Trump is in......

Started by kroz, June 16, 2015, 09:12:43 AM

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RINOs Romney, Rubio and Bush are ganging up against Trump on the immigration issue.....

I might add that Cruz has stood up for Trump on this!

So a full fledged war seems to be breaking out within the party!!!


Rubio, and most others (including Rand Paul) have always been friendly to the invasion of ILLEGALS.


Quote from: carlb on July 04, 2015, 04:24:39 PM
Rubio, and most others (including Rand Paul) have always been friendly to the invasion of ILLEGALS.

It is good that a delineated choice is available to the voters.  I do not count Trump as a conservative, but I certainly count Ted as a conservative.  The other conservatives are too timid to make a stand on this issue!

Anything to put down the RINOs!


Quote from: kroz on July 04, 2015, 04:29:16 PM
It is good that a delineated choice is available to the voters.  I do not count Trump as a conservative, but I certainly count Ted as a conservative.  The other conservatives are too timid to make a stand on this issue!

Anything to put down the RINOs!
Good description, a line of delineation, a clear and evident way in distinguishing the Establishment from Conservatives.
Well, the LSM has accidentally done TEA a favor for a change, I'm sure they're kicking themselves in the ass for attacking Trump the way they did.

And you're right, he's no Conservative. It's not Trump the individual, it's his message of speaking the truth and having the balls in not backing down to Leftist pressure of PC BS.
Official Trump Cult Member



Cryptic Bert

Trump is in....

The media again. I sometimes wonder if that is all he cares about.


I just checked the news.  Trump is still in????  Why has he not dropped yet?  This whole thing is just odd.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: The Boo Man... on July 04, 2015, 07:38:50 PM
Trump is in....

The media again. I sometimes wonder if that is all he cares about.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: The Boo Man... on July 04, 2015, 07:38:50 PM
Trump is in.... The media again. I sometimes wonder if that is all he cares about.

I doubt it. He is really not saying anything that people in his position haven't been saying since the 1980's, when this whole global trade and federal deficit spending really broke out.  It is important to qualify "people in his position" as opposed to corporate officers and employers.  When Trump makes a deal, that deal must largely stand on its own merits. He doesn't have the Congress and Treasury to provide emergency support.

Now, in my work, I had occasion to relate on what amounts to a personal basis with maybe six entrepreneurs in different fields of Asian trade.  Remember the build up of the Asian Rim, the Seven Tigers? Many Americans got in on that development and made a lot of money, still do. I knew a handful of them. Now, at that time, especially, no one was of a mind to annoy the US Congress. These concerns were not shouted out loud, but they were the same concerns Trump is now voicing.  Such as, one, trading "partners" who will sell you anything, but buy from you nothing. Two, artificial currency controls to insure a trade advantage. Believe me, I could go on and on.

No, Trump is for real. In his circles, it is not unusual to hear America is getting screwed. What is unreal is the timidity of the American public, especially the conservative class.  Many of Trump's fans are regular guys, workers, businessmen. Very few official Washington. Cruz is sympathetic.

I am coming to believe that Americans suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. Trump is going after the very things that are destroying us. We have become so enamored of and sympathetic to our destroyers that we defend them against criticism. The Trump group is aware of this. Remember how he pressured Obama into releasing a forgery?
He's good. He's rich. He cares, more than we know.

I'd like to be there when Hillary starts making fun of Trump. Better yet, a one on one debate on national TV.  But don't expect the press to follow up. The Party bosses have already told them not to, but get Trump.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 04, 2015, 10:45:57 AM
Looking for a spook under every rock, are you, Quiller, or still riding that old tide of political correctness to invoke suggestions of innuendo and implication? Either way, you get rid of the Sharptons, Jacksons, and Clintons by either voting them out or bringing down the State's Attorney, both of which are actually in full gear, maybe you have read, with all three.  You thought I was referring to assassination?  Dear boy, go back to Netflix, NBC,  and Democratic Underground.
Straw-man argument much, saying I'm from the DUmp, or I'm politically correct?



I think all this is good for the GOP. It is putting the subject on the table and the normal RINO way of ignoring a subject is absent. Trump has told the truth about what is happening. Now the GOP will eventually land on a good answer which will include securing the border and that is important.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Quote from: quiller on July 05, 2015, 02:54:04 AM
Straw-man argument much, saying I'm from the DUmp, or I'm politically correct?

I don't know about a straw man argument, Quiller, but if that was not the implication, that is, the implication that "getting rid of" implied something evil, like a murder, then you are free to say so.  Look again at your post. It's full of warped paranoid conclusions, the most outrageous being that I said that he said stuff about killing people. Those are exactly the kinds of things being done by the left. You can be an over the top Trump hater and still be a conservative, as you have demonstrated.
My bad suggesting you might have been influenced by the DU. I should never have looked at that web site.

Continuing on the subject of Donald Trump, on the theme that most of his stated concerns are nothing new to educated circles, we find Donald expresses serious anger on the subject of the national debt. And well he should. Let's not go around thinking he's pulling this concern out  of his hat for something like media attention. I can understand shock and awe at what Washington has been doing for the past fifty years. I can't hack laying back and enjoying it, or shooting the messenger.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 05, 2015, 05:29:06 AM
Look again at your post. It's full of warped paranoid conclusions, the most outrageous being that I said that he said stuff about killing people. Those are exactly the kinds of things being done by the left. You can be an over the top Trump hater and still be a conservative, as you have demonstrated.

Another course-correction here. I am not a Trump hater. I am not a Trump supporter. And in my world around Detroit, when you say get rid of, OF COURSE you ask the speaker if that's what they meant.

My bad suggesting you might have been influenced by the DU. I should never have looked at that web site.
Demozombie Underbelly™ is an open sewer, the toilet of the Internet, infested by serial masturbators, mental defectives and simpletons not older than pre-school. It is a syphilitic chancre in need of a cure.


Quote from: quiller on July 05, 2015, 05:40:17 AM
Another course-correction here. I am not a Trump hater. I am not a Trump supporter. And in my world around Detroit, when you say get rid of, OF COURSE you ask the speaker if that's what they meant.
Demozombie Underbelly™ is an open sewer, the toilet of the Internet, infested by serial masturbators, mental defectives and simpletons not older than pre-school. It is a syphilitic chancre in need of a cure.

I'm glad to know that's your position. I'm from the nother world. When we mean kill, that is what we say. And it rarely, if ever,  happens.



"Wow, Huffington Post just stated that I am number one in the polls of Republican candidates," the brash billionaire bragged as the week closed, citing the liberal media outlet that has been a platform for many of the strongest attacks on him. "Thank you, but the work has just begun!"

Mr Trump was touting his first place in an average of 105 polls. Of the 14 candidates who have declared, Trump topped the field with 13.6 per cent support to 13.3 per cent for Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and son and brother of two past presidents.
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.


Quote from: Dori on July 05, 2015, 06:38:22 AM

"Wow, Huffington Post just stated that I am number one in the polls of Republican candidates," the brash billionaire bragged as the week closed, citing the liberal media outlet that has been a platform for many of the strongest attacks on him. "Thank you, but the work has just begun!"

Mr Trump was touting his first place in an average of 105 polls. Of the 14 candidates who have declared, Trump topped the field with 13.6 per cent support to 13.3 per cent for Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and son and brother of two past presidents.

That IS amazing.  But I am not sure I believe it!