Juan Willams Fired from NPR

Started by zip, October 21, 2010, 05:42:59 AM

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Poor Juan just strayed too far off the Liberal Plantation once too often!
The press is our chief ideological weapon.
~ Nikita Khrushchev

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

~Ronald Reagan


  Did you notice too that he was moving more and more to the center....he used to be a real flaming lib a few years ago. Fox should give him a job to kick npr a bit


Quote from: zip on October 21, 2010, 05:58:16 AM
  Did you notice too that he was moving more and more to the center....he used to be a real flaming lib a few years ago. Fox should give him a job to kick npr a bit
Obviously, it wasn't only us that noticed that!  I am reminded of one of Ronald Reagan's famous quotes; Reagan, who was once a Democrat, said that "I was once a near hemopheliac Liberal; Bleeding fro Causes"!  maybe Juan Williams will come to reject Liberalism and switch from drinking the Kool Aid, to drinking TEA with other Americans who are fed up with the Hypocritical Dictates of the Left!

I'm guessing that NPR has just emerged as a publicly funded corporation that we ought to defund!
The press is our chief ideological weapon.
~ Nikita Khrushchev

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

~Ronald Reagan


Quote from: zip on October 21, 2010, 05:58:16 AM
  Did you notice too that he was moving more and more to the center....he used to be a real flaming lib a few years ago. Fox should give him a job to kick npr a bit

He requires time to rehabilitate over the many other liberal-leaning statements he's made. Even then he would help Fox drift even closer to the political center. Agreeing with O'Rielly doesn't make Williams a conservative.

Take a chainsaw to federal contributions to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the budgets of NPR and PBS. Make them 100% self-supporting, or let them go the way of Air America.


Juan will do just fine on his own. Funny how he used to get his ass handed to him on a weekly basis on Fox News Sunday when tony Snow was the host.
Juan has come a long way, and Fox will probably give him his own show.
He just managed to expose NPR for who they really are, with just one more thorn off the commie flower that is NPR.

A producer for an NPR-affiliated radio   station has apologized for saying she would "laugh loudly like a maniac   and watch his eyes bug out" if she were to see conservative radio host   Rush Limbaugh suffering a heart attack.

The Daily Caller, an online magazine   launched by conservative commentator and Fox News contributor Tucker   Carlson, has been releasing the e-mails that show some liberal   journalists were actively seeking to influence news coverage rather than   just report or comment on it. The stories recount how some journalists   plotted to kill stories on the Rev. Jeremiah Wright scandal to protect   then-Sen. Barack Obama 's presidential campaign. Other e-mail chains   advocated for shutting down Fox News.
The leaked e-mails led to one blogger, David   Weigel, losing his job at The Washington Post. His colleague, Ezra   Klein, the founder of the forum, pulled the plug on the list server   known as Journolists. The e-mails provided evidence to critics that some   journalists in the mainstream media harbor a deep-seated bias against   conservatives.
Official Trump Cult Member




Juan has been drifting to the center-right for a while now.  Anybody who gets fired from NPR for daring to stray from their communist manifesto should wear their unemployment as a badge of honor.

Come out of the closet, Juan Williams.  Follow your son towards the bright light.  Welcome to the land of the "fair and balanced"!

NPR is a JOKE.  Blatantly left wing.  Stale and boring programming that is useful only as cure for insomnia.  And WE are paying for this garbage!


  I agree totally with quiller they need defunding...and now it looks like that just might happen....


I was wrong, and then pleased, to see Williams get more money and a Fox-TV job. I didn't think they'd be that opportunistic, but clearly forgot election-year hirings do happen in media, not just politics in the elected sense.

As for defunding CPB/NPR/PBS, threatening to do so will (hopefully) force that sector to edge a skosh RIGHT in its own elections coverage. Otherwise they'll be sitting ducks once the GOP seizes the House, and fixes next-year budgets for the Senate to approve.

I do not see them defunded entirely. The educrats using that garbage over campus radio stations would simply divert other federal funds given to that college, to keep the propaganda flowing.

Hey, if federal employee unions can comprise the single largest union in making political contributions, the schools comprised solely of government workers can surely find a way to do the same with Agitprop Air.