the screen, never once asking why the leftist media was giving Trump over 2 billion in free ad time every time he opened his yap.
I agree, part of me wishes it were possible to ignore their stupidity, but unfortunately this tiny minority is a vocal lot and the GOP'e as well as the left are working hard to get Pavlov's dogs to drool at every mention of the Lib.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on July 06, 2016, 07:02:30 AM
I understand your frustration, but I want their message to get out, I want the people to see just how ignorant Trumpanzees really are.
It's Blatantly obvious the majority of Trump's base just discovered politics when Trump hit the scene for his third attempt at the WH, and most had no clue that one of those runs was under the (D) banner, while the other half of his base are lbs, which is why Trump is having so much luck pandering to Sanders supporters.

But do these Trumpanzees make the leftist connection? Of course not, they only just discovered politics when Trump burst onto the screen, never once asking why the leftist media was giving Trump over 2 billion in free ad time every time he opened his yap.
I agree, part of me wishes it were possible to ignore their stupidity, but unfortunately this tiny minority is a vocal lot and the GOP'e as well as the left are working hard to get Pavlov's dogs to drool at every mention of the Lib.

I would lay odds that there are more DEM crossover voters (intentional) than has been reported; those in their 'right' minds realize by now that the orange orangutan is nothing more than a liberal fraud.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...


Quote from: Ms.Independence on July 06, 2016, 10:59:35 AM
I would lay odds that there are more DEM crossover voters (intentional) than has been reported; those in their 'right' minds realize by now that the orange orangutan is nothing more than a liberal fraud.

They crossed over to take out Ted Cruz by voting for Trump.  Now they will cross back over and take out Trump.  The object was to take out Ted Cruz.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: Ms.Independence on July 06, 2016, 10:59:35 AM
I would lay odds that there are more DEM crossover voters (intentional) than has been reported; those in their 'right' minds realize by now that the orange orangutan is nothing more than a liberal fraud.

SC was 26% crossover for Trump, while it varied a bit on a state for state basis, 25-30% is fair average, I've heard.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Ms.Independence on July 06, 2016, 10:59:35 AM
I would lay odds that there are more DEM crossover voters (intentional) than has been reported; those in their 'right' minds realize by now that the orange orangutan is nothing more than a liberal fraud.
Yep, and they have no intention of supporting him in the general election.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on July 06, 2016, 12:12:09 PM
Yep, and they have no intention of supporting him in the general election.
Well, I believe trump when he said he did not want the conservative base.
Its just one of the many reasons I will write in Cruz. And for all of the trumpsters who can not believe I am writing in Cruz, I am giving trump the support he asked for. Life is hell, the conservatives can't stand him and the liberals have hillery.


Quote from: Double D on July 06, 2016, 06:32:16 AM
Is there an ignore feature on this forum?

Sure there is. I ignore your shit-brained stupidity quite a bit. Unless I feel like ripping into NeverTrump loon. Feels great!!


Quote from: TFields on July 06, 2016, 01:13:28 PM
Sure there is. I ignore your shit-brained stupidity quite a bit. Unless I feel like ripping into NeverTrump loon. Feels great!!

TFields Reporting a topic to a moderator.

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."