Trump is in......

Started by kroz, June 16, 2015, 09:12:43 AM

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Quote from: supsalemgr on July 28, 2015, 11:48:07 AM
Some excellent points. I also believe Trump is benefiting greatly from the split field. I am of the opinion that his support now is what it will continue to be. I just don't see large numbers of other candidates' voters migrating to Trump as those candidates drop out.

Trump to me is like a three-ring circus.  It was great in it Heyday.  But along came television, now it's cell phones that have become the babysitters of the uninformed voter.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."

kit saginaw

Trump's courting Sarah and Trey... and he's in-touch with Sheriff Joe.

It still may be grandstanding.  But he's grandstanding with the right people in the wings.  Keeping in-mind the secret meeting with Cruz, I dunno...  All I can do is observe. 


Quote from: kit saginaw on July 28, 2015, 03:04:32 PM
Trump's courting Sarah and Trey... and he's in-touch with Sheriff Joe.

It still may be grandstanding.  But he's grandstanding with the right people in the wings.  Keeping in-mind the secret meeting with Cruz, I dunno...  All I can do is observe.
Meh. I'd like Nethan Yahu as my VP as well.
Just courting and dropping names is all it is. Kind of like the Marxist in the WH invoking Reagan.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: red_dirt on July 28, 2015, 09:13:02 AM
Now who is tilting at windmills, Solar? 
That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

QuoteThere sure are a lot of bogus polls out there. Here's a couple  more:
All polls are bogus. Like Kroz pointed out, they can only show trends if the pollsters are consistent with their methodology.

QuoteConservatives handed the Republicans victory in 2010 and 2014. (*Levin)

Incidentally, "over"? It hasn't started yet, in my opinion, just barely started.

QuoteYou aren't saying the media is driving the Trump wagon, are you?
No, but I am, it's blatantly obvious.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on July 28, 2015, 03:39:39 PM
1) That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
2) All polls are bogus. Like Kroz pointed out, they can only show trends if the pollsters are consistent with their methodology.
3) Incidentally, "over"? It hasn't started yet, in my opinion, just barely started.
4)No, but I am, it's blatantly obvious.

1) See #2
2) Support the red statement? The 270 to win poll takers are using what they
say is advanced analysis that is  electoral college based. Some one in New York
gives a conservative response, so what? In fact, I heard a New York conservative interviewed recently. He wished to contribute and make a difference, so he volunteers at a national phone bank. In other words, why waste his time with New York.
3) Why on earth would the media help Trump, if that is what is being suggested? I would think the media would hate Trump, see him as a threat.  Trump is the boy at The Emperor's parade.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 28, 2015, 04:10:56 PM
1) See #2
2) Support the red statement? The 270 to win poll takers are using what they
say is advanced analysis that is  electoral college based. Some one in New York
gives a conservative response, so what? In fact, I heard a New York conservative interviewed recently. He wished to contribute and make a difference, so he volunteers at a national phone bank. In other words, why waste his time with New York.
3) Why on earth would the media help Trump, if that is what is being suggested? I would think the media would hate Trump, see him as a threat.  Trump is the boy at The Emperor's parade.
Pick any poll, they are weighted historically Dim, it's the formula that dates back to when the Dims weren't in power, before FDR.
That alone creates a false premise from which to start. Granted, in the last decade a few have changed the formula, but that merely skews historical results which they base current results against.
Yes, regardless of what you believe, Rasmussen comes closest to reality, yet they are still way off in the end, because asking people who probably won't vote anyway is no reflection in reality.

I explained why the leftists are helping Trump, it is designed to steal away from all the others running, costing them much needed funds to stay relevant.
As well as it's a perfect sleight of hand for the Marxist to get away with even more corruption.
How much have you heard about him on the new lately?
Official Trump Cult Member



Cryptic Bert

Before you take a poll seriously you have to read how the poll breaks down.


Quote from: The Boo Man... on July 28, 2015, 06:53:18 PM
Before you take a poll seriously you have to read how the poll breaks down.
Yep, and I read nearly all the internal stats on how the poll was setup, and almost always the bias is exposed in the first 5 pertinent questions.
It's a hobby, a weird one, I admit, but a still a hobby. :biggrin:
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on July 28, 2015, 07:06:05 PM
Yep, and I read nearly all the internal stats on how the poll was setup, and almost always the bias is exposed in the first 5 pertinent questions.
It's a hobby, a weird one, I admit, but a still a hobby. :biggrin:

I won't presume to know about that.  Your premise, though, has a built in protective device, which is that the polls themselves can influence the outcome, making the RBI stats essentially useless. Add the influence of media bias, and its amazing what the Bush and Rove of this world are capable of accomplishing. But, that's all Skull and Bones territory.  Will be, until the public gets a clue.

That was what my remark about tilting windmills referred to. The idea that since it is all a big sham, what's the point?  At some point, we have to have faith. That's what you are always preaching, anyway, isn't it?


Quote from: red_dirt on July 28, 2015, 07:46:04 PM
I won't presume to know about that.  Your premise, though, has a built in protective device, which is that the polls themselves can influence the outcome, making the RBI stats essentially useless. Add the influence of media bias, and its amazing what the Bush and Rove of this world are capable of accomplishing. But, that's all Skull and Bones territory.  Will be, until the public gets a clue.

That was what my remark about tilting windmills referred to. The idea that since it is all a big sham, what's the point?  At some point, we have to have faith. That's what you are always preaching, anyway, isn't it?
Like you, I too have a mission of exposing fraud at every level of politics, including the Republican party, and until people wake up and realize they're being played, nothing will change.
What you're seeing with Trump is just a side show act in the big media circus, one that will die as fast as it started.

But enjoy the show and see it for what it truly is, entertainment for the masses.
Believe me, the media plays the public like a fine orchestra.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on July 28, 2015, 08:01:01 PM
But enjoy the show and see it for what it truly is, entertainment for the masses.
Believe me, the media plays the public like a fine orchestra.

I'm not that lacking in faith to rule out the possibility that Donald Trump is for real. His concern for this country has been consistent over time. If this is a publicity stunt, like most in the Tea Party seem to think, he sure has gone to a lot of trouble to bring it off.
The attitude is condescending, really. One member of the forum made the claim that he was way smarter than Trump. It is pretty hard to take a comment like that seriously; but then, my comments probably are not taken too seriously, in return.  I'll just watch the "sideshow."


Quote from: Dori on July 28, 2015, 07:46:09 AM
Why would we talk about Jeb and Trump in this thread, when there are dozens of other thread to talk about them? 

Does every thread on this board have to be about the evil RINO's?

Well,they do represent the most immediate danger to the Republic.

Give us a 21st Century Barry Goldwater to rally behind,and watch us jump.

Watch a LOT of people jump to get involved,including a hell of a lot of conservatives that just gave up on voting because their only choices always ended up being a choice between "the globalist/socialist with the D behind his name,or the globalist/socialist with the R behind his name"?

Since we aren't being given any practical choice,it makes sense to spend our time ripping the pretenders apart and shining a little light on their backstabbing and treason. In fact,doing this is the only real strategy we have that has any chance of changing things.


Quote from: kroz on July 28, 2015, 11:07:45 AM
I think the media is inadvertently driving up Trump's poll numbers. 

Of course they are. Their goal is to always trick to pick the looniest Republican candidate that they can find and puff him or her up as the "saving light of the Republican Party,and a true Republican" in order to poison the well of valid candidates that might actually have a chance of toppling the regime.

Conservative voters traditionally fall in line behind these false flag "conservatives" because "they are saying what needs to be said" while ignoring the fact they are babbling a lot of nonsense that doesn't need to be said. Then it comes to nut-cutting time,and the Perots and the Trumps fade off into the distance,the conservative voters who had gained hope and had stars in their eyes get disgusted,and stay home and don't vote because "Surprize,SURPRIZE! It's boiled down to another Bush!" because the circus carney sucked up all the attention and no actual conservative could ever gain enough traction to make it past the first debate.

Gee,who could see THAT coming?

Donald Trump is as smart as Joe Biden,and as  honest as Goober Gore. If he hadn't been born into wealth and NYC social circles,he would be lucky to have a job as a salesman on a small used car lot.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 28, 2015, 10:52:24 PM
I'm not that lacking in faith to rule out the possibility that Donald Trump is for real. His concern for this country has been consistent over time. If this is a publicity stunt, like most in the Tea Party seem to think, he sure has gone to a lot of trouble to bring it off.
The attitude is condescending, really. One member of the forum made the claim that he was way smarter than Trump. It is pretty hard to take a comment like that seriously; but then, my comments probably are not taken too seriously, in return.  I'll just watch the "sideshow."

What makes you think Trump is so smart? Is it the fact that he was smart enough to be born with a 12 million dollar trust fund that was turned over to him when he was 21,smart enough to inherit a successful 2 generation real estate empire that he ran into bankruptcy,or is the only man in all of known history who managed to run a freaking gambling casino into bankruptcy?

If Trump  had not been born sliding into home plate,the BEST he could hope for would be to be a used car salesman on a small 2 man  used car lot.


Quote from: sneakypete on July 29, 2015, 02:04:49 AM
Donald Trump is as smart as Joe Biden,and as  honest as Goober Gore. If he hadn't been born into wealth and NYC social circles,he would be lucky to have a job as a salesman on a small used car lot.

Haberdasher Harry S Truman, anyone....?  The man rises to the occasion.