Trump is in......

Started by kroz, June 16, 2015, 09:12:43 AM

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Quote from: darroll on July 22, 2015, 10:14:20 AM
Trump is in it for a cash payoff................

Cash buyouts are his life. Everything revolves around them. He is obsessed with having more than anyone else.


Glenn to Donald, "How about a high profile feud?
Donald to Glenn, "No deal."

That well might have been the message from conservative talk titan Glenn Beck, whose radio offerings have lately been little more than two hours of wisecracks and guffaws by what appears college buddies on a roll. Though Glenn, himself, has been on medical leave, resting his vocal chords, they say, it's pretty obvious that Beck has run out of steam. Either that, or made his money. Whatever the case, this morning, the Beck show announced it was calling off its high energy provocation of Donald Trump.

Goodness knows, had Trump taken the bait, it might have worked out well for The Blaze and the Blaze Network, once a property as hot as the name, but who lately seem to have sunk into parallel irrelevance, overtaken by competition such as Breitbart, Freedom Works, and several others who have found success in the niche, leaving Beck and the Blaze to mine the leftovers somewhere between Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and the Home School Network.

Trump, meanwhile, seems to have found a niche of his own, as he busies himself with the prospect of thinning the GOP primary field, having taken shots at Rick Perry, Lindsay Graham, and just about anyone associated with John McCain. To the delight of his followers, Trump seems to have resurrected the personality of conservative Republican the late William Loeb, editor of the Manchester, New Hampshire, Union Leader, who for years kept readers amused with lowball shots at candidates of both parties, but especially Republican ones, his own party.

Sorry, Glenn. Not this time. Unlike most of talk radio and the media, Trump's followers show no signs of reining in the horse. To the contrary, the followers appear to be going to the crop.


I pose a question. Trumps seems to be taking shots at RINO's. Is he doing this to help conservatives or trying to be king of the Rino's?
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Quote from: supsalemgr on July 22, 2015, 01:53:19 PM
I pose a question. Trumps seems to be taking shots at RINO's. Is he doing this to help conservatives or trying to be king of the Rino's?

I think he is playing to the conservative base right now.  He is taking the low hanging fruit first.... weak RINOs


His first broadside was at Amnesty and Open Border supporters.  That would pretty well cut the field in half, leaving Cruz, Walker, Jindahl, Fiorina, Huckabee, and a handful of  others. Not sure where Bush stands. Probably an open border man, like his brother.


Quote from: sneakypete on July 22, 2015, 01:07:59 PM
Cash buyouts are his life. Everything revolves around them. He is obsessed with having more than anyone else.
If I had a trillion, I would not try and bribe Trump. Now he might make the person famous who tried to offer buyouts.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 22, 2015, 03:57:59 PM
His first broadside was at Amnesty and Open Border supporters.  That would pretty well cut the field in half, leaving Cruz, Walker, Jindahl, Fiorina, Huckabee, and a handful of  others. Not sure where Bush stands. Probably an open border man, like his brother.
Bush may beef up criminal alien deportation but he is pro amnesty! All the attacks Trump has made are directed at the Bush and Graham camps! Even the swipe at McCain! (Graham is his lap dog) As of now it helps the conservatives if Trump can knock them down a bit! I am still convinced that he has alternate goals and an exit strategy!
Biggest worry I would have is if he though his support behind his admitted buddy Krusty!

Cryptic Bert

Trump is in......

A world of his own..

Billy's bayonet

Quote from: carlb on July 22, 2015, 09:46:50 AM
So you're still WONDERING, and don't KNOW.

The Dems employed the same tactic to undermine Romney. Can ANY large business owner guarantee something like that? I think not under our current system.

Dont you find it a Tad disingenuous or perhaps even hypocritical, after blasting the RINO's for their shamnesty policy then he pretends he doesn't even know his construction crews might have an illegal or two..... or a few hundred.....I mean in my eyes Trump has done more to facilitate illegals coming to the US with such magnet and he damn well knows it.

If he were the real deal he'd have a standing order about no Illegals, legals only and written into his contracts. Under some proposals Trump could get fined or jailed if caught hiring illegals....isn't that one of the planks in the platform of immigration reform that conservatives persons or firms hiring illegals to be fined or in some cases jailed.
Evil operates best when under a disguise





Quote from: keyboarder on July 21, 2015, 06:41:50 PM
This incident aired on our local WORD cons radio station this afternoon.  i almost fell out laughing at Vince Copley who was the emcee.  He got money penny (an aide) to call the number that Graham gave him.  The phone was answered (not changed after all these years) by answering machine and the mail box was full.  Bet that number will be changed tomorrow.  I also bet that Graham won't take any more pot shots at Trump either.    :biggrin: :biggrin:

I stand corrected, again.  Did anyone see the video of Graham trashing his cell phone in response to Trump having given his telephone number out to AMERICA?

Imagine that!  Graham should be too busy reading over the terms of that "Iran Deal" to be acting like such a child with Trump.  Maybe he knows that he is going to go along with the deal so he's got time to play these silly games.    If so, Trump was right, Graham is an idiot!
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes


Quote from: Billy's bayonet on July 22, 2015, 05:28:36 PM
Dont you find it a Tad disingenuous or perhaps even hypocritical, after blasting the RINO's for their shamnesty policy then he pretends he doesn't even know his construction crews might have an illegal or two..... or a few hundred.....I mean in my eyes Trump has done more to facilitate illegals coming to the US with such magnet and he damn well knows it.

If he were the real deal he'd have a standing order about no Illegals, legals only and written into his contracts. Under some proposals Trump could get fined or jailed if caught hiring illegals....isn't that one of the planks in the platform of immigration reform that conservatives persons or firms hiring illegals to be fined or in some cases jailed.
Does Trump hire construction companies or have his own? You really think he can watch all the sub contractor crews?


Quote from: red_dirt on July 22, 2015, 03:57:59 PM
His first broadside was at Amnesty and Open Border supporters.  That would pretty well cut the field in half, leaving Cruz, Walker, Jindahl, Fiorina, Huckabee, and a handful of  others. Not sure where Bush stands. Probably an open border man, like his brother.

He's worse than his brother on ILLEGAL immigration. He seems more a part of their culture than the AMERICAN culture.


Quote from: carlb on July 23, 2015, 01:56:39 AM
He's worse than his brother on ILLEGAL immigration. He seems more a part of their culture than the AMERICAN culture.

You say that, carlb, with a soft sell, which is the way to approach it. It makes me wonder though if you might not have been looking into some of the same nooks and crannies of investigation into the global power of politics that I have.

There seems another side of the Bush organization, one that is overlooked but by no means invisible.


While Republican frontrunner Donald Trump gleefully attacks members of the GOP Establishment and media, the GOP Establishment seem to believe it's a good idea to run to the mainstream media and attack Republican voters.

First Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)43%
ran to the Left-wing New Yorker to attack 15,000 GOP base voters as "crazies." Wednesday, the GOP Establishment went even further.

Rick Wilson, a top Establishment Republican message and media strategist ran to Politico to attack Trump's supporters as "clowns."

So who are the real clowns here?  Do they not realize that they are driving throngs of people toward Trump?

The more war there is between Trump and the Establishment, the more popular Trump becomes!


Quote from: kroz on July 23, 2015, 06:19:20 AM
The more war there is between Trump and the Establishment, the more popular Trump becomes!

He certainly is tapping into something.  He just throws it out there, unscripted, and doesn't back down. 

It would do some of our "polite" candidates to take note of that.  Christie used to be a little that way, but even he seems to have mellowed out. 
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.