Trump is in......

Started by kroz, June 16, 2015, 09:12:43 AM

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Trump is keeping the border issue alive and probably will draw thousands to his appearance in Phoenix....

The more the Establishment tells him to "cool it" on immigration.... the more voters he will get!


Trump had the nerve of suggesting that everyone who wades across the border are not nice people.  He ran afoul of those millions of Americans who would like to believe those illegals are all nice people. You know, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Professional politicians know better than to offend the sensibilities of those politically correct Americans. After all, there are millions of them.   :biggrin:

Cryptic Bert

The MSM is trying ti use Trump against the rest of the GOP field. Cruz saw it coming. The rest need to man up


There are MILLIONS MORE that recognize that this ILLEGAL INVASION/COLONIZATION is America's greatest threat. That's why Trump has the appeal he has.

BTW, he never said EVERYONE. That's an old Demonrat trick.

Quote from: red_dirt on July 10, 2015, 08:32:56 PM
Trump had the nerve of suggesting that everyone who wades across the border are not nice people.  He ran afoul of those millions of Americans who would like to believe those illegals are all nice people. You know, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Professional politicians know better than to offend the sensibilities of those politically correct Americans. After all, there are millions of them.   :biggrin:


Quote from: carlb on July 11, 2015, 05:35:25 AM
BTW, he never said EVERYONE. That's an old Demonrat trick.

That's right. They know two things. One, most Democrats can and will finish the sentence for them before it's gone half way.  Two, even those rare Democrats capable of absorbing a complete thought lack the capacity to process the information therein to any sensible response.

So, debate is cut off before it begins. Notice Trump's concern is with Mexico, it's leaders, and inept American leadership.  The media quickly translated that into an insult to the Mexican people. Look, I have lived all my life around "Mexicans." Yes, they are becoming more intermarried, but I can still tell a Mexican. These people doing the crimes (all I see is the mug shots and the prison documentaries) they are not Mexicans. They are some other breed, like Hondurans or Guatamalans. I don't know, it is hard to tell beneath all those tattoos.


Los Angeles PD's Most Wanted (From an Ann Coulter Column on Illegal Immigration):

QuoteHere is the Los Angeles Police Department's list of "Most Wanted" criminal suspects:

-- Jesse Enrique Monarrez (murder),

-- Cesar Augusto Nistal (child molestation),

-- Jose A. Padilla (murder),

-- Demecio Carlos Perez (murder),

-- Ramon Reyes, (robbery and murder),

-- Victor Vargas (murder),

-- Ruben Villa (murder)

The full "Most Wanted" list doesn't get any better.

QuoteNo wonder the media is sputtering at Trump. He broke the embargo on unpleasant facts about what our immigration policies are doing to the country.



QuoteWhen Donald Trump said something not exuberantly enthusiastic about Mexican immigrants, the media's response was to boycott him. One thing they didn't do was produce any facts showing he was wrong.

Not only that they did not quote every thing he said like always, when it does not fit their agenda.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


90% of ALL politicians, corporations, and the media don't have America's best interest in mind. Every murder, every rape, every home invasion committed by ILLEGALS is the responsibility of those allowing/importing these people. Obama has the blood of each of these AMERICAN victims on his hands.

kit saginaw

Quote from: red_dirt on July 11, 2015, 09:59:02 AM
Notice Trump's concern is with Mexico, it's leaders, and inept American leadership.  The media quickly translated that into an insult to the Mexican people.

What's the media gonna say about Mexican 'leaders' now, in the aftermath of Cartel-kingpin Chap Guzman's escape from 'maximum security' prison for the SECOND time... ?

So far we're just hearing the he should've been imprisoned in the US semi-dodge...  The media certainly won't impune Mexican Government-officials.


Bypass Immigration, bypass assimilation.

From day one, when the Puritans  landed at Plymouth and signed the Mayflower Compact, joining the colony that would one day give birth to the USA and its Constitution, people joining the USA went through some kind of a process that affirmed loyalty to the nation and acceptance of its laws. But with two notable exceptions, former slaves and illegal crossings.

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and Congressional Amnesty are alike and different in two separate ways: alike in that they both grant citizenship.
Different in that unlike every measure preceding them, back to the Mayflower Compact, neither order requires ir required any agreement in return.


A third category that presents a problem with the immigration/assimilation  syndrome is comprised of those who have and never had any intention of assimilating, even obeying the law, but who will say or have said whatever it took to satisfy the officials, fingers crossed behind their backs.

Now, just as some of America's most patriotic citizens are descended from former slaves, crossed fingers or illegal crossings. Especially in the cases of veterans who have taken the enlistment oath, there can be no question that an agreement is in place.   The point is that no initial Compact was ever signed. This leaves the door open to one such as Farrakhan, and others who can say that, basically, they are here against their will. That, incidentally, is why we have Liberia.

This discussion cannot account for citizens whose ancestors came here in agreement but who, over time, have been persuaded to a different set of rules, say communism or Islam.

Refugees? Well, there can be an argument that there was no choice. In the cases of refugees, a temporary status is usually granted. When the problem at home has been resolved in their favor, normally one might think there would be a period of choice, especially when children are involved. Refugees are a special status. An especially unusual status would be granted, in the public mind, at least, to make-believe refugees who are either here as hidden members of organized crime, for narcotics trafficking as an example,  or for the purposes of international political subversion, such as communists.


Trans Pacific Trade Agreement

America Distracted

So, now, the Bank of England, after twenty diligent years, has finally closed the deal.  While America was distracted by Caitlyn Jenner, the Charleston "shooting," and the Confederate Flag, the Central Banks, through TPA, finally have the legislation to commit the USA to the European Union and Asian Trade.  As a stipulation, the American presidency has been granted dictatorial powers, which will come in handy in the administration of closet Vatican agent , JEB Bush. We now have our UN government, Vatican and Moslem partnership, one vote of twelve. Where was the Protestant American business establishment? Oh, arguing about gay wedding cakes,  :lol:  That, and striking the next Taiwanese deal.

A Joint Leftist Effort

American black puppets, you know, really solid folks like the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam,  did their part. Now, watch the administration act like they've never heard of 'em.

My question concerns Donald Trump. Considering the timing, and the certain association with the Goldman Sachs and the rest of the central banks, was he or wasn't he?  Remember folks, this TPA is probably the most significant piece of legislation in 50 years, NAFTA and GATT included. You don't get the Jesuit Pope's attention with a tariff dispute. The Pope told American Catholics, in so many words, "stand down, do not resist." Independent thinkers we know they are, Catholics went along. As time goes on, we will see just how big this really is, just as we learned how big a wolf in sheep's clothing NAFTA really is.

If I have to spell it out, the Third World and the Moslem UN just cut themselves in on the American economy. Well, I guess all things considered, it was inevitable, taking American expansion into consideration. Still...the overall picture is troubling, especially considering the leftward drift of America.

To keep the left happy, we caved to Iran, big time.
My guess is that the Iranian deal served a dual purpose. One, it serves the Democratic left (Obama) interest in weakening America and furthering the Cloward Piven. (Notice how cleverly they used the White House and the media in Baltimore, Ferguson, and others in the orchestra,  to step up anti-white prejudice) and two, serving the GOP, brought us closer to WWIII, which is the goal,  and closer to  nuclear attacks on Israel and the USA.  Incidentally, Iran already has a nuclear warhead they bought from Russia. Not making this up, folks, listen to your Generals, if you can find an honest one.

Bottom line, Cruz voted for it, as did the rest of the GOP.

Oh, hell, let's go back to talking about the confederate flag. Way more interesting than all this international intrigue.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 15, 2015, 04:43:38 PM

Bottom line, Cruz voted for it, as did the rest of the GOP.

Oh, hell, let's go back to talking about the confederate flag. Way more interesting than all this international intrigue.
Not really following your point here, Cruz did not vote for it as you stated..
Official Trump Cult Member