The Election was STOLEN

Started by Yawn, November 10, 2012, 05:08:53 PM

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Cryptic Bert

Quote from: Just_the_facts_mamm on November 20, 2012, 09:26:15 PM
You have to admit that you are the most minor of minorities.

A conservative Black man? You might as well be an Albino as well.  Just as common.

Romney's message was not conducive to anyone with a decent IQ, regardless of color. but they effected the minorities MORE than the middle class Honkies.

BUT, Our discussion here is about WHY Romney got NO votes in certain districts in Philly.

Because he message SUCKED!

Not because of a MASSIVE voter fraud that no one has any proof of, just plenty of whining!


What was his message?


Quote from: Just_the_facts_mamm on November 20, 2012, 09:26:15 PM
You have to admit that you are the most minor of minorities.

A conservative Black man? You might as well be an Albino as well.  Just as common.

Romney's message was not conducive to anyone with a decent IQ, regardless of color. but they effected the minorities MORE than the middle class Honkies.

BUT, Our discussion here is about WHY Romney got NO votes in certain districts in Philly.

Because he message SUCKED!

Not because of a MASSIVE voter fraud that no one has any proof of, just plenty of whining!

Arrogant POS aren't you. You're not black, but you know just how black people think. And you know this because? Oh that's right you believe that most of us think alike. What's so stunning is that you express that opinion, seemingly without any idea of how racist that sounds. Note; the cons heard about Romney not getting one vote in 59 precincts, and immediately said: That doesn't sound right. Even black inner city precincts consists of individuals. And such unanimity on the part of any large group individuals doesn't past the "smell test". Of course for you to admit that would mean owning up to election fraud on a massive level. And being a progressive, you find it impossible to see what's right in front of your nose. I'll bet you believe Joe Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong Il were actually that popular!  :rolleyes:
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


I'm sorry I ever posted in this thread, however, I would like to make a few comments then go away from this thread.

1.  Obama got fewer votes in 2012 than McCain got in 2008.

2.  I do, and have always, believe that the Democrat Party is instilled with voter and election fraud.  It's in their DNA.

3.  If, despite all the fraud, as many Republican/Conservative voters had voted for Romney as they did for McCain, then Mr. Romney would be the President-elect.

So next time, if there is one, I would suggest that the Republican Party spend less on political ads and campaigning and  a whole lot more on the "
ground game", i.e., getting the vote out.

Oh, yes, and do remember that this is America where so many voters think an election is just like Dancing with the Stars or American Idol, a popularity contest.  So get your candidate on every TV talk and celebrity show you can.  It would also help to get on your knees and kiss the ass of the MSM.
TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO FORGIVE DIVINE - However Neither is Marine Corps Policy


Quote from: The Boo Man... on November 20, 2012, 10:05:29 PM
What was his message?
So this would be proof of how ignorant you are?

Well he did change his position every other day/hr, so which message are you interested IN?


Quote from: mdgiles on November 21, 2012, 09:33:52 AM
Arrogant POS aren't you. You're not black, but you know just how black people think. And you know this because? Oh that's right you believe that most of us think alike. What's so stunning is that you express that opinion, seemingly without any idea of how racist that sounds. Note; the cons heard about Romney not getting one vote in 59 precincts, and immediately said: That doesn't sound right. Even black inner city precincts consists of individuals. And such unanimity on the part of any large group individuals doesn't past the "smell test". Of course for you to admit that would mean owning up to election fraud on a massive level. And being a progressive, you find it impossible to see what's right in front of your nose. I'll bet you believe Joe Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong Il were actually that popular!  :rolleyes:
Well silly conservative, I do know a number of black.  all liberal leaning.
I do know a conservative Jew as well.

IF there was massive voter fraud as YOU allude to, show me some stories about the investigation, the arrests?
Anything in a REAL news paper.


Quote from: Yawn on November 10, 2012, 05:08:53 PM
I hate to sound like an angry lib from 2000, but there's NO doubt in my mind.  Thanks to leads from a few here and other places, I have NO doubt that this election was "won" through fraud.  Within a few days I'll have enough evidence gathered that I'll be comfortable with contacting some of the Tea Party orgs and the decent Congressmen and women.

How's the PROOF on the massive voter fraud coming along, YAWN?


Quote from: hoosier on November 11, 2012, 09:50:52 PM
I was wondering when the crazies would start with this. Can't handle reality so try to alter reality instead.  Instead of focusing on desperate theories why don't you focus on what this party can do to turn it around. Talk about your sore losers wow. Good bye!
Not nearly as crazy as 2000 when the left had a clear disconnect with reality. At least we all know what a chad is now. :rolleyes:


Everyone knows why the contemptible SOCIOPATH Monumental Mendacious Racist, Commie/Socialist FRAUD Obozo won: This WORST PRESIDENT in America's History won because of MASSIVE CORRUPTION never before experienced in American history: FLAGRANT Presidential Payola to his cronies, OPEN BRIBERY and ENTITLEMENTS to those who'd vote for him ...... no doubt RUINING OUR COUNTRY by changing the whole character of voting procedure for many years to come.