California DMV generates $50m a year in revenue by selling drivers personal info

Started by Bronx, November 26, 2019, 05:08:43 AM

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And you wanna register firearms. Can you imagine who they will sell that info to...... :scared:

California DMV generates $50m a year in revenue by selling drivers' personal info

The California Department of Motor Vehicles is generating revenue of $50,000,000 a year through selling drivers' personal information, according to a DMV document obtained by Motherboard. ...

This information includes names, physical addresses, and car registration information. California's sales come from a state which generally scrutinizes privacy to a higher degree than the rest of the country. ...

The document doesn't name the commercial requesters, but some specific companies appeared frequently in Motherboard's earlier investigation that looked at DMVs across the country. They included data broker LexisNexis and consumer credit reporting agency Experian. Motherboard also found DMVs sold information to private investigators, including those who are hired to find out if a spouse is cheating. It is unclear if the California DMV has recently sold data to these sorts of entities.

People sleep peacefully at night because there are a few tough men prepared to do violence on their behalf.

A foolish man complains about his torn pockets.

A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.