Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Political Discussion and Debate => Topic started by: Turks on January 28, 2013, 10:56:46 AM

Title: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: Turks on January 28, 2013, 10:56:46 AM
Senator Paul:  In the early 1970's, after Vietnam, you were quite critical of the bombing in Cambodia, because I think you felt that it wasn't authorized by Congress. Has your opinion changed about the bombing in Cambodia? How's Cambodia different than Libya?

Senator Kerry:  Nor did my opinion change, or has it ever altered about the war in Vietnam itself. Where I don't believe, and I argued then...

Paul:  Is Cambodia different than Libya?

Kerry:  Well, Cambodia, yeah it is. Because it was an extension of the war that was being prosecuted without the involvement of Congress after a number of years. That's very different...

Paul:  Length of time but similar circumstances – a bombing campaign unauthorized by Congress. See, the Constitution doesn't really give this kind of latitude to sometimes go to war and sometimes not go to war. I thought Barack Obama was very explicit, and it's what I liked about him frankly. People think, 'Oh, Rand Paul certainly didn't like anything about Barack Obama.' I did like his forthrightness when he ran for office and said, 'No president should unilaterally go to war. The Constitution doesn't allow it.'

Kerry:  Well, I respect that. Look, you can be absolutist and apply it to every circumstance. The problem is, it just doesn't work in some instances. When 10,000 people are about to be wiped out by a brutal dictator, and you need to make a quick judgment about engagement, you certainly can't rely on a Congress that is proven itself unwilling to move after weeks and months sometimes. (
Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: CubaLibre on January 28, 2013, 11:18:29 AM
Where does Kerry find the basis for being the world's policeman?
Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: supsalemgr on January 28, 2013, 11:34:40 AM
Quote from: CubaLibre on January 28, 2013, 11:18:29 AM
Where does Kerry find the basis for being the world's policeman?

He is a flamimg liberal who is arrogant enough to truly believe he has the license to be a hypocite.
Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: BILLY Defiant on January 28, 2013, 03:08:58 PM
Lurch trying to think.... :popcorn:
Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: Shooterman on January 28, 2013, 03:18:49 PM
Quote from: CubaLibre on January 28, 2013, 11:18:29 AM
Where does Kerry find the basis for being the world's policeman?

Same place every President since McKinley has.
Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: JustKari on January 28, 2013, 07:18:02 PM
Ruh roh, maybe someone should throw him a Scooby snack.
Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: Cryptic Bert on January 28, 2013, 07:22:02 PM
Someone is running for president...
Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: Turks on January 29, 2013, 03:04:37 AM
More on Rand Paul:

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul will deliver a wide-ranging foreign policy address at the Heritage Foundation next Tuesday, marking the tea party lawmaker's latest foray into international affairs.

"At this lecture, Senator Rand Paul will discuss his vision of a foreign policy that respects the plain language of our Constitution, the legal powers of Congress and the important role of a strong presidency," the invitation says. "It will stress the need for maintaining the strongest national defense among nations while also questioning what constitutes actual 'defense.'" (

Title: Re: Rand Paul To John Kerry: Why Is Bombing Libya OK, But Not Cambodia?
Post by: raptor5618 on January 29, 2013, 08:40:12 AM
WOW. so I guess that anything that Obama thinks is a good idea means that the constitution can be tossed aside and not considered.  So Obama can do anything he wants because the congress is too slow or they do not like his idea.   Yet in Cambodia where the US really should have been bombing the hell out of the Ho Chi Minn trail he thought it was wrong, presumably because Obama did not say it was right.  I think more people died because we failed to take action in Cambodia and Laos.  Also as I recall there was a time where there were mass killings going on in Cambodia and if I recall that time, I do not remember the US doing a single thing. 

Obama and Kerry are two people who will not stand up in the face of someone trying to tear America down. Seems like they view the country as being really screwed up so any criticism is justified.