Generational differences.

Started by CubaLibre, June 21, 2012, 02:22:02 PM

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Door Kicker

Quote from: bluelieu on June 22, 2012, 02:30:26 PM
Well, we don't have to go back to the Greatest Generation for inspiring stories.  One of my current inspirations is Florida Congresswoman Sandy Adams.  Enlisted in the USAF at 17.  Bailed out of an abusive marriage and became a single parent with no HS diploma...Did she become a permanent welfare case?  No...earned a GED, became a county deputy sheriff, married another cop who died in the line of duty, put herself through college, ousted the sitting Democrat for her House seat in the 2010 Republican landslide.  Watch her grill Eric Holder during the Fast and Furious hearings (good stuff):

Adams Grills Holder Over Fast and Furious Operation

One tough lady.  Her official bio:

She'd make a good VP for Marco Rubio.  :thumbup: