Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Political Discussion and Debate => Topic started by: taxed on November 14, 2012, 01:09:20 PM

Title: A note on 2013...
Post by: taxed on November 14, 2012, 01:09:20 PM
I own a lot of real estate, and own part of a lot more real estate with investor partners.  Think of "a lot", and it's probably more than what you have in mind.  To own real estate, you need to manage and service the properties.  Like any business, keeping costs down is a full time job, and in real estate, you'll go under fast if you don't know how to do that.  Everything comes into play directly and indirectly with real estate, and swings in labor costs, materials costs, energy costs, and the strength of the economy in general dictates this business directly and immediately.

For the past week, we've been doing some crash-strategizing on how to approach 2013 and the next 5 years.  It doesn't look very pretty.  I've started and sold two multi-million dollar companies, and have been in real estate since 2004.  I say that to say I have a strong handle on the nature of business, and how it survives, and what it takes to be successful.  As any business owner with success will tell you, it really is mostly just common sense, but it's looking like common sense and good decision making won't be the determining factor of many businesses.  For the first time in my business life, I seem to be in a catch-22.  The energy costs will drive up field operational costs, materials costs, and contractor costs.  The upcoming taxes are going to really make a lot of things very difficult.  HusseinCare will limit our growth that we were looking forward to achieving, since we have to figure out what costs look like with full time employees, versus leased and contracted employees.  As people lose their jobs, cash flow suffers, and gets harder to retail a property.

Liberals can high five each other all day at Hussein's re-election, but we are in serious, serious trouble.  I know we all know that, but for the past 4 years, I had hope at mitigating his destruction and getting someone else in.  Now, I've been looking this dead in the face with my own situation, and am unsure about the future.  I'm trying hard to take the approach that I'm savvy enough to adjust to the cycle and figure out how to ride it out until the country comes back, but it is sort of a stretch.

2013 will be interesting for me.  There is also a technology component I've been spending money on for the past few years, and all that may be in vain. This project would employ around 1,000 people, and that really may not happen at this point.

I'm going to stay strong and fight, but it's about to get bumpy.
Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: kramarat on November 14, 2012, 01:16:47 PM
I was going to post this on it's own thread, but it ties right in. Let the bleeding begin.

It's going to suck. I'm sure the libs thought that Obama was only going to attack conservatives, people that believe in the Constitution, and rich people, but there is not going to be one person that isn't effected. That includes eventual drastic cuts to welfare and foodstamps. They will be completely unsustainable.

Small Business Owner Fears Obamacare's Impact on Jobs and Economy (
Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: Solar on November 14, 2012, 01:27:15 PM
I've been thinking about this as well.
As you know, I inherited my parents house, a nice home in a not so great part of Sacramento, the home is sound and if it were in another area would be worth twice as much.
Anyway, my point is I was looking forward to putting about 50 grand into it and selling in the spring and doubling my investment, but with husein in for another four, my research is telling me to simply clean it up, paint the inside and let it go for virtually nothing.

A good cleaning and paint will run around a grand; what I had planned on doing was all new cabinets and appliances, and redoing the floors, all in all employing around 10 people.

Now, only one will get the job.

This scenario will be repeated across the board, in turn suppressing housing prices longer, less employment etc.
Then there is still the issue of the lenders sitting on all those repos, what will happen if they decide to unload them?

Then there is the other possibility of Husein bailing out the lenders once again because he doesn't want them unloading the properties all at once, further suppressing the mkt.

Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: BILLY Defiant on November 14, 2012, 01:47:15 PM
I can only echo the concern.

I and my foreign spouse had plans for me to repatriate to the US and bring a great deal of cash with us to start (her) real estate Business.

Now with Hussein in office I have to say those plans are pretty much dashed. The main thing is TAXES. Taxes on real estate sells that is going to effect everybody who sells a house, taxes on capital gains which is the BIG JOB KILLER in the US. The middle class is going to get hammered.

Why should we repatriate large sums of money to the US and invest in real estate (or any other business) when Hussein wants to raise taxes
particularly capital gains taxes? We are better off leaving that money where it is in a foreign country and foreign stock exchanges where the nick is only 15%

If he has his way the taxes will go to 20 on capital gains. Thats not just on "the rich" whom he defines as anybody making over 250K but ANYBODY who makes money off capital gains. That means your 401 K,real estate or small investors who play the stock market as a hobby or the "day traders".

Folks, I(and Mrs Billy) deal everyday with foreign financial people, investmnent bankers, entrepeneurs...I used to do security for those folks...instead of putting millions or billions into US markets they are going to put that money in other markets in other countries where the tax rate is lower...thats just business.

You are starting to see this apprehension now...look at the stock market
there is a slow sell off...wait until after January you will see a market crash...guarenteed.

The Obamites only think they have "won"...actually they and everybody else have lost.

Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: a777pilot on November 14, 2012, 02:06:36 PM
I keep thinking:

2013 = 1933

I hope not, but...................
Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: kramarat on November 14, 2012, 02:23:53 PM
I saw another blurb this morning on the WSJ. Starting next year, (and this isn't only because of Obama), the AMT, (alternative minimum tax), that was intended to get the rich, will be hitting people as low as the $50K per year bracket.

I think Pelosi would just tell us not to worry about it. We'll find out how bad our taxes go up, next year at tax time.
Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: Yawn on November 14, 2012, 02:43:32 PM
Taxes?  Americans won't have to worry about taxes.  Unemployment will take care of taxes.  Damn, Bush really screwed up Obama's glorious decade!
Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: keyboarder on November 14, 2012, 08:47:56 PM
Quote from: kramarat on November 14, 2012, 02:23:53 PM
I saw another blurb this morning on the WSJ. Starting next year, (and this isn't only because of Obama), the AMT, (alternative minimum tax), that was intended to get the rich, will be hitting people as low as the $50K per year bracket.

I think Pelosi would just tell us not to worry about it. We'll find out how bad our taxes go up, next year at tax time.
don't even get me started by mentioning this hag!
Anyway, I've been saying all along that the libs think that we're the only ones getting zapped by Bambi's agenda.  That is just soooooooooooo not true and I can't wait to see them doing flips off walls when it dawns on them.
Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: Silver Cougar on November 15, 2012, 01:42:57 PM
I hope the ones who voted Obummer back in, gets zapped the worst!   But that will never happen.   I get so nauseated every day when he starts talking on TV.........and expecially that arrogant, smart mouth, stoned face look he uses when he tells Senator McCain and Linsey Graham  to come after him and leave Rice alone if they wanted to go after anyone for the Bengazzi incident.   And if I were them I would do exactly that.....go after Obama......and not let it die a sudden death......also, and not let Rice take Clinton's place, if they can prevent it with the help of others in WAshington. She is just as guilty as any of them for agreeing to tell lies to the people about Bengazzi!   

Obama just thought people would swallow that lie........because he knew that those were the  same kind of people who were gullable enough to  vote him back in office.....the same kind who ingnored his failures for four years.  He thought most people wouldn't dig into the truth! 

Go Lindsey Graham and John McCain and all the other Congressmen......don't let this die.....Go after Obama and anyone else who is involved.....including Petraes and Allen.
Title: Re: A note on 2013...
Post by: keyboarder on November 15, 2012, 08:46:32 PM
Quote from: Silver Cougar on November 15, 2012, 01:42:57 PM
I hope the ones who voted Obummer back in, gets zapped the worst!   But that will never happen.   I get so nauseated every day when he starts talking on TV.........and expecially that arrogant, smart mouth, stoned face look he uses when he tells Senator McCain and Linsey Graham  to come after him and leave Rice alone if they wanted to go after anyone for the Bengazzi incident.   And if I were them I would do exactly that.....go after Obama......and not let it die a sudden death......also, and not let Rice take Clinton's place, if they can prevent it with the help of others in WAshington. She is just as guilty as any of them for agreeing to tell lies to the people about Bengazzi!   

Obama just thought people would swallow that lie........because he knew that those were the  same kind of people who were gullable enough to  vote him back in office.....the same kind who ingnored his failures for four years.  He thought most people wouldn't dig into the truth! 

Go Lindsey Graham and John McCain and all the other Congressmen......don't let this die.....Go after Obama and anyone else who is involved.....including Petraes and Allen.

My friend , we need to start writing those letters to our congressmen and letting them know that we want answers.  Graham needs to keep up his newfound opinions about this and not cave in.  Trey Gowdy has made it a personal mission to get to the bottom of all of this and has vowed to pursue it, quote "until Jesus comes".
Those of us who know him knows that he will do just that.  Hope he's got good security for himself and his family.