Conservative Political Forum

General Category => CCP Virus and Vaccine Bio-weapon => Topic started by: Solar on August 28, 2023, 05:32:22 AM

Title: ‘Pandemic Was a Military Bioterrorism Project’
Post by: Solar on August 28, 2023, 05:32:22 AM
Still Believe The Jabb Was Above board? :cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:

They went through the motions of conducting animal studies and clinical trials of the Covid shots, and of submitting applications for drug approval to the corresponding regulators in each jurisdiction.

All this was entirely for the benefit of the public because regulators of medicines and medical devices have no authority over the distribution of these injectibles, which are classed as military "counter-measures."

They are passed off as pharmaceutical vaccines because no one would take a substance from a vial with a DoD label marked "prototype."

According to Latypova, they are also described in government documents as dual-use (military and civilian) biological weapons.

Latypova explains that the entire logistical operation of development, procurement, production, and distribution is run by the U.S. DoD.

They farm out the manufacturing to hundreds of separate military contractors all over the world, and there are dozens of production steps, each implemented by a facility that fulfills a single process in the chain.

Substances are shipped internationally from one place to another and workers have no idea what the materials they receive contain.

They are simply instructed to mix them and ship the product on to the next location.

So the normal requisites of quality control procedures which take place at a plant at the various stages of production, to test for contaminants and ensure consistency, as well as the inspections to certify good manufacturing practices, are completely absent.

Largely inexperienced operatives, untrained in the proper procedures for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products pose little threat of whistle-blowing.

It is a compartmentalized operation under military control.

The result is billions of vials of biological materials of unknown composition all over the world.

Some may be blanks; some may be extremely toxic.

Once we correct the false assumption that the injectables are pharmaceuticals regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and by the corresponding regulators of health products in other countries, some pieces of the puzzle start falling into place.

On the one hand, the injectables are being sold to the public as "health products," while in fact being placed in a completely different category, referred to in the documentation as "prototypes" or "counter-measures."

The mechanism allows the Pentagon to hide whatever it is doing in total secrecy and avoid any federal accounting rules.

This is significant because the DoD has an annual budget in excess of $800 billion, enabling it to extend its tentacles around the world in "black box" conditions – untraceable and unaccountable.