When Liberal and Conservative Ideologies Converge

Started by AlfredDrake, December 18, 2014, 06:32:58 AM

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Quote from: AlfredDrake on December 19, 2014, 08:46:39 AM
One of the things they want to do is get rid of the Fed. Would you object to help from the left if it accomplished that goal?

Who wants to get rid of the Fed?
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Darth Fife on December 19, 2014, 10:59:42 AM
Yes. I know it is inaccurate, but it is commonly accepted that the Neo-NAZI are the "Extreme Right". And my target audience for that remark - the Left (notice I didn't say "extreme" Left) think that way.

You, my friend, as are nearly all of the Tea Party Types, are more mainstream Conservative. Which makes sense as America is a Center Right Country and the Tea Party typifies the Center Right.

The Conservative Elites -  RINOs are definitely Center LEFT.

Now, my definitions might not be in sync with popular usage of those terms, but I feel mine are more accurate.

WOW, you really need a crash course in Conservatism.
What you claim to be far right are nothing more than fascists just like Hitlers Nazi party, without the socialists tag.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Darth Fife on December 19, 2014, 10:48:55 AM
The only place I've even known the Extreme Right and the Left to share common ground is in their hatred of the Jews...



The right is very supportive of the state of Israel. What do you base your observation on?
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"

kit saginaw

Quote from: AlfredDrake on December 19, 2014, 08:46:39 AM
One of the things they want to do is get rid of the Fed. Would you object to help from the left if it accomplished that goal?

Don't you mean 'audit the Fed' ? 

That was strictly a Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke 12-rounder from years ago. 



Quote from: AlfredDrake on December 18, 2014, 01:48:33 PM

Too bad you can't see it, because it's an interview with Ron Paul and Ralph Nader where they talk about how much they have in common on the issues.  I think that the whole point of my post is that I don't see parties as much as I see issues and that if we can get past the labels and the parties, then we can do something about the issues.
Agreeing on the issues is only part of the solution. We also have to agree on the means to get there. As an example, both sides are for "affordable health care". I guess I can stop here, I believe everyone else can finish this sentence.


Quote from: s3779m on December 20, 2014, 03:44:32 AM
Agreeing on the issues is only part of the solution. We also have to agree on the means to get there. As an example, both sides are for "affordable health care". I guess I can stop here, I believe everyone else can finish this sentence.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Great analogy!
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: kit saginaw on December 19, 2014, 03:15:39 PM
Don't you mean 'audit the Fed' ? 

That was strictly a Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke 12-rounder from years ago. 


No, I meant end the Fed. 

kit saginaw

Quote from: AlfredDrake on December 20, 2014, 06:55:47 AM


No, I meant end the Fed.

Impossible.  The Fed represents what the rest of the World believes we have in-reserve.  We could have a simple gold ring in Fort Knox, but if the World thinks it's worth 22-trillion dollars then that's the number that influences currency-value, gold-prices, interest-rates, and monetary-policies for doing business with us. 

Darth Fife

Quote from: Solar on December 19, 2014, 11:20:28 AM
WOW, you really need a crash course in Conservatism.
What you claim to be far right are nothing more than fascists just like Hitlers Nazi party, without the socialists tag.

QuoteFar-right politics commonly include authoritarianism, anti-communism, and nativism. Often, the term "far right" is applied to fascists and neo-Nazis, and major elements of fascism have been deemed clearly far-right, such as its belief that supposedly superior people have the right to dominate society while purging allegedly inferior elements, and—in the case of Nazism—genocide of people deemed to be inferior.




Quote from: Darth Fife on December 20, 2014, 09:30:15 PM

Seriously....WIKI? Why didn't you just use crayons and make your own illustration? At least it would have been entertaining.
And no, I didn't waste my time clicking someone elses opinion piece.
Official Trump Cult Member



Darth Fife

Quote from: Solar on December 21, 2014, 07:01:58 AM
Seriously....WIKI? Why didn't you just use crayons and make your own illustration? At least it would have been entertaining.
And no, I didn't waste my time clicking someone elses opinion piece.

It is the way the term is commonly used. That is the only point I'm making.

I think you are falling for Liberal and RINO propaganda when you think of the Tea Party movement is "Right Wing". The ideals and beliefs of Tea Party folks - hard work, personal responsibility, living within your means, family - are American Core Values! Most Americans believe in them and live their lives that way.

And that scares the shit out of the Liberals and the RINO because they know that only a small percentage of the population think the way they do.

The so-called Centrists are not really Centrists at all - they are Progressives. America is a Center Right Country and the Tea Party reflects that. It is only the Liberals and the RINOs who wish to portray the Tea Party as Right Wing Extremists. There is nothing Right Wing or Extreme about us at all!

What is "extreme" about living within your means?

What is "Right Wing" about personal accountability?

What is "Right Wing or Extreme" about hold the Government and our elected officials to the same standards we each must meet in our daily lives?

The minute the Tea Party and its members stop tacitly accepting the label that the Leftists and RINOs put on us and realize we are mainstream America, it will be all over for the Progressives - and not just for the next election, but for the next century at least!



Quote from: AlfredDrake on December 18, 2014, 06:32:58 AM
This discussion has been going on and expanded for a few years now.  Is it possible that by applying labels (liberal/conservative) to ideas based upon their source, that we're missing opportunities to make constructive change?  There are many links to this approach. 

        I think it is important that Americans have an understanding of the differences. Until that happens, each side risks following along agendas that have been defined by the media, even contrived by the media, the advertising media, that is, radio, TV, and Newspapers.
        The time of the writing of the U. S. Constitution was a great debate between Jefferson and
Hamilton. The ideas, the differences in ideas, even played out politically under different
Presidencies.  The public understood the differences. The topics took on a national scale.
         We are between a rock and a hard place, at this stage, with many in the conservative camp working hard to define one position. We cannot give up, but it is disheartening to see, for example, honorable associations such as The American Enterprise Institute,  Americans for Prosperity,
and the various Tea Party groups, invest time, thought, talent, and money to educate the public on the whys and wherefores of the conservative position, then, that night see some asshole like Jon Stewart reaching millions in a minute and tearing down all that good work with some juvenile slander you know half the country falls for. Like I say, we cannot give up.


Quote from: Darth Fife on December 21, 2014, 09:01:10 AM
It is the way the term is commonly used. That is the only point I'm making.

I think you are falling for Liberal and RINO propaganda when you think of the Tea Party movement is "Right Wing". The ideals and beliefs of Tea Party folks - hard work, personal responsibility, living within your means, family - are American Core Values! Most Americans believe in them and live their lives that way.

And that scares the shit out of the Liberals and the RINO because they know that only a small percentage of the population think the way they do.

The so-called Centrists are not really Centrists at all - they are Progressives. America is a Center Right Country and the Tea Party reflects that. It is only the Liberals and the RINOs who wish to portray the Tea Party as Right Wing Extremists. There is nothing Right Wing or Extreme about us at all!

What is "extreme" about living within your means?

What is "Right Wing" about personal accountability?

What is "Right Wing or Extreme" about hold the Government and our elected officials to the same standards we each must meet in our daily lives?

The minute the Tea Party and its members stop tacitly accepting the label that the Leftists and RINOs put on us and realize we are mainstream America, it will be all over for the Progressives - and not just for the next election, but for the next century at least!


I don't we think we accept it, but we just ignore it if it comes from libs and RINO's. We are not going to change them so why waste time arguing with them about how they label TEA. It is more productive to continue to espouse our values to those who might listen.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Quote from: Darth Fife on December 21, 2014, 09:01:10 AM
It is the way the term is commonly used. That is the only point I'm making.

I think you are falling for Liberal and RINO propaganda when you think of the Tea Party movement is "Right Wing". The ideals and beliefs of Tea Party folks - hard work, personal responsibility, living within your means, family - are American Core Values! Most Americans believe in them and live their lives that way.

And that scares the shit out of the Liberals and the RINO because they know that only a small percentage of the population think the way they do.

The so-called Centrists are not really Centrists at all - they are Progressives. America is a Center Right Country and the Tea Party reflects that. It is only the Liberals and the RINOs who wish to portray the Tea Party as Right Wing Extremists. There is nothing Right Wing or Extreme about us at all!

What is "extreme" about living within your means?

What is "Right Wing" about personal accountability?

What is "Right Wing or Extreme" about hold the Government and our elected officials to the same standards we each must meet in our daily lives?

The minute the Tea Party and its members stop tacitly accepting the label that the Leftists and RINOs put on us and realize we are mainstream America, it will be all over for the Progressives - and not just for the next election, but for the next century at least!

The point is, at one time the nation was considered simply normal relatively speaking of the populace, the more the country moved left, the further the Conservative values move to the Right of the spectrum, to the point that holding the values the Founders set forth for us became the far Right.
Anything right of Conservatism becomes anarchism, which leads to fascism followed by Communism and the circle is complete.
Point is, fascism and anarchism are cousins of communism, not Conservatismm.
Official Trump Cult Member