Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Religion Forum => Topic started by: Yawn on July 14, 2013, 10:57:25 AM

Title: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: Yawn on July 14, 2013, 10:57:25 AM
A Muslim calls themselves a martyr if they die while murdering others. To a Christian, a martyr is a person who sacrifices their life for refusing to abandon their Christian beliefs.


A Catholic mother who was brutally murdered by a gay man because she challenged him about his homosexual lifestyle "died as a martyr for her faith," according to Bishop Thomas Paprocki, head of the Catholic diocese in Springfield, Ill., who also said the woman's "murder was widely ignored by the media," apparently for political reasons. - See more at: (
Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: Solar on July 14, 2013, 11:29:45 AM

Now had this been in the reverse, where she killed a fag, it would make headlines all over the nation, "Religious Zealot Kills Gay Man", and the circus would start all over again.
Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: Yawn on July 14, 2013, 12:36:08 PM
One in a thousand will hear this story -- IF we're lucky.

Every LIV know the name Trayvon Martin.
Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: Mountainshield on July 15, 2013, 01:55:29 AM
Thanks for sharing this, my prayer goes to her family.
Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: manifest on July 15, 2013, 08:47:57 PM
Beaten, raped, stabbed, and strangled...... sounds like she just said the wrong thing to the wrong psychopath. 

The murderer was DEFINITELY in the wrong... (and I think all signs point to some mental dysfunction)

..AND she was wrong.  Her beliefs were wrong, her approach to changing this person was wrong - and unfortunately, it resulted in her death.  This death is co-owned by Catholicism and Christianity - religion is complicit in it.   Catholicism, and its abhorrent stance on homosexuality, helped make this murder happen.

Title: God Loves Us All, Or So We Are Told
Post by: ReallyOrnery on July 15, 2013, 11:50:37 PM
Quote from: Yawn on July 14, 2013, 10:57:25 AM
A Muslim calls themselves a martyr if they die while murdering others. To a Christian, a martyr is a person who sacrifices their life for refusing to abandon their Christian beliefs.


A Catholic mother who was brutally murdered by a gay man because she challenged him about his homosexual lifestyle "died as a martyr for her faith," according to Bishop Thomas Paprocki, head of the Catholic diocese in Springfield, Ill., who also said the woman's "murder was widely ignored by the media," apparently for political reasons. - See more at: (


Mary Stachowicz was a homophobic religious bigot who provoked a violent confrontation with a gay man who justifiably reacted to nearly two-thousand years of oppression by pietistic fanatics just like her. 

Such extremists need to be exposed and crucified by a tolerant and loving civil society that has no room in its collective heart for such hate-mongering religious zealots.  If there truly is a kind, loving and forgiving god in heaven, hate peddlers like Stachowicz will burn in hell forever for their illiberal and narrow-minded intolerance of people who god made gay. 

God loves us all, no matter what prejudiced and intellectually-damaged religious maniacs like Stachowicz say to the contrary.  The intolerant bitch got what she deserved. 

Let god's love, clemency and acceptance be the herald that ushers in a new dawn of understanding that we are all the way we are because that is the way god created us to be.

If this message smells like male-bovine feces, then your nose is as good as mine; if you catch my drift.


Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: milos on August 04, 2013, 07:08:19 AM
May Mary Stachowicz rest in peace.

Quote from: Yawn on July 14, 2013, 10:57:25 AM
A Muslim calls themselves a martyr if they die while murdering others. To a Christian, a martyr is a person who sacrifices their life for refusing to abandon their Christian beliefs.
I am not sure if this would be interesting to you in the United States, but I think it could be important to know this story of a young Christian man who was wearing his cross not just for fashion.


Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Rodionov (Russian: Евгений Александрович Родионов; May 23, 1977 - May 23, 1996) was a Russian soldier who was taken prisoner and later executed in Chechen captivity for his refusal to convert to Islam and defect to the enemy side. The circumstances of his death have garnered him much admiration throughout Russia. Despite wide-spread popular worship he has not been glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church as a New Martyr due to lack of evidence about his death.

Rodionov was born in the village of Chibirley, Penza Oblast. Though he aspired to be a cook, he was conscripted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 1995. Private Rodionov was deployed to Chechnya, where he served in border troops. On 13 February 1996, he went to mount guard over the road accompanied by privates Andrey Trusov, Igor Yakovlev and Alexander Zheleznov. During the watch they stopped an ambulance, in which brigade general of "Chechen Republic of Ichkeria" Ruslan Khaikhoroev and a dozen of enforcers were transporting weapons. During their attempt to examine the ambulance, young soldiers were overpowered and taken prisoners. After the soldiers were discovered to be missing, they were initially announced as deserters. Military police came home to Yevgeny Rodionov's mother to search for her missing son. Only later, after detailed survey of the checkpoint the soldiers had been manning, and detection of traces of blood and fighting, the military recognized that the missing soldiers had been taken prisoner. On his 19th birthday, Rodionov was beheaded on the outskirts of the Chechen village Bamut. According to his killers, who later extorted money from his mother in exchange for knowledge of the location of his corpse, they beheaded him after he refused to renounce his Christian faith or remove the silver cross he wore around his neck. Ruslan Khaikhoroev later admitted the murder. In the presence of foreign representatives of OSCE he confessed: "Your [Yevgeny's mother] son had a choice to stay alive. He could have converted to Islam, but he did not agree to take the cross off. He tried to escape". On May 23, after 100 days of imprisonment and tortures, Rodionov was again ordered to remove the cross he was wearing and accept Islam. After his final refusal, Rodionov was beheaded while still alive. Andrey Trusov shared his fate, while Igor Yakovlev and Alexander Zheleznov were shot dead. His mother managed to identify the body of her son by recognizing the cross which was still on his beheaded neck.

Yevgeny Rodionov was posthumously awarded the Russian Order of Courage. There was a growing movement within the Russian Orthodox Church to canonize him as a Christian saint and martyr for faith. Some Russian soldiers, feeling themselves abandoned by their government, have taken to kneeling in prayer before his image. One such prayer reads:

"Thy martyr, Yevgeny, O Lord, in his sufferings hath received an incorruptible crown from Thee, our God, for having Thy strength he hath brought down his torturers, hath defeated the powerless insolence of demons. Through his prayers, save our souls."

As of 2003, religious icons depicting Yevgeny had become popular. His mother has one herself; she has suggested that the icon of her son sometimes emits a perfume which she believes to be holy, to the extent that it actually drips with it.

Because of the huge devotion given to the New Martyr Yevgeny, the pious faithful sought official canonization from the Moscow Patriarchate. Initially, it refused, which divided the Orthodox Church in Russia. Maksim Maksimov, Secretary of the Canonization Commission, explained the Synod's position in Tserkovny Vestnik (Church Bulletin), the official publication of the Russian Orthodox Church. His arguments can be summarized in three points:

1. The only evidence that the soldier was executed for this faith is the testimony of his mother, who in her love made a god of her son;
2. The Russian Orthodox Church has never canonized anyone killed in war;
3. The period of new martyrs ended with the collapse of the Bolshevik regime.

However, he emphasized that the deceased can be honoured without canonization. Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow personally blessed the popular account of Yevgeny's life but worried that his cult would balloon into anti-Muslim rage.

Opponents of the decision, including Alexander Shargunov, a well-known priest, argued that an outbreak of people's love is enough for the truth and that Yevgeny's grave works miracles, curing the sick and reconciling enemies. They also pointed out that the soldier did not die at war but in captivity and that to say that the time of martyrs is over is nearly heresy.

Title: Re: God Loves Us All, Or So We Are Told
Post by: Trip on August 04, 2013, 09:14:43 AM
Quote from: ReallyOrnery on July 15, 2013, 11:50:37 PM

Mary Stachowicz was a homophobic religious bigot who provoked a violent confrontation with a gay man who justifiably reacted to nearly two-thousand years of oppression by pietistic fanatics just like her. 

Such extremists need to be exposed and crucified by a tolerant and loving civil society that has no room in its collective heart for such hate-mongering religious zealots.  If there truly is a kind, loving and forgiving god in heaven, hate peddlers like Stachowicz will burn in hell forever for their illiberal and narrow-minded intolerance of people who god made gay. 

God loves us all, no matter what prejudiced and intellectually-damaged religious maniacs like Stachowicz say to the contrary.  The intolerant bitch got what she deserved. 

Let god's love, clemency and acceptance be the herald that ushers in a new dawn of understanding that we are all the way we are because that is the way god created us to be.

If this message smells like male-bovine feces, then your nose is as good as mine; if you catch my drift.



Mary "provoked" not just a "violent confrontation", which is a gross dishonesty on your part, but her perverse murder and mangling after the fact, as a result of Mary only asking  the simple question "Why do you sleep with boys?",  by the convicted murder's Gutierrez's own statement?

While one may "provoke" a simple assault, one cannot provoke their own murder, unless they are a direct and immediate threat to another's life, which was never the testimony. 

You are one sick pup in  serious need of extraction from the global gene pool.  I'm not a loving civil society passing judgment or anything, though crucifixion isn't out of the question,   I just think that we should expedite the judgment to God, and let him sort it out.  If you don't believe in that God, then there should really be no objections.

While the impact of that expedited extraction may be an inconvenience to some,  it will not be nearly as offensive to the remainder of the global populace as Mary's body rotting beneath the floorboards above a mortuary.

Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: Yawn on August 04, 2013, 04:28:52 PM
I almost replied in the same way. But read his last sentence. He was making a sarcastic point from the Left's POV.

I told you guys I get sarcasm. We shouldn't need a "sarcasm alert", but I guess some have trouble getting it through the printed word. 

If it sounds over the top ridiculous, it's probably sarcasm. Rush explains it as "illustrating absurdity with absurdity."
Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: walkstall on August 04, 2013, 08:31:19 PM
Quote from: Yawn on August 04, 2013, 04:28:52 PM
I almost replied in the same way. But read his last sentence. He was making a sarcastic point from the Left's POV.

I told you guys I get sarcasm. We shouldn't need a "sarcasm alert", but I guess some have trouble getting it through the printed word. 

If it sounds over the top ridiculous, it's probably sarcasm. Rush explains it as "illustrating absurdity with absurdity."

I'm sorry, but you could be talking just about every Lib.    :lol: 
Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: Trip on August 05, 2013, 06:20:20 AM
Quote from: Yawn on August 04, 2013, 04:28:52 PM
I almost replied in the same way. But read his last sentence. He was making a sarcastic point from the Left's POV.

I told you guys I get sarcasm. We shouldn't need a "sarcasm alert", but I guess some have trouble getting it through the printed word. 

If it sounds over the top ridiculous, it's probably sarcasm. Rush explains it as "illustrating absurdity with absurdity."

You're right. Kudos.   I feel like an idiot.

Title: Re: A TRUE Martyr
Post by: JustKari on August 05, 2013, 06:40:21 AM
Quote from: Trip on August 05, 2013, 06:20:20 AM
You're right. Kudos.   I feel like an idiot.

Please don't, the Religion forum can be a "touchy" place, it is easy to get angry after only reading part of a post, or reading a whole post but not "get" that it is sarcasm if we are angry (which I am guilty of).

FWIW, I read RO's post and thought it was rude, I did not "get" that it was sarcasm until Yawn pointed it out.  Yawn  just has a better sarcasm sensor than I do, but I honestly didn't expect it here. 

Please forgive typo's, I am typing one-eyed and I really can't see very well.
Title: Re: God Loves Us All, Or So We Are Told
Post by: Mountainshield on August 07, 2013, 06:46:17 AM
Quote from: ReallyOrnery on July 15, 2013, 11:50:37 PM
Let god's love, clemency and acceptance be the herald that ushers in a new dawn of understanding that we are all the way we are because that is the way god created us to be

nice, I skipped this post after reading the first sentence because I too thought ReallyOrnery was serious.

I just love it when atheists use this argument, and it saddens me when many christians do it. Your physical defects or brain chemistry defects are not due to God or in God's image. And if it is part of God's image the Bible makes it clear you are not meant to embrace the deficiencies.