Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Alternate Boards => Conspiracy Forum => Topic started by: Possum on November 06, 2021, 07:20:13 AM

Title: 58 years ago JFK murdered
Post by: Possum on November 06, 2021, 07:20:13 AM
We have talked about this several times about who killed JFK, or rather who was behind it. This is the first time I have seen in print what we talked about, namely LBJ.

QuoteStone, who co-authored the book with Mike Colapietro, makes the case that the murder of JFK was masterminded by his own vice president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and that the CIA and mafia conspired with LBJ to carry out the hit.
There was never any doubt in my mind that LBJ was the worst president the U.S. has had, Biden is changing that opinion though.
  Good read, hope the records come out next year.