Told Ya Rush Went Over The Edge

Started by Solar, February 04, 2016, 06:52:38 AM

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Double D

Quote from: kit saginaw on February 05, 2016, 08:41:03 AM
So in the span of less than two weeks, Rush is suddenly not conservative enough and Hannity suddenly isn't conservative enough.  That's ridiculous.  The next TEA-meeting here is on the 8th.  I guarantee there'll be zero outrage about the occasional 'glowing comments' those two have made about whomever.   

No conservative that is being true to his/her values and convictions can support Trump...period.
Liberalism is a very serious, non curable mental disorder.....


Quote from: Solar on February 05, 2016, 12:17:18 PM
No, since he started carrying water for a lib and now a RINO.
Oh and as for Hannity, he's always been a RINO. Jeeeez Kit, wake up!
And he is getting worse. I listened today while I was stuck in traffic, shouldn't have. Ended up listening to that crap that is called country now. I do miss a good talk show but rush has drank till he was drunk on the koolaid. Makes me wonder, what does trump have on rush? or did I miss judge rush all these years?


Quote from: s3779m on July 21, 2016, 11:31:02 AM
And he is getting worse. I listened today while I was stuck in traffic, shouldn't have. Ended up listening to that crap that is called country now. I do miss a good talk show but rush has drank till he was drunk on the koolaid. Makes me wonder, what does trump have on rush? or did I miss judge rush all these years?
I think Rush was attempting to play both sides, in that he can appease the Establishment by keeping them viable in spite of all the shit they pulled, simply by distracting the base with Dim scandals.
Sure, get the base worked up over some boneheaded remark by a socialist, while the GOP cut another deal with the Marxists.
I believe after all those years listening to Rush, I finally see it for what it was, an infomercial designed to make the Establishment our only option.

Ailes made Nixon, Ailes is akin to the Devil appearing every photograph at every catastrophe since photography was invented, there was Ailes in the background pulling the strings.
Like selling ones soul to the devil, Rush signed his away with Ailes.
It all makes sense now, its why Rush never claimed anything beyond entertainer status, I believe now in hindsight he was telling his audience the truth, which is why he finally came clean and told us, he never claimed to be a Conservative.

I believe Ailes is very possibly the biggest enemy to freedom our Nation has ever witnessed.
We may be thanking the lib Murdoch for kicking his ass to the curb.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Double D on July 21, 2016, 11:04:53 AM
No conservative that is being true to his/her values and convictions can support Trump...period.

True "dat".


Quote from: s3779m on July 21, 2016, 11:31:02 AM
And he is getting worse. I listened today while I was stuck in traffic, shouldn't have. Ended up listening to that crap that is called country now. I do miss a good talk show but rush has drank till he was drunk on the koolaid. Makes me wonder, what does trump have on rush? or did I miss judge rush all these years?

The are close personal friends.  Which presents all kinds of problems.  Rush has spoken of Ted Cruz in glowing terms, even used in a great commercial for Ted Cruz - he admires Ted.   But, he's a personal friend of Donald Trump... and rich people like to rub shoulders with rich people, even if they are uncouth slobs, child molesters, and womanizers.   The love of money, or those who have much, can make good people do terrible things.  I think things would be a bit different on Rush's show, if Donald wasn't a candidate.  If Donald wins the general election, and turns full blown liberal - it wouldn't suprise me if Rush retired rather than take on his personal friend.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Absolutely disgusting. Beck was the only 'conservative' commentator who spoke positively about Cruz's speech last night.  Hannity and Limbaugh are about as conservative as their buddy Trump.  In addition to being a huge Cruz supporter, I've been a Beck fan for quite sometime. Both men have admirable attributes; honor and integrity!
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...