Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Political Discussion and Debate => Topic started by: Solar on February 17, 2024, 06:04:37 AM

Title: Warning, Everything is Killing Us!!!
Post by: Solar on February 17, 2024, 06:04:37 AM
If it's not the air, water or the earth, everything around us is killing the world and Man is the murderer.
Point is, where do you personally draw the line on how much is too much?

If you believe the left, that man is killing the planet, then you're too fuckin stupid to live on your own and need to off yourself!.
Don't breathe out, Co2 suddenly became a pollutant, a life bearing gas no creature can live without, don't use oil from the earth, you are killing the environment and all Gods critters!

So what do we do, go back to a nomadic lifestyle where we hunt Gods critters and use their meat to survive and their pelts for clothing?
Point is, if we listen to anyone with an agenda, you are evil by your very existence and should off yourself, especially liberals, your guilt alone should be the metric of your existence, isn't that why you advocate for abortion, so as to reduce mans footprint on the planet under the guise of a freedom to choose who lives and who dies?
So Fuck You, Kill Yourself Already!

The reason I'm writing this is to show you everything in life is killing you, according to those with an agenda.
Seriously, since mans inception the planet has had it out for us, be it volcanos to tsunamis and all weather in between, it's been man against the environment.
Man has always sought an easier path in life, his inventive nature has always given him an edge, will probably be his downfall, but we're still here and we're still searching for that fountain of youth be it for personal gain or recognition/fame, man will never give up.

So what can we glean from this? Remember when "They" told us sugar was bad for us, that butter/lard was causing heart disease by some very questionable studies and forced margarine and sugar substitutes upon the masses, that through science we will live a healthier life, and our own tap water was killing us?

Yes, Lies, all Lies! So who is telling the truth, the govt, the corporations, so called nonprofit groups/NGO's with an agenda?
You guessed it, not one of them, even our own Govt lied about a cold virus they created to (kill us) while forcing what they claimed to be a vaccine on us, (designed to kill us) only after changing the actual meaning of "Vaccine" to fit their agenda.

So what's the truth?
Live dammit! Live your life, listen to the elderly, they saw the truth, they know the meaning of life, they don't worry about tomorrow, nor have an agenda, they know time is limited and that worrying over something they have no control over is simply wasting precious time left.
Be it racism/religion to the environment or politics, you are being manipulated and if you fall for any of it, you're nothing more than a gullible tool to be used and discarded!

So grab that garden hose like a thirsty kid, take a big drink and tell God thanks for life and that you intend to enjoy it on your Own terms!

Oh, if you don't believe me about agendas, just look at the long ass list of things "They" the Marxists want you to worry about as they distract you while they attack your God and religion.
Just keep scrolling and scrolling, or ignore it all and be happy! MAGA
Title: Re: Warning, Everything is Killing Us!!!
Post by: Solar on February 17, 2024, 10:22:45 AM
The Enemies!

Title: Re: Warning, Everything is Killing Us!!!
Post by: Solars Toy on February 17, 2024, 10:48:37 AM
So much truth there.  Life on earth is just a fleeting moment in our eternity.  Live simply, help others, and enjoy all of your blessings.  Toy

Hated the 2nd slide but you will notice all of them are "convenience" foods. 
Title: Re: Warning, Everything is Killing Us!!!
Post by: yrunvs on February 17, 2024, 11:11:50 AM
Mostly junk food
Title: Re: Warning, Everything is Killing Us!!!
Post by: Solar on February 17, 2024, 11:28:28 AM
Quote from: yrunvs on February 17, 2024, 11:11:50 AMMostly junk food
Yep, any processed food.

If you get a chance, check out the link in the article, scroll down, notice just how much influence and control the NGO's of the world have over people by playing both sides of the coin against one another.

They make claims like global warming is killing us, while they are the largest producers of Co2 on the planet, all the while while selling carbon credits and taking taxpayer funding to lower their so called footprint.

It's all one huge scam and we're all being ripped off.
Title: Re: Warning, Everything is Killing Us!!!
Post by: Billy's bayonet on February 17, 2024, 03:12:29 PM
God-less people believe in such Bull crap, these enviro extremists worship the false god of fake science. Nature is TOO PERFECT, resources ARE GOD GIVEN, blessings bestowed upon us by the Creator. Life is a precious gift, children are one of Gods greatest gifts. It is man's responsibility to nurture and raise that child, using the earths resources to feed that child, house it, provide clothing, heat/warmth and safety. So according to these enviro Nazis you cant use wood or stone to build your house, petroleum products for pipes, minerals for wiring. Coal to fire power plants that provide electricity is a No No. You can't feed children milk, dairy products or beef cause bovine flatulence is destroying the earth, instead we have to eat crickets and millworms.

Your responsibility as a PARENT never ends YOU are responsible and will answer to God for the lives you create. And these IDIOTS want a society that abandons that ideal.

That wheel of food products is destroying peoples lives and kids lives, Sugar and salt, bad for your body and overall health thats why we see young people in their 20's with diabetes and heart problems. BUT big Pharma just LOVES that, now they can put them on medication and pump them full of chemicals.

Title: Re: Warning, Everything is Killing Us!!!
Post by: Solar on February 21, 2024, 09:39:04 AM
Quote from: Billy's bayonet on February 17, 2024, 03:12:29 PMGod-less people believe in such Bull crap, these enviro extremists worship the false god of fake science. Nature is TOO PERFECT, resources ARE GOD GIVEN, blessings bestowed upon us by the Creator. Life is a precious gift, children are one of Gods greatest gifts. It is man's responsibility to nurture and raise that child, using the earths resources to feed that child, house it, provide clothing, heat/warmth and safety. So according to these enviro Nazis you cant use wood or stone to build your house, petroleum products for pipes, minerals for wiring. Coal to fire power plants that provide electricity is a No No. You can't feed children milk, dairy products or beef cause bovine flatulence is destroying the earth, instead we have to eat crickets and millworms.

Your responsibility as a PARENT never ends YOU are responsible and will answer to God for the lives you create. And these IDIOTS want a society that abandons that ideal.

That wheel of food products is destroying peoples lives and kids lives, Sugar and salt, bad for your body and overall health thats why we see young people in their 20's with diabetes and heart problems. BUT big Pharma just LOVES that, now they can put them on medication and pump them full of chemicals.

Well stated.
These clowns are the epitome of ignorant Govt sheep.
Though I don't think their numbers are anywhere near what their media wants us to believe, just like polling, they want you to believe half the country  supports Biteme, when in fact, the real numbers are closer to 27%.

It's all smoke and mirrors.