Barbara Boxer Politically Dead

Started by Solar, September 28, 2010, 02:28:55 PM

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Quote from: Pagan on September 29, 2010, 12:48:16 PM
Specific's Slick or are you just going to throw lables out and edit posts of those who disagree with you?

I don't need to give specifics and you know it. Hell, Ray Charles could see what I'm talking about and he's blind and dead.

Once again, I have no problem disagreeing with you and I have no trouble spending hours in an honest debate. But your reputation precedes you. You have a history that is well known. And then you come here and practically the first thing out of your mouth is to slander Whittman and Fiorina again and again and again (exactly how many times have you called Fiorina a skank in this one thread) then you really aren't doing anything to entertain or inform.

If you just want to vent your spleen and make us all witness the hate inside of you, then please do somewhere like the Huffington Post. You'll fit right in. But if you want to have a reasoned, rational debat then let me know and I'll be happy to join in.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Dan on September 29, 2010, 12:52:58 PM
I don't need to give specifics and you know it. Hell, Ray Charles could see what I'm talking about and he's blind and dead.

Once again, I have no problem disagreeing with you and I have no trouble spending hours in an honest debate. But your reputation precedes you. You have a history that is well known. And then you come here and practically the first thing out of your mouth is to slander Whittman and Fiorina again and again and again (exactly how many times have you called Fiorina a skank in this one thread) then you really aren't doing anything to entertain or inform.

If you just want to vent your spleen and make us all witness the hate inside of you, then please do somewhere like the Huffington Post. You'll fit right in. But if you want to have a reasoned, rational debat then let me know and I'll be happy to join in.


By editing posts?

Why can't you address the points posted and actually debate instead of editing out the content of those you disagree with, why's that Slick?
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Μηκέθ ὅλως περὶ τοῦ οἷόν τινα εἶναι τὸν ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα διαλέγεσθαι, ἀλλὰ εἶναι τοιοῦτον.

-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


Quote from: Dan on September 29, 2010, 12:41:49 PM
Taking stuff out of context to puff yourself up. What a whiney little bitch of a troll. You started the name calling and bomb throwing and I jumped in midway through the exchange. But you don't represent it that way in your response. Do you?

I give back what people give me. If you came here to have a reasoned, rational exchange of ideas then I would hold up my end without hesitation. But when you come here  to insult and make personal attacks and call Republican women candidates skanks and horseshit of that type, then I'm going to give you back exactly what you shovel here.

Quite frankly, I wish you would go. Not because you are a liberal, but because you lower the tone of the entire forum. Assholes like you pollute almost every political forum on the internet. You neither entertain nor inform. You just spew your bile and make it hard for anyone else to enjoy the experience you selfish little prick.

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on September 29, 2010, 01:00:41 PM


So the only way to win a debate is to go back and edit the content of the posts?

OK if you say so ::)
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Μηκέθ ὅλως περὶ τοῦ οἷόν τινα εἶναι τὸν ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα διαλέγεσθαι, ἀλλὰ εἶναι τοιοῦτον.

-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


Quote from: Pagan on September 29, 2010, 12:55:27 PM

By editing posts?

Why can't you address the points posted and actually debate instead of editing out the content of those you disagree with, why's that Slick?

Because there is no point to your posts. Really. Behind the personal insults you throw at these women, the underlying point is just stupid. Whittman did get fired from her job, but that doesn't mean she was stupid or incompetent. It isn't like someone getting fired from Taco Bell. She isn't and idiot and you know it. She isn't stupid and you know it. She isn't unreliable and you know it. People don't work their way up from the bottom to heading a major corporation if they are incapable and you know it. But you would rather wallow in bullshit logic hiding behind a personal insult. Once again, you neither entertain or inform with this horseshit. You just make the forum less enjoyable for everyone else. As such, these comments make you something akin to a cancer.

If you really want to worry about incompetent leadership then look at the Obama Whitehouse where no one was ever responsible fo making a payroll or creating a private sector job. Having these guys tell us how to run the economy is like getting sex advice from a geeky 30 year old virgin. They don't know what the hell they are talking about. It just doesn't make any sense. But where is your anger and your angst about incompetent liberal boobs demanding leadership of things they do not understand? Hmmm? Have you ever worked for a manager who didn't know how to do your job? Did you realize he really wasn't qualified to even evaluate your performance much less manage you? Now multiply that by infinity and you will see how incompetent the Obama administration really is on economic issues. But you don't want to talk about that. You just want to talk about how a self made CEO of a fortune 500 company is incompetent.

And then after you say all these things that are so clearly stupid while insulting people you could never hope to be compared to, then you have the balls to ask me why I don't take your points more seriously. Guys like you just wear me out. It's easier to give you back what you shovel on this board than to invest time and effort that will not be worhtwhile.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Pagan on September 29, 2010, 01:02:26 PM

So the only way to win a debate is to go back and edit the content of the posts?

OK if you say so ::)

I edited two posts back on another page. And those posts were in no way related to the post Walkstall was referring too. How long are you going to hide behind this bullshit excuse that you wore out a few posts ago.

I stopped editing your posts, as amusing as it was, because Solar asked me to do so. It was only out of respect for Solar that I stopped. So you can stop playing the martyr and using it as an excuse to avoid answering what I am saying now.

And that's just my point. You act offended and say you want to have a real discussion and that I am afraid of your ideas and then, like a little bitch, you consistently ignore my points. Just like you always do. And this is exactly why I have trouble justifying the effort of a real conservation with you. You just won't hold up your end of it.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Dan on September 29, 2010, 01:19:14 PM
Because there is no point to your posts. Really. Behind the personal insults you throw at these women, the underlying point is just stupid. Whittman did get fired from her job, but that doesn't mean she was stupid or incompetent. It isn't like someone getting fired from Taco Bell. She isn't and idiot and you know it. She isn't stupid and you know it. She isn't unreliable and you know it. People don't work their way up from the bottom to heading a major corporation if they are incapable and you know it. But you would rather wallow in bullshit logic hiding behind a personal insult. Once again, you neither entertain or inform with this horseshit. You just make the forum less enjoyable for everyone else. As such, these comments make you something akin to a cancer.

If you really want to worry about incompetent leadership then look at the Obama Whitehouse where no one was ever responsible fo making a payroll or creating a private sector job. Having these guys tell us how to run the economy is like getting sex advice from a geeky 30 year old virgin. They don't know what the hell they are talking about. It just doesn't make any sense. But where is your anger and your angst about incompetent liberal boobs demanding leadership of things they do not understand? Hmmm? Have you ever worked for a manager who didn't know how to do your job? Did you realize he really wasn't qualified to even evaluate your performance much less manage you? Now multiply that by infinity and you will see how incompetent the Obama administration really is on economic issues. But you don't want to talk about that. You just want to talk about how a self made CEO of a fortune 500 company is incompetent.

And then after you say all these things that are so clearly stupid while insulting people you could never hope to be compared to, then you have the balls to ask me why I don't take your points more seriously. Guys like you just wear me out. It's easier to give you back what you shovel on this board than to invest time and effort that will not be worhtwhile.


So you say so.

So you are the god of the forum and if anyone posts content that contradicts your opinion you just edit them and put in personal insults.

Yes you are a Pathetic PoS who cannot debate on content without playing games with what people post.

I respect Solar, he's why I am here.  He actually has integrity other than the likes of yourself.
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Μηκέθ ὅλως περὶ τοῦ οἷόν τινα εἶναι τὸν ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα διαλέγεσθαι, ἀλλὰ εἶναι τοιοῦτον.

-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


So Dan, since you have labeled me a liberal, please post specifics on my so called "Liberal" positions.
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Μηκέθ ὅλως περὶ τοῦ οἷόν τινα εἶναι τὸν ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα διαλέγεσθαι, ἀλλὰ εἶναι τοιοῦτον.

-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


Quote from: Pagan on September 29, 2010, 01:24:22 PM
So you are the god of the forum and if anyone posts content that contradicts your opinion you just edit them and put in personal insults.

You really must be stupid. I edited two posts because you are an asshole and it amused me. Solar asked me to stop and you know why. He is my friend so I respected his wishes. It hasn't happend for a while. It will not happen again. Yet it's the only thing you can talk about because you are too big of a chickenshit to address actual points of a discussion.

This is why you are such a waste of my time and why I would rathter just engage you on your turf and play the game called "who can be the bigger asshole". That's all you seem to want to play anyway.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Pagan on September 29, 2010, 01:24:22 PM
I respect Solar, he's why I am here.  He actually has integrity other than the likes of yourself.

Having you lecture me on integrity is like getting a lecture on safe sex or honesty from Bill Clinton. You're such a freakin joke. And I sincerely enjoy this place less now that you are here.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Dan on September 29, 2010, 01:30:56 PM
You really must be stupid. I edited two posts because you are an asshole and it amused me. Solar asked me to stop and you know why. He is my friend so I respected his wishes. It hasn't happend for a while. It will not happen again. Yet it's the only thing you can talk about because you are too big of a chickenshit to address actual points of a discussion.

This is why you are such a waste of my time and why I would rathter just engage you on your turf and play the game called "who can be the bigger asshole". That's all you seem to want to play anyway.
Quote from: Dan on September 29, 2010, 01:34:17 PM
Having you lecture me on integrity is like getting a lecture on safe sex or honesty from Bill Clinton. You're such a freakin joke. And I sincerely enjoy this place less now that you are here.

Really, no specifics other than excuses for your unethical behavior.

Still waiting for specifics Slick, or are you just going to edit the posts and throw insults there Slick?
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Μηκέθ ὅλως περὶ τοῦ οἷόν τινα εἶναι τὸν ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα διαλέγεσθαι, ἀλλὰ εἶναι τοιοῦτον.

-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


Come Dan, you labeled me a "Liberal" because I happen to know something about Fiorina.  Tell me Dan, what are my "Liberal" views, or you just going to edit the posts again there Slick?
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Μηκέθ ὅλως περὶ τοῦ οἷόν τινα εἶναι τὸν ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα διαλέγεσθαι, ἀλλὰ εἶναι τοιοῦτον.

-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


Quote from: Pagan on September 29, 2010, 01:36:48 PM
Really, no specifics other than excuses for your unethical behavior.

Still waiting for specifics Slick, or are you just going to edit the posts and throw insults there Slick?

The specifics are in post #65 numbnuts. But you ignored them to stick with your two lame, stale talking points.

It's just easier to joke about your mother's lack of a gag reflex than it is to take the time to post something that you will ignore. Prove me wrong. Actually respond in a substinative way instead of ignoring my posts that are hard for you to answer and falling back on tired old bullshit that is no longer relevant if you can.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


I gotta run for a couple of hours. I'll be back later.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Dan on September 29, 2010, 01:45:50 PM
The specifics are in post #65 numbnuts. But you ignored them to stick with your two lame, stale talking points.

It's just easier to joke about your mother's lack of a gag reflex than it is to take the time to post something that you will ignore. Prove me wrong. Actually respond in a substinative way instead of ignoring my posts that are hard for you to answer and falling back on tired old bullshit that is no longer relevant if you can.

Well let's see I posted some specifics about Fiorina, oh yeah you edited them out.

So here it is again

She was fired specifically for Incompetence and is listed as one of the WORST CEO's in American history.  This is from the Business community there Slick.  You know if you could just put in a minimal amount off effort instead of Parroting what you're told it's right there in your face.

As for Obama ............ well please show me one single positive point I've made with the Obama regime?

Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Μηκέθ ὅλως περὶ τοῦ οἷόν τινα εἶναι τὸν ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα διαλέγεσθαι, ἀλλὰ εἶναι τοιοῦτον.

-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus