Treasonous Russian uranium deal - or are they trying to play us?

Started by taxed, April 26, 2015, 11:42:38 AM

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Looks like Brent Bozell gets it as well.

MRC's Bozell: News Media Have Become 'Radicalized' and 'Marginalized'

NEIL CAVUTO: The government does this, the government can do that. Is the media simply too busy kissing up to the government to objectively cover the government? Because the media itself is now one of the least trusted institutions, second only to Congress. That's according to at least one recent poll. Media watchers Brent Bozell and Lauren Ashburn say that the fourth estate stopped being the government's watchdog decades ago. Well, Brent, it's very interesting to me that, despite all of that, it's like the media wants double down on this faith in government and question those who would dare question government.

BRENT BOZELL: Yeah, isn't it incredible that their response to being marginalized is to be even more marginalized. They've become so radicalized. We've seen something in the last two years that I frankly hadn't seen before: This -- since 2008, I should say -- this commitment, this deliberate commitment not to report news if it harms the narrative of the left. This is not one example, this is not two examples, I can give you 20 examples. As a matter of fact, you and I have talked about this many times on your show. They are deliberately not reporting news.

BOZELL: They have not gotten to the bottom of a single one of the Obama scandals. They did not get to the bottom of a single one of the Clinton scandals [in the 1990s]. Just think about their coverage of watergate and Nixon where they would not let go until they'd gotten to the bottom of it. Now look at the IRS, look at Benghazi, look at the VA, look at so many scandals -- they've been dropped. This one, this Clinton one, will be dropped as well.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: wally on May 10, 2015, 05:27:29 AM
And...for God'ssake, tear down all those Che Guevarra posters!
:lol: :lol: 

They'll probably steal the walls and flooring on their way out. And the Oval Office, intact. Something for Hussein's library in Chicago.


Quote from: quiller on May 10, 2015, 10:34:50 AM
:lol: :lol: 

They'll probably steal the walls and flooring on their way out. And the Oval Office, intact. Something for Hussein's library in Chicago.
What makes you BELIEVE that Hussain will settle for a Presidential Libray in Chicago.  He probably has his sights set on taking over some large iconic Federal Building in Washington, DC (no doubt, seiezed by Executive Order, under his interpretation of emminant domain). 

This place might due...if he can figure out what to do with everything he might considerr "junk" (like the Bust of Sir Winston Churchill)
The press is our chief ideological weapon.
~ Nikita Khrushchev

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

~Ronald Reagan


Quote from: wally on May 13, 2015, 08:53:56 AM
What makes you BELIEVE that Hussain will settle for a Presidential Libray in Chicago.  He probably has his sights set on taking over some large iconic Federal Building in Washington, DC (no doubt, seiezed by Executive Order, under his interpretation of emminant domain). 

This place might due...if he can figure out what to do with everything he might considerr "junk" (like the Bust of Sir Winston Churchill)

If he plans to retire in Honolulu, I would expect his library to be there.  No?

He would be walking by each day to see his glorious reflection in the glass walls!   :lol:


Quote from: kroz on May 13, 2015, 08:58:24 AM
If he plans to retire in Honolulu, I would expect his library to be there.  No?

He would be walking by each day to see his glorious reflection in the glass walls!   :lol:
According to Rush, Obama has stated that he intends to remain in Washington, D.C. after the end of his term.  I'm sure you recall "the office of the President-elect" and the media's attention to him, while Bush was still POTUS.  Obama will be 'historic' in another way.  He will bring the shadow goverment of the Democrat Party into the Daylight, as the Shadow goverment of the next President!   You know, the media will be seeking his comment about everything and anything, including but not limed to; all the next President and his administration does and all that the next President and his administration doesn't do.
The press is our chief ideological weapon.
~ Nikita Khrushchev

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

~Ronald Reagan


Quote from: wally on May 13, 2015, 01:16:29 PM
According to Rush, Obama has stated that he intends to remain in Washington, D.C. after the end of his term.  I'm sure you recall "the office of the President-elect" and the media's attention to him, while Bush was still POTUS.  Obama will be 'historic' in another way.  He will bring the shadow goverment of the Democrat Party into the Daylight, as the Shadow goverment of the next President!   You know, the media will be seeking his comment about everything and anything, including but not limed to; all the next President and his administration does and all that the next President and his administration doesn't do.

I suspect the Nation may grow weary of Obama's opinion on almost anything after he leaves office.  He has burned his bridges and the Nation is eager to move on.

He would be a squeaky wheel that becomes a real source of irritation.


Quote from: kroz on May 13, 2015, 02:26:17 PM
I suspect the Nation may grow weary of Obama's opinion on almost anything after he leaves office.  He has burned his bridges and the Nation is eager to move on.

He would be a squeaky wheel that becomes a real source of irritation.
Nonetheless, this won't deter this arrogant, narcissitic POS (when he's a former POTUS).  The Libs will still love him like he's a combination Oprah, John Stewart and Brian Willams...He'll get a lot of free air time and big buck "speaking engagements"....

Sure, the Main event will be in the three ring circus we call our Federal Goverment...But, what the hell, even PT Barnum made a fair buck charging money for people to see the Geeks in his sideshow!
The press is our chief ideological weapon.
~ Nikita Khrushchev

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

~Ronald Reagan


Quote from: wally on May 13, 2015, 08:53:56 AM
What makes you BELIEVE that Hussain will settle for a Presidential Libray in Chicago.  He probably has his sights set on taking over some large iconic Federal Building in Washington, DC (no doubt, seiezed by Executive Order, under his interpretation of emminant domain). 

This place might due...if he can figure out what to do with everything he might considerr "junk" (like the Bust of Sir Winston Churchill)

Sorry to report this, Chief, but the library will be built somewhere in south Chicago (where our Community Organizer in chief first started sucking in the bucks and began his climb to national disgrace). (I know, it's CNN, but dang, this was all over the place.....)

Wherever it gets picked there will be widespread gentrification, displacement of the poor this pious fraud purported to serve, and relative media silence on where did Chicago's homeless and poor all go, making way for such wonderful fiction as his Presidency.


Quote from: kroz on May 13, 2015, 02:26:17 PM
I suspect the Nation may grow weary of Obama's opinion on almost anything after he leaves office.  He has burned his bridges and the Nation is eager to move on.

He would be a squeaky wheel that becomes a real source of irritation.

If the media gives him the same level of coverage as they are for George W. Bush, I for one would be only occasionally apoplectic instead of continually furious as I was waiting for gas in Carter's term, or today, watching gas prices soar under Obama simply because.


Quote from: quiller on May 14, 2015, 08:07:19 AM
If the media gives him the same level of coverage as they are for George W. Bush, I for one would be only occasionally apoplectic instead of continually furious as I was waiting for gas in Carter's term, or today, watching gas prices soar under Obama simply because.

I was living in Arabia during Carter's tenure but was seeing first hand his foreign diplomacy failures!!

He was a big ZERO on the international stage.  The Middle East disliked him only marginally less than Obama!


Quote from: kroz on May 14, 2015, 08:15:26 AM
I was living in Arabia during Carter's tenure but was seeing first hand his foreign diplomacy failures!!

He was a big ZERO on the international stage.  The Middle East disliked him only marginally less than Obama!

Jiminy Peanut, JAW-gia's disgrace when I was stationed there and saw what that fool got ruined while at the state level. Six seconds after leaving, a 444-day nightmare ended for our hostages and America's White House got back its spine.


Quote from: quiller on May 14, 2015, 08:59:11 AM
Jiminy Peanut, JAW-gia's disgrace when I was stationed there and saw what that fool got ruined while at the state level. Six seconds after leaving, a 444-day nightmare ended for our hostages and America's White House got back its spine.

I expect the same thing to happen six seconds after Obama's departure!!

We will be experiencing whiplash from the immediate impact!


Fox News online...

Clinton Foundation donor flails in interview - WashEx: "A major Clinton Foundation donor who stood to profit immensely from the highly scrutinized takeover of Uranium One by the Russian government struggled to explain his involvement with the charity under questioning Tuesday. Frank Holmes, one of several investors cited in a New York Times article about the deal, attempted to dismiss allegations that he had donated to the Clinton Foundation in an effort to secure Hillary Clinton's approval for the 2010 transaction during an interview on CNBC's 'Squawk Box.' Several of his claims directly contradicted statements that flashed on the screen while he was speaking. A fact box on the screen indicated U.S. Global Investors, of which Holmes is CEO, held $4.7 million in shares of Uranium during the first quarter of 2011. But Holmes said his company was 'long gone before 2008.'"


The Clinton Foundation is bound to be in the news for the next 18 months.

I heard this week that a very rare resubmission under the Freedom of Information Act was made concerning the Clinton emails. If I am hearing this right, it is very unusual to have a request entered after the first was unsuccessful.  You don't suppose this means that someone has gotten a hold of the emails?  Fun to dream.

It is hard to believe that with all the snoops in government and with Hillary's questionable character, that somewhere along the line, some security conscious official would not order that server tapped. Everyone in that field must have known what she was doing.


Quote from: red_dirt on May 14, 2015, 11:29:42 AM
The Clinton Foundation is bound to be in the news for the next 18 months.

I heard this week that a very rare resubmission under the Freedom of Information Act was made concerning the Clinton emails. If I am hearing this right, it is very unusual to have a request entered after the first was unsuccessful.  You don't suppose this means that someone has gotten a hold of the emails?  Fun to dream.

It is hard to believe that with all the snoops in government and with Hillary's questionable character, that somewhere along the line, some security conscious official would not order that server tapped. Everyone in that field must have known what she was doing.

I do believe that the Clinton emails will eventually surface.

There is absolutely NOTHING secure any more.  Someone is always monitoring the communications of VIPs.

That is just the way it is!!