Did the Party Switch Happen ?

Started by joesixpack, July 02, 2020, 06:02:35 PM

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Quote from: Possum on July 24, 2020, 05:04:43 AM
It is a damn shame they do not teach history anymore. Or how to think for one's self.
The mayor of Portland marching with the protesters, siding with them as they destroyed, and the whole time the protesters were telling him to f--k off. This is your democratic party. Antifa has and will not stop with just tearing down the confederate statues, they want to tear down Columbus, Washington, Jefferson, etc, they want to destroy this country and punks who back them are too stupid to see it. Joe's whole point was to "prove" the republicans are raciest, when all he had to do was oopen his damn eyes and see where all the hatred is occurring. Nobody is tearing down anything because they love this country!!
Check it out. Joe trying to explain how this isn't a leftist DNC problem. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Possum on July 24, 2020, 03:38:15 AM
Joe, there are still democrats in the south, many of them. They are the ones who believe in racism, destroying, tearing down statues, against the church, etc. Your argument seems to believe that everyone just went republican. Now, ask yourself, what happened to the republicans in the north? Where are they? Who is doing the looting? Look at all the gun violence in the democrat run places, is that caused by republicans.

My argument is and has been that those Southern Democrats/Dixiecrat voters are now Republicans and GOP voters.

It appears that we agreed on that. That was the Party Switch. Agree or disagree?
Rules of Engagement

noun: democracy
a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Reps pre 1912 = mostly Progressive
Dems pre 1928 = mostly Conservative


Quote from: joesixpack on July 23, 2020, 09:42:28 AM
By party switch, we're referring to who the voters choose.

Then call it by its correct name. It is not a party switch because they did not switch parties get it, got it, good.
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. -Jeffrey Borenstein


Quote from: joesixpack on July 23, 2020, 03:17:57 PM
A lot of unrelated questions...but thank you for acknowledging that the Democrats were split between the "liberal"-North and "conservative"-South.

Those Southern Democrats voters, or Dixiecrats as they were called, were the ones that started voting Republican. That's the Party Switch I'm referring to.

For the third time Joe it's not a party switch unless the voter switches parties try to pay attention because I'm getting tired of reminding you.
As far as the Dixiecrats are concerned there was one dixiecrat that left the Democratic Party and became a Republican the rest continued to live and they died as Democrats. If you do not believe that look it up because you definitely got this one wrong.
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. -Jeffrey Borenstein


Quote from: joesixpack on July 23, 2020, 03:53:40 PM
You can label the voters however you'd like. But the fact remains, those (historically racist) Dixiecrat/Southern Democrat voters vote for Republicans now. That's the switch.

But for the sake of argument, maybe I can follow your logic if you explain what a Conservative is by your definition?

News flash, to vote across party lines does not mean a switch in party affiliation. Simply by voting for a Republican when you happen to be registered as a Democrat does not automatically make you a Republican. As far as the Dixiecrats changing parties, only one did Strom Thurmond. If there were any other of the  Dixiecrats that changed parties I would like for you to post their names. I'm not going to do your research but you made the claim that the dixiecrat Democrat switched parties and became Republicans when in fact only one did so either prove what you're saying or drop it. I will give you a starting point. In the 1948 Democrat Convention 22 members of the Mississippi delegation and 13 members of the Alabama delegation walked out of the convention and along with Strom Thurmond  and others formed the dixiecrat party. Historically those are your Dixiecrats. Now other than Strom Thurmond name the other ones that became Republicans or shut the hell up about it. In 1960 Strom Thurmond voted for Richard Nixon while still a Democrat, that doesn't mean he switched parties, that didn't happen until 1964.  The other option is to remain ignorant so you don't have to know the truth.



Now either prove with names and dates the Dixiecrats that became Republicans or remain an ignorant troll and liar. I care not but I will point it out every time I see it

Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. -Jeffrey Borenstein


Quote from: joesixpack on July 24, 2020, 06:33:07 AM
My argument is and has been that those Southern Democrats/Dixiecrat voters are now Republicans and GOP voters.

It appears that we agreed on that. That was the Party Switch. Agree or disagree?
Totally disagree. There are still democrats in the south, they did not disappear, if there was a switch, it was the northern republicans who joined the democrats and formed the socialist party that we now call the democrats. Now answer my question, if you claim the democrats were the raciest party, why are they still raciest?


Quote from: joesixpack on July 24, 2020, 06:33:07 AM
My argument is and has been that those Southern Democrats/Dixiecrat voters are now Republicans and GOP voters.

It appears that we agreed on that. That was the Party Switch. Agree or disagree?

I call bullshit............!

Joe, you and every other democrat want so badly to run from the truth that the democrat party is the party of racism. Your impossible dream is to make a lie truth....it's not going to happen Joe.

The same way you tried to pin racist George Wallace as a republican in this thread is the same way the democrats tried to claim Abe Lincoln was a democrat and Obama was a conservative. You guys want the switch so bad you will lie through your teeth to get it.

Now Joe, here's the solution, like a junkie, the first step is admitting he has a drug problem. With that being said Joe, the only way the democrat party can reconcile it's pass is to admit they have a problem with racism. The sad and funny part at the same time is the democrats are trying to place their sins of racism on the republicans...like you are trying to do in this thread.

The liberal media is trying the same bullshit you are trying to pull here Joe.

Read and weep....The democrat's impossible dream is to make a lie truth.

Please explain the liberal media's actions below.

People sleep peacefully at night because there are a few tough men prepared to do violence on their behalf.

A foolish man complains about his torn pockets.

A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.