
Started by RV, January 04, 2021, 09:59:03 AM

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The media has constantly perpetuated the message that the Wuhan virus is going to infect everyone and they are going to die. I guess for a godless person, dying is really a big deal. The godless will do anything, say anything, adopt any ideology, join any political movement, jump through any hoops and give up their liberty, freedom, anonymity, rights and anything else that is supposedly "mandated" by the politicians to be "safe".

When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Mary saying that she would have a Son and that His name was to be Jesus, it wasn't "safe". When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph telling him that it was alright that even though he wasn't married to Mary yet and hadn't consumated that marriage, it was alright to take Mary for his wife. It wasn't "safe" for Joseph.

Was the beating that Jesus received at the hands of the Roman guards, "safe"? Was the crown of thorns, "safe"? How about the nails that were pounded into the hands and feet of Jesus, were they "safe"? Was the crucifixion, "safe"?

When the Lord told Moses to free the Jews and to go to Pharroh, to ask for the Jews to be freed from slavery, it wasn't "safe". Pharroh could have had Moses killed on the spot for even asking. Despite the danger, Moses continued to appear before Pharroh and continued to ask for Jewish freedom. I cannot comprehend the faith and trust that Moses had to continue appearing before Pharroh and ask for Jewish freedom. Even when Pharroh finally relented, to lead the Jews into the desert must have taken a great deal of faith and trust. When Pharroh's army pursued Moses with his well trained and well equipped army, Moses and the Jews trusted God. When the Red Sea parted, Moses led the Jews on dry land with millions of gallons of water on each side of them, still trusting God. The situation was not "safe". 

When Abraham took Isaac to a place to offer him as a sacrifice, it wasn't "safe" for Isaac.  Sacrificing your own Son was very difficult and not "safe".  Having faith and trust in God was not "safe". I cannot even comprehend what was going through Abraham's mind as he journeyed with his Son. To keep that information secret and not tell your own Son while being obedient to God must have taken a great deal of faith and trust in God.

In the book of Acts, Paul and Silas were imprisoned with shackles on their legs. The Lord causes the prison doors to open and the shackles to fall off but, Paul and Silas remained in their cell. The doors were opened for the other prisoners yet, they also remained in their cells. It's interesting that everyone could have left that horrible place, bad or no food and possibly false imprisonment and yet chose to stay there in prison. The prison guard was going to kill himself because he thought that all of the prisoners escaped yet, Paul let him know that he needn't harm himself because no one had. So here again we see people being obedient regardless of what the human mind thinks is "safe".

Nehemiah and his band of volunteers were trying to build a wall around the city of Jerusalem to keep everyone "safe" from attack. The wall had been knocked down by their enemies. The Bible recounts that everyone of them held a weapon in one hand and built with the other because it was not "safe".

I've seen personal businesses close, Politicians acting like kings, churches close and many people losing their jobs and incomes, all in the name of being "safe". I've seen people absolutely terrified of leaving their home because they wanted to be "safe". Doctors report that incidences of Cancer are up, incidences of strokes are up, incidences of heart attacks are up, incidences of depression, suicide and abuse of substances and family are up as well. If someone has Cancer, stroke or heart attack, are they "safe" in not seeking medical help? If someone is depressed, suicidal or suffering abuse, are they "safe"? If someone is in a nursing home and is treated like a prisoner in solitary confinement, are they "safe"? Yet, the insanity continues and those numbers are never trumpeted by the liberal media because it doesn't fit their narrative.

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."