SonofA..... Boss!?

Started by hfishjr81, August 09, 2012, 08:57:49 PM

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Wow!  What a thread, but not unlike so very many just like it when dems try to argue down cons.

I didn't even get on this forum when this thread was started, matter of fact, just now reading it.  I do want to thank the cons for their research and the great points made from it.   Sadly, all of it fell on the deaf ears of the left and we are now back in the same mess that started 4 years ago.

Fish should rest easy knowing that his president and family are now planning another one of their extravaganza multi-million dollar vacations, all off the taxpayer dime.  But hey, it's legal and they are entitled as the first family.
  I personally think Obama and crew ought to give up some of those vacations and help those of us on the edge of the fiscal cliff right now.  Is that being greedy?  Didn't Romney forego some of what he was entitled to in his previous positions for the good of ......just saying, but he wasn't even president then and most of us didn't know about these practices of Romney's and didn't care about them either.  These incidents only surfaced when the dirty minded libs went digging for anything they could find that might raise doubts about anyone besides Obambi.  This whole election has been about defacing any opponent of Obambi, it could have been Jesus Christ and they would have treated Him the same way because too many of them don't believe in Him either.

Now we have seen accounts of the president actually inviting Romney to the WH for lunch in an attempt to do what?  What evil scheme is Obama coccocting now?  This is clearly an effort to show the public that Obama is trying to be partisan, that he is offering the olive branch of peace to the pubs.  Bottom line is, see? I'm willing to work with those light-headed cons, but they don't want to work with me for the good of this country.  My question is this.  What good has been done by the efforts of Obama to date?  Romney was civil but I'll bet he left that meeting sick and disgusted.  It has been reported that Romney has no intentions of getting in on anything to do with the fiscal cliff and if that indeed proves out to be true, then I salute him.  That whole gang of corrupt czars in the WH does not know or will not accept anything that will correct the situation of fiscal responsibility and they have not offered any real cuts to spending.  Romney knows this and for them to actually think that he is interested in bailing them out of their pitiful situation is beyond stupid.  Romney had great ideas for reform and stabilizing our current situation but he wasn't about to let all of it out in his campaign.  He was belittled for the stand he took.  He was, however, savvy enough to make the claims he did make and if elected, he would have followed them through.

  The report I heard this morning on Fox news was that Obama was extending the invitation to Romney to discuss ways that would help make the WH run more smoothly.  Good grief!  You should have heard me ranting clear out there where some of y'all live!   Obama has claimed from day one of the campaign that Romney didn't have a  clue on how to run this country and has spent millions of dollars running smear ads in trying to defeat Romney, yet now claims that Romney might be able to help him run the WH more smoothly?   Does this stuff ever end?  Romney does not need Obama.  Romney has a record to maintain and that record need not be sullied by any association with the likes of Obama and crew.
Sorry for the length of this post, just my .02 worth.
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes

Darth Fife

The report I heard this morning on Fox news was that Obama was extending the invitation to Romney to discuss ways that would help make the WH run more smoothly.

Kick out the current occupant!


Quote from: Darth Fife on November 30, 2012, 08:05:29 AM
The report I heard this morning on Fox news was that Obama was extending the invitation to Romney to discuss ways that would help make the WH run more smoothly.

Kick out the current occupant!

True, but that idea should have been followed thru in the first 4 years. 
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes


Quote from: keyboarder on November 30, 2012, 07:35:06 AM
Wow!  What a thread, but not unlike so very many just like it when dems try to argue down cons.

Fish should rest easy knowing that his president

Im not a Dem, and I dont like Obama. Granted, I'd take that corporate hack over the Cult member, but that doesn't mean I like it.
"According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans want corporations to have less influence in America."


Quote from: Solar on November 30, 2012, 06:10:14 AM
If he was smart enough, he would have recognized the one thing in the movie/book he claims he's against, and that's crony capitalism in Govt.
Galt was fighting for freedom, in fish's world, that equates to greed?

If you could look past your obvious bias than you'd recognize that the system at present is built to pander to the rich corporations making our reps available for purchase. Anyone that is greedy can have a field day with our legislators.

That is greed. And, based on reality at present People that talk about pulling a Gult aren't so much "greedy" as the are retarded.
"According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans want corporations to have less influence in America."


Quote from: The Boo Man... on November 30, 2012, 12:38:12 AM
take every penny the "rich" make for the next ten years. Where does that get you? Does it wipe out the deficit? Does it help the poor? the middle class?

Nobodies going to take everything from the rich. Wake up... The rich own our government. They will find a way around any extra supposed tax. Also, If we're honest with ourselves we'll notice that when the biggest among them fail, we middle class folk will be the people bailing them out.

Keep shoveling the rich mans BS if you like, but at least realize that it stinks while youre doing it.

Quote from: The Boo Man... on November 30, 2012, 12:38:12 AM
Go on cupcake!

Oh, and like Ive said, just because you might want someone in your mouth doesn't mean they're a "cupecake".   :smile:
"According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans want corporations to have less influence in America."


Quote from: hfishjr81 on December 01, 2012, 08:17:37 AM

Nobodies going to take everything from the rich. Wake up... The rich own our government. They will find a way around any extra supposed tax. Also, If we're honest with ourselves we'll notice that when the biggest among them fail, we middle class folk will be the people bailing them out.

Keep shoveling the rich mans BS if you like, but at least realize that it stinks while youre doing it.

Oh, and like Ive said, just because you might want someone in your mouth doesn't mean they're a "cupecake".   :smile:

This will continue to be a chicken v. egg argument.  For example, this guy spoke of the virtues of greater taxation at the DNC, only to pull this stunt.  While government continues to tempt business with tax exemptions, perks, loopholes, jobs, and lobbying opportunities, business will continue to eat these options up with gusto.  It would be like putting the softest, most sweet, delicious cookie you have ever seen in front of someone and expecting them not to want it.  Of course businesses will grab every perk they can. 

Both huge business and huge government are greedy, neither have our best interests at heart, the difference is, we elect our government, we don't get to elect business owners.


Quote from: hfishjr81 on December 01, 2012, 08:11:44 AM

If you could look past your obvious bias than you'd recognize that the system at present is built to pander to the rich corporations making our reps available for purchase. Anyone that is greedy can have a field day with our legislators.

That is greed. And, based on reality at present People that talk about pulling a Gult aren't so much "greedy" as the are retarded.
First things first, respond to my long awaited post.
Quote from: Solar on September 04, 2012, 06:29:56 AM
Hey Dumb Ass!! Is This the thread you lost?
It was hiding in plain sight... Book mark the damn thing.

Also, I expect an answer to my post.
And to respond to this post, rent the movie and quit looking so damned stupid!
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: hfishjr81 on December 01, 2012, 08:11:44 AM

If you could look past your obvious bias than you'd recognize that the system at present is built to pander to the rich corporations making our reps available for purchase. Anyone that is greedy can have a field day with our legislators.

That is greed. And, based on reality at present People that talk about pulling a Gult aren't so much "greedy" as the are retarded.
And until rich corporations and UNIONS are not allowed to contribute huge sums of money to campaigns this will never change.


I just read the post. And Fish is right on the MONEY. And whats up with all the name calling? Makes you look like Cry Babys. Just Saying. :thumbdown:

Darth Fife

Quote from: hfishjr81 on December 01, 2012, 08:17:37 AM

Nobodies going to take everything from the rich. Wake up... The rich own our government.

If the "rich" truly owned our Government, Romney would be president. Indeed, Obama would never have made it out of the primary back in the election of '04.

If the rich owned the Government, Boeing would have its plant in North Carolina by now!

A single act of Congress, or, under Obama a single Executive Order can put even the largest of corporations out of business and impoverish the richest of individuals! It is the Government who owns the Rich, just like they own all of us!

QuoteThey will find a way around any extra supposed tax.

True. The only two kinds of taxes they can't get out of is a flat tax and a Government sales tax - neither of which is being considered by the Democrats.

QuoteAlso, If we're honest with ourselves we'll notice that when the biggest among them fail, we middle class folk will be the people bailing them out.

This is only a half truth. The only way the so-called middle class will end up bailing out any corporation is if the Government takes the money to bail them out from us in the form of taxes.

Can you say "Stimulus Program" and "Quantitative Easing 1, 2, and 3"?

QuoteKeep shoveling the rich mans BS if you like, but at least realize that it stinks while youre doing it.

The only one shoveling B.S. around here is you, my friend. But, that's okay, we understand you are a product of our government propaganda mills - er, public schools! :smile:


Quote from: Darth Fife on December 01, 2012, 11:11:20 AM
If the "rich" truly owned our Government, Romney would be president.

Disagree. They are getting their way at present, AND they didn't have to deal with a provable riot if the supposed's saviors base lost.

Quote from: Darth Fife on December 01, 2012, 11:11:20 AM
A single act of Congress, or, under Obama a single Executive Order can put even the largest of corporations out of business and impoverish the richest of individuals! It is the Government who owns the Rich, just like they own all of us!

That would be true if it didn't require lots of money to win re-elections.

Quote from: Darth Fife on December 01, 2012, 11:11:20 AM
Glad we can agree there.

Quote from: Darth Fife on December 01, 2012, 11:11:20 AM
This is only a half truth. The only way the so-called middle class will end up bailing out any corporation is if the Government takes the money to bail them out from us in the form of taxes.

And, as we know, the government that's bought by big business, can, and will, throw our tax dollars at big business.

Quote from: Darth Fife on December 01, 2012, 11:11:20 AM
The only one shoveling B.S. around here is you, my friend. But, that's okay, we understand you are a product of our government propaganda mills - er, public schools! :smile:

I disagree. Im simply placing blame on both the government and big business. If it required public schooling to see this than I hope everyone has the same opportunity.  :thumbup:
"According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans want corporations to have less influence in America."

Darth Fife

So, what you are saying is, the "Rich" own the government.

Obama runs the government along with a whole bunch of other Democrats and "progressives".

So, that means that the "Rich" own Obama and the Democrat Majority in the Senate.

So, that means that it will be Obama and the so-called Progressives who will doe the bidding of the "Rich" and, as you said*, force us to bail the "Rich" out when they fail. 

My only question to you is, why did you vote for Obama?

(*we middle class folk will be the people bailing them out. Your very words!)


Quote from: Darth Fife on December 02, 2012, 06:48:08 PM
My only question to you is, why did you vote for Obama?

Of the two corporate candidates he was the only one saying the right things, from equality to the wars. Yes, he is lying,  but at least of the two liars he was seemingly on the right side of the issues.

All in all, It's sad, us voting on obvious liars for social purposes alone, but what other choice did we have? You guys voted for someone you deemed a BS RHINO because he wasn't Obama, not because you believed in him, or his fiscal responsibility. Pretty crappy times, politically speaking. 
Oh, and Obama doesn't claim to be a cult member. Something about a person that openly believes in magic underwear, and mystical golden tablets given to a hillbilly around New York in the mid 1800s, just makes for a scary figure head to place at the top of the worlds greatest military. 
"According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans want corporations to have less influence in America."


Of the two corporate candidates he was the only one saying the right things, from equality to the wars. Yes, he is lying,  but at least of the two liars he was seemingly on the right side of the issues.

All in all, It's sad, us voting on obvious liars for social purposes alone, but what other choice did we have? You guys voted for someone you deemed a BS RHINO because he wasn't Obama, not because you believed in him, or his fiscal responsibility. Pretty crappy times, politically speaking. 
Oh, and Obama doesn't claim to be a cult member. Something about a person that openly believes in magic underwear, and mystical golden tablets given to a hillbilly around New York in the mid 1800s, just makes for a scary figure head to place at the top of the worlds greatest military. Even Corporately owned that type of crazy is a wild card I just don't trust.
"According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans want corporations to have less influence in America."