Conservative Political Forum

General Category => History => Topic started by: milos on September 14, 2014, 09:26:33 AM

Title: The Vinča Culture
Post by: milos on September 14, 2014, 09:26:33 AM
Modern history science claims the human civilization started in Sumer, Mesopotamia, and from there spread into Europe. But, that is not the real truth. Actually, it was the other way around. Human civilization started in Europe, and from there spread into Mesopotamia and Sumer. (

Vinča-Belo Brdo (Serbian: Винча-Бело брдо) is an archaeological site in Vinča, a suburb of Belgrade, Serbia. The tell of Belo Brdo ('White Hill') is almost entirely made up of the remains of human settlement, and was occupied several times from the Early Neolithic (c. 5700 BCE) through to the Medieval period. The most substantial archaeological deposits are from the Neolithic-Eneolithic Vinča culture, of which Vinča-Belo Brdo is the type site.

Vinča is situated on the right bank of the Danube, 14 km downstream from Belgrade, on a high loess terrace. This location was attractive to its Neolithic settlers: the Danube on one side provided water and fishing while on the other the valley of the river Bolecica connected it to a hinterland rich in minerals, ores, hunting grounds and fertile agricultural soils. Belo Brdo is one of the largest tell sites in the Balkans, covering 10 hectares of land with 9 metres of cultural deposits and a total height of 10.5 metres. (

The Vinča culture occupied a region of Southeastern Europe (i.e. the Balkans) corresponding mainly to modern-day Serbia and Kosovo, but also parts of Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Greece.

This region had already been settled by farming societies of the First Temperate Neolithic, but during the Vinča period sustained population growth led to an unprecedented level of settlement size and density along with the population of areas that were bypassed by earlier settlers. Vinča settlements were considerably larger than any other contemporary European culture, in some instances surpassing the cities of the Aegean and early Near Eastern Bronze Age a millennium later. The largest sites—some more than 300,000 square metres—may have been home to up to 2,500 people. (

The Vinča symbols, sometimes called the Vinča signs, Vinča script, Vinča-Turdaș script, Old European script, etc., are a set of symbols found on Neolithic era (6th to 5th millennia BCE) artifacts from the Vinča culture of southeastern Europe.

The symbols are mostly considered as constituting the oldest excavated example of "proto-writing" in the world; that is, they probably conveyed a message but did not encode language, predating the development of writing proper by more than a millennium. (

During the height of the Danube Valley civilisation, it played an important role in south-eastern Europe through the development of copper tools, a writing system, advanced architecture, including two storey houses, and the construction of furniture, such as chairs and tables, all of which occurred while most of Europe was in the middle of the Stone Age. They developed skills such as spinning, weaving, leather processing, clothes manufacturing, and manipulated wood, clay and stone and they invented the wheel. They had an economic, religious and social structure.

One of the more intriguing and hotly debated aspects of the Danube Valley civilisation is their supposed written language.  While some archaeologists have maintained that the 'writing' is actually just a series of geometric figures and symbols, others have maintained that it has the features of a true writing system.  If this theory is correct, it would make the script the oldest written language ever found, predating the Sumerian writings in Mesopotamia, and possibly even the Dispilio Tablet, which has been dated 5260 BC. (

Some scholars believe that the Vinča symbols represent the earliest form of writing ever found, predating ancient Egyptian and Sumerian writing by thousands of years. Since the inscriptions are all short and appear on objects found in burial sites, and the language represented is not known, it is highly unlikely they will ever be deciphered. (

In 1908, the largest prehistoric Neolithic settlement in Europe was discovered in the village of Vinca, just a few miles from the Serbian capital Belgrade, on the shores of the Danube. Vinca was excavated between 1918 and 1934 and was revealed as a civilisation in its own right. Indeed, as early as the 6th millennium BC, three millennia before Dynastic Egypt, the Vinca culture was already a fully fledged civilisation. A typical town consisted of houses with complex architectural layouts and several rooms, built of wood that was covered in mud. The houses sat along streets, thus making Vinca the first urban settlement in Europe, but being far older than the cities of Mesopotamia and Egypt. And the town of Vinca itself was just one of several metropolises, with others at Divostin, Potporanj, Selevac, Plocnik and Predionica.

Archaeologists concluded that "in the 5th and early 4th millennia BC, just before its demise in east-central Europe, 'Old Europeans' had towns with a considerable concentration of population, temples several stories high, a sacred script, spacious houses of four or five rooms, professional ceramicists, weavers, copper and gold metallurgists, and other artisans producing a range of sophisticated goods. A flourishing network of trade routes existed that circulated items such as obsidian, shells, marble, copper, and salt over hundreds of kilometres."

Title: Re: The Vinča Culture
Post by: milos on September 14, 2014, 10:42:12 PM
In Vinča symbols, we can recognize modern latin letters:

O, A, M, I, Y, X, V, W, T, Z, F, H, P, C, E, S, D, G;

and also modern cyrillic letters:

О, А, М, У, Х, Д, Т, Г, Ч, Ћ, Ь, П, Н, Л, Р, С, Е, Ш.
Title: Re: The Vinča Culture
Post by: Mountainshield on October 06, 2014, 10:26:31 AM
I'd be careful about embracing archeological finds, especially if it already conforms to an embraced ideology. I'm not disputing the findings or the facts, they may all be true and it's a great discovery but this reminds me of a Slavic version of Blavatsky's theories about the Aryans and Atlantis, except of course this is built on fact and not smoking opium.
Title: Re: The Vinča Culture
Post by: milos on October 10, 2014, 12:55:25 PM
Old Europe

Before Sumer, Crete or the Maltese civilisation, there was "Old Europe", or the Vinca culture... a forgotten, rather than lost civilisation that lies at the true origin of most of our ancient civilisations.

There are lost civilisations, and then there are forgotten civilisations. From the 6th to the 3rd millennium BC, the so-called "Vinca culture" stretched for hundreds of miles along the river Danube, in what is now Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, with traces all around the Balkans, parts of Central Europe and Asia Minor, and even Western Europe.
Few, if any, have heard of this culture, though they have seen some of their artefacts. They are the infamous statues found in Sumer, where authors such as Zecharia Sitchin have labelled them as "extra-terrestrial", seeing that the shapes of these beings can hardly be classified as typically human. So why was it that few have seen (or were aware of) their true origin? (

Title: Re: The Vinča Culture
Post by: milos on April 19, 2016, 11:28:41 AM

Quote from: Mountainshield on October 06, 2014, 10:26:31 AM
I'd be careful about embracing archeological finds, especially if it already conforms to an embraced ideology. I'm not disputing the findings or the facts, they may all be true and it's a great discovery but this reminds me of a Slavic version of Blavatsky's theories about the Aryans and Atlantis, except of course this is built on fact and not smoking opium.

I am not claiming that the Vinča Culture was Slavic. But, we undoubtedly at least partially descend from them. It was a civilization which dwelled in the river valleys, so the question is who lived in the mountains at the same period, and were they of the same ethnic origin? Migrations can affect river valleys and sea coasts easily, but mountainous regions are very difficult to conquer or migrate to, and on mountains population usually never changes over time. The modern history science is being largely based on established dogmas, and it is very difficult for the new discoveries to break through and become accepted. The whole World is being falsely taught that the oldest known civilization origins in Sumer and Mesopotamia, while it actually origins in the Balkans.

Here is something that might be of interest for this subject. There is a mountain in the modern day eastern Serbia, called Rtanj, which is believed to be a pyramid, much older than the Egyptian ones. The ancient name for the mountain is Artan, which suggests that it is actually an artificial mountain. There are lots of strange phenomena related to this mountain, like airplane compasses going mad when flying over, some strange light spheres are oftenly being seen over the mountain, as well as strange voices being heard from inside the mountain on an unidentified language. It is known that the mountain is hollow, but the legend says that anyone who tried to enter died. The mountain has a shape of a three-sided pyramid, with two angles at 105 degrees, and the third one being of 150 degrees, and its three sides are 3 kilometers, 1.5 kilometers, and 750 meters long, which makes them form the 4:2:1 proportion, which is also the exact proportion of the hight above the sea level of their bases. The mountain top stands at 1565 meters above the sea level. Arthur Clarke also claimed that Rtanj is a pyramid. The pyramid allegedly creates a flow of a natural positive energy. There is an endemic species of a healthy herb which Rtanj tea is made of, but picking of the herb has been banned lately because of being near the extinction.

Here is a reconstruction of the artificial complex which this mountain is believed to be made of.

A small chapel has been built at its top in 1936 by a Jewish family who were the owners of a coal mine near the mountain, in a style of a synagogue, and dedicated to Saint George, but it was demolished some 20 years ago by some bandits who believed there was a hidden treasure beneath the chapel. There is a movement to rebuild the chapel once again, and a cross has been erected at its top recently.

Title: Re: The Vinča Culture
Post by: milos on January 28, 2024, 11:39:32 AM
Title: Re: The Vinča Culture
Post by: Solar on January 28, 2024, 01:23:41 PM
Quote from: milos on January 28, 2024, 11:39:32 AM

The claim that they burned their own homes repeatedly seems a bit of a stretch, considering the fortifications around the settlement.
It would be more pragmatic to consider regular impediments into their daily lives from outside attacks, actually burning their dwellings, which they had to rebuild regularly.

Though fascinating, far more research needs to be done. According to my DNA results, much of my lineage begins in the area, but again, we know very little of this period in time.