holocaust joke

Started by elmerfudd, March 29, 2012, 05:48:44 PM

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I heard two Jewish comedians on TV discussing jokes.  One said his biggest regret was he could never find a good, decent holocaust joke.  The other said he had one and proceeded to tell it.

Now I am not saying the holocaust was funny. It was a terrible crime against humanity and I believe there are souls justly frying in the hottest parts of hell because of the part they played in it.  But I could not wait to hear his "holocaust" joke.

An old Jewish man was walking down the streets of Berlin shortly after Kristalnacht and carrying a chicken.  He had on his Star of David.  He came to a corner, and a Brown shirt thug asked him "Hey, old man! Whatcha got there?"

"A chicken," the man replied.  The thug said "Whadda you feed that chicken?"  The man said "corn."  The thug knocked him down, kicked him several times and screamed "DONT BE FEEDING THAT BIRD CORN!  THAT'S WASTING FOOD GOOD GERMANS MIGHT NEED!"

The old man got up, dusted himself off, saluted smartly and went on his way. Next corner, same thing happened again. The Brown shirt thug asked him "Hey, old man! Whatcha got there?"

"A chicken," the man replied.  The thug said "Whadda you feed that chicken?"  This time the man knew better than to answer corn.  The man said "wheat."  The thug knocked him down, kicked him several times and screamed "DONT BE FEEDING THAT BIRD WHEAT!  THAT'S WASTING FOOD GOOD GERMANS MIGHT NEED!"

The old man got up a little more slowly this time, dusted himself off, saluted smartly and went on his way. Next corner, same thing happened again. The Brown shirt thug asked him "Hey, old man! Whatcha got there?"

"A chicken," the man replied.  The thug said "Whadda you feed that chicken?"  This time the old man didn't know what to say, but he knew it better not be corn or wheat.  He had an epiphany.  "I give him a nickel, he buys whatever he wants."


I'd have said "Nuts, you dumb ass socialist" and castrated the bastard on the spot.
Official Trump Cult Member