Trump is in......

Started by kroz, June 16, 2015, 09:12:43 AM

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The only kudos I'll give to Trump is he could teach other rich people how to raise children the right way.  Somehow he seemed to get that part right.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Solar on June 16, 2015, 06:28:28 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Toy said it was really good, but like you, I too recognize Trump for the showman he is.
On substance it was very good but his delivery sucks. He needs a speech writer! He was all over the map. It was like anything that came into his head! However! He did hit on a lot of major points that will resonate with the right wing!


Quote from: redbeard on June 16, 2015, 06:38:45 PM
On substance it was very good but his delivery sucks. He needs a speech writer! He was all over the map. It was like anything that came into his head! However! He did hit on a lot of major points that will resonate with the right wing!

You are right about that redbeard.  That is exactly the way I felt about the speech.  He hit some strong points that rang true...... but it was hard to get past his ego!  He will push the envelope and try to drive the race.... leaving everyone else in his wake.....   :ohmy:


Quote from: kroz on June 16, 2015, 07:22:57 PM
You are right about that redbeard.  That is exactly the way I felt about the speech.  He hit some strong points that rang true...... but it was hard to get past his ego!  He will push the envelope and try to drive the race.... leaving everyone else in his wake.....   :ohmy:
The really big question is who will this help and who will it hurt? I think his entering will really stir the pot. It is going to be a very interesting summer! :popcorn: :popcorn:



Quote from: taxed on June 16, 2015, 03:02:51 PM
I just think he's full of crap.  I really do think he's a phony, but I could be wrong.

You want phoney?  How about university administrators, that is, State authorities, Regents, College Presidents, the whole nine yards, opting for open carry on campus as if it is some kind of badge of courage, when, the truth is, strip away their phoniness, the whole gang of them should be run out of their offices by angry citizens.
The problem people have with Trump is that people know he would ask the question, "Do we have a problem, here? And if so, what is that problem." Thus opening the discussion, the corrective action would then commence to be designed.
Oh, yeah, a real phoney, compared to the real ones out there who take the advice of their consultants who tell them, "You wanna win? Then shut your mouth and read what we hand you." That's the strategy of a real man, like Obongorama.


Under "That's the spirit!"......


Well, he definitely adds a lot of fire to the mix.

Whether you like him or not, he will ratchet up the frequency and tenor of the campaign.

But the suggestion that he might pick Oprah as his veep will cost him the conservative vote.

It sounds like he may be running as a democrat in the GOP to effectively kill the GOP forever.


Quote from: kroz on June 17, 2015, 04:06:40 AM
Well, he definitely adds a lot of fire to the mix.

Whether you like him or not, he will ratchet up the frequency and tenor of the campaign.

But the suggestion that he might pick Oprah as his veep will cost him the conservative vote.

It sounds like he may be running as a democrat in the GOP to effectively kill the GOP forever.

Thus far his optics have been off on several counts, beginning with his DESCENT on an escalator and his repeated references to his wealth. Compound that with his repeated mentions of how he knows (and has hired) some of the very best lobbyists, and in the same speech assures us lobbyists will have no impact on any decisions.

He did break the record for lengthy candidacy-announcement speeches, at 45:30 or so, and speaking of optics...viewers got distant shots of the Trump family and entourage (almost hidden in an antechamber and blocked by the crowd and not the more-expected flattering, staged shots).

I mean, he can't spare at least enough space on-stage for his prospective First Lady (pursuant to New York State divorce prenuptuals, etc.)......? Sheesh. These billionaires are SOMETHING!  :rolleyes:

National Review OnLine writer Keven Williamson cracks, "Witless Ape Rides Escalator." But elsewhere in the same e-edition is how the GOP's CPAC crowd are definitely cool to Trump entering the race....

And one more "overnight" on the topic in this New York Daily News editorial: "America's Naked Cowboy: Resisting the urge to take Donald Trump Seriously as a Presidential candidate"....


Well, he somewhat debunked the Oprah as veep statement this morning on Fox.

Apparently he was asked about the possibility by an ABC interviewer and he acknowledged her friendship.  But he claims he was never serious about putting her on the ticket with him.

Sounds like he may have been sucked into his first of many gaffs! 


I think he has about much chance as B. Sanders has on the other side to get the nomination.



Quote from: JD on June 17, 2015, 05:29:29 AM
I think he has about much chance as B. Sanders has on the other side to get the nomination.


It is, however, reason enough to reintroduce the Trump board game!  :thumbsup:


Official Trump Cult Member




Jon Stewart considers this the blessing of all comedy blessings as he prepares to (mercifully) wrap up his liberals'-infomercial. Fair enough. We don't often get this boldly anti-big-money in such PERSONAL terms. Most of the losers running for the job are, after all, merely millionaires. Failures one and all compared to Trump's net worth.

I think I mentioned: there's no faster way to lose a fortune than get involved in politics. It's his to waste and our national future at stake once his Perot-factor entry finally kicks in.