Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Entertainment => Video Games => Topic started by: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 12:00:54 PM

Title: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 12:00:54 PM
and come back and nothing changes, no interest or people have left.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: TboneAgain on January 15, 2022, 01:22:27 PM
Quote from: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 12:00:54 PMand come back and nothing changes, no interest or people have left.
You missed out! I've been having a ball on this board over the last few days you were gone!

One thing you'll learn if you stick around. The folks that inhabit this strange corner of the internet are savvy, well-read, and current. They're also strongly unified in outlook and philosophy. Not a lot of time gets wasted on idle conversation; that's not what we're here for. We may vary in degrees or nuance about this issue or that, but every damn one of us knows that Joe Biden (for just one example) is full of shit. I don't feel a need to get on here every day and declare that Joe Biden is full of shit. This is, after all, the Conservative Political Forum.

I've been here (with one screen name or another) for more than eleven years, almost since the site began. How many bulletin-board style discussion sites can you think of that have even been around that long? I remember when the total membership here was maybe 30; now it's pushing 3,000, and that does not include those who have departed over the years. (I myself count for two "departed" identities.) In my  time here, I've made good friends. In that time, I've pissed off some folks, including the site's mods and admins, and even the owner once or thrice. We may be uniformly conservative, but we don't all quote from the same bible, and conflicts arise. That's part and parcel.

I can tell you that in my time here, I have learned volumes. There are people here who are smarter than the average bear, and leagues ahead of you and me both when it comes to processing current events. There are folks with so many different bailiwicks; some are philosophers; some are techies; some are housewives; some are newbie kids. Some, like me, are just grumpy old bastards with too much time on their hands.  :laugh:

I would encourage you to use that handy-dandy "Search" icon, the one with the magnifying glass near the top of the page. This site is a collection of more than 450,000 posts on something over 38,000 different topics. Not one of these topics is closed. I was the insane SOB who started the nearly-viral post about killing raccoons many years ago. (I was so young back then...) If you have something to say on that particular subject, post it! The magic of this site is that your one post pulls that entire thread -- pages and pages of posts -- to the surface for everybody to see.

Stick around. It's worth it.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: Solar on January 15, 2022, 01:48:51 PM
Quote from: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 12:00:54 PMand come back and nothing changes, no interest or people have left.
Tbone is Right. We are virtually joined at the hip where our Republic is concerned.
If I were to start a Post titled "Marxist", everyone here would know exactly what I mean, If I said "Establishment", again, every long term member here knew it referred to Globalists, meaning both party's are Hell bent on destroying our Republic.
Note, I did not say Democracy because they all know we are not by any description, a democracy, regardless of how many times you hear leftist media say "Our Democracy is in trouble". (Go Ahead, look at all of our Founding Documents, not once was the word "democracy" mentioned, and for good reason.)

What they're saying is, Their Democracy is in trouble, because the people are pissed and want to save our Republic.
Point being, for people to respond to a post here, it has to be ground breaking, not your run of the mill media distraction, or as in your other new post, that was already covered, so don't expect a response.

Thing is, everyone that posts here is way ahead of the curve, we can predict a distraction piece before the media breaks the story.
Like T said, peruse the site, we have always been ahead of the curve, by years, if not decades.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 02:43:50 PM
There is so much I can do and believe I work to spread the words and try to wake people up but some are so dead and can't be awakened...Thank goodness I have my daughter and grandkids who also believe as I do and they their groups etc....   I'm tried so many groups in the last couple yrs and I'm looking for some Light Stuff to bring some fun and laughs. 

Our country probably has over 150 million libs and maybe 75million conservvaties, I don't know, but many don't have fight left in them.  And most in my circle have been libs...and a good friend who was 70 yr Republican, left the party when trump was elected.  She hates him and won't return to the R party and if she ever will who knows. Now she's dealing with a dread cancer and there are just many people we have to let be.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: Solar on January 15, 2022, 03:20:22 PM
Quote from: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 02:43:50 PMThere is so much I can do and believe I work to spread the words and try to wake people up but some are so dead and can't be awakened...Thank goodness I have my daughter and grandkids who also believe as I do and they their groups etc....  I'm tried so many groups in the last couple yrs and I'm looking for some Light Stuff to bring some fun and laughs. 

Our country probably has over 150 million libs and maybe 75million conservvaties, I don't know, but many don't have fight left in them.  And most in my circle have been libs...and a good friend who was 70 yr Republican, left the party when trump was elected.  She hates him and won't return to the R party and if she ever will who knows. Now she's dealing with a dread cancer and there are just many people we have to let be.
Biteme's Residency in the WH woke up more people than you can imagine.
The DNC' Marxist policies have killed off any chance of them ever getting back into power. That's why they were forced to steal the election in the first place, the majority of the people have had their fill of destroying this great Nation.

Be patient, it's coming.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: TboneAgain on January 15, 2022, 04:22:57 PM
Quote from: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 02:43:50 PMThere is so much I can do and believe I work to spread the words and try to wake people up but some are so dead and can't be awakened...Thank goodness I have my daughter and grandkids who also believe as I do and they their groups etc....  I'm tried so many groups in the last couple yrs and I'm looking for some Light Stuff to bring some fun and laughs. 

Our country probably has over 150 million libs and maybe 75million conservvaties, I don't know, but many don't have fight left in them.  And most in my circle have been libs...and a good friend who was 70 yr Republican, left the party when trump was elected.  She hates him and won't return to the R party and if she ever will who knows. Now she's dealing with a dread cancer and there are just many people we have to let be.
I think most of the folks I know would disagree with you as to the number of true "liberals" in this country. Of course, that number is always inflated when it comes to opinion polls and reports on the MSM. Those people -- most of them liars, with the rest dedicated to deceiving you -- want you to think just exactly what you're saying, that we are outnumbered 2 to 1. It ain't so, my friend.

In 2020 we are told that Basement Boy Biden garnered 81 million votes, the most ever recorded for a presidential candidate. What the media don't like to discuss is that, by that same count, the so-called loser, Donald Trump, got 75 million -- the SECOND most votes ever recorded for a presidential candidate. These numbers don't take into account any adjustments for voter fraud, which we all know was widespread in Biden's favor.

We live in divisive times, but that is not our fault as conservatives. We are not the ones calling the tune when it comes to cancelling and censoring, even jailing one another. That's on them, and the day is fast approaching when that piper will want to be paid.

I've got three sisters, or at least did until one passed away this past September. One has the Lefty disease, and it has its hooks in her deep -- big-time Obama fan. I talk to her once a year, on her birthday, for about ten minutes. If the conversation goes on longer, there's trouble. So I know how you feel. On the other hand, she somehow ended up married to a heck of a nice guy, a true born-again Christian, hunter, fisherman, outdoorsman, hail-fellow-well-met, doesn't know a stranger. I like him a LOT better than I like my own sister. I haven't the vaguest idea how they stay together. LOL!

We can only do what we can do. I figured out a long time ago that I can't even solve my own problems without God's help -- sometimes it takes His undivided attention! I know better than to try to stick my nose in other people's problems. We conservatives believe in equality -- the true kind that liberals never even heard of. That equality carries with it a responsibility to bear one's own load, and to deal with one's own problems.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: T Hunt on January 15, 2022, 07:31:32 PM
Quote from: jaminhealth on January 15, 2022, 02:43:50 PMThere is so much I can do and believe I work to spread the words and try to wake people up but some are so dead and can't be awakened...Thank goodness I have my daughter and grandkids who also believe as I do and they their groups etc....  I'm tried so many groups in the last couple yrs and I'm looking for some Light Stuff to bring some fun and laughs. 

Our country probably has over 150 million libs and maybe 75million conservvaties, I don't know, but many don't have fight left in them.  And most in my circle have been libs...and a good friend who was 70 yr Republican, left the party when trump was elected.  She hates him and won't return to the R party and if she ever will who knows. Now she's dealing with a dread cancer and there are just many people we have to let be.

I think you have those numbers switched around. Conservatives have always outnumbered leftists, even tho the terms have gotten muddied by the media. They manipulate polls and census data and have for decades. They WANT us to believe we are outnumbered but I think there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Things like lets go brandon chants and massive rallys expose our sides support and there lack of it. They have on their side the establishment and all its money and power, the media and most of the government and some states and cities.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: T Hunt on January 15, 2022, 07:36:06 PM
Quote from: TboneAgain on January 15, 2022, 04:22:57 PMI think most of the folks I know would disagree with you as to the number of true "liberals" in this country. Of course, that number is always inflated when it comes to opinion polls and reports on the MSM. Those people -- most of them liars, with the rest dedicated to deceiving you -- want you to think just exactly what you're saying, that we are outnumbered 2 to 1. It ain't so, my friend.

In 2020 we are told that Basement Boy Biden garnered 81 million votes, the most ever recorded for a presidential candidate. What the media don't like to discuss is that, by that same count, the so-called loser, Donald Trump, got 75 million -- the SECOND most votes ever recorded for a presidential candidate. These numbers don't take into account any adjustments for voter fraud, which we all know was widespread in Biden's favor.

We live in divisive times, but that is not our fault as conservatives. We are not the ones calling the tune when it comes to cancelling and censoring, even jailing one another. That's on them, and the day is fast approaching when that piper will want to be paid.

I've got three sisters, or at least did until one passed away this past September. One has the Lefty disease, and it has its hooks in her deep -- big-time Obama fan. I talk to her once a year, on her birthday, for about ten minutes. If the conversation goes on longer, there's trouble. So I know how you feel. On the other hand, she somehow ended up married to a heck of a nice guy, a true born-again Christian, hunter, fisherman, outdoorsman, hail-fellow-well-met, doesn't know a stranger. I like him a LOT better than I like my own sister. I haven't the vaguest idea how they stay together. LOL!

We can only do what we can do. I figured out a long time ago that I can't even solve my own problems without God's help -- sometimes it takes His undivided attention! I know better than to try to stick my nose in other people's problems. We conservatives believe in equality -- the true kind that liberals never even heard of. That equality carries with it a responsibility to bear one's own load, and to deal with one's own problems.

Exactly, its a psyop that has been going on for decades.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: TboneAgain on January 15, 2022, 07:53:01 PM
Quote from: T Hunt on January 15, 2022, 07:36:06 PMExactly, its a psyop that has been going on for decades.
It's really the only thing the press is good for any more.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: Solar on January 16, 2022, 04:32:30 AM
Quote from: TboneAgain on January 15, 2022, 07:53:01 PMIt's really the only thing the press is good for any more.
Press, Good...?
That's two words you never find colligated anymore. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: TboneAgain on January 16, 2022, 12:01:52 PM
Quote from: Solar on January 16, 2022, 04:32:30 AMPress, Good...?
That's two words you never find colligated anymore. :biggrin:
Oh my heavens! Was I colligating in public again? And just last week I was caught openly masticating in a restaurant! And on the way out, the missus and I were both busted for osculating!

I wonder who got a thesaurus for Christmas.....  :tounge:
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: Solar on January 16, 2022, 12:12:12 PM
Quote from: TboneAgain on January 16, 2022, 12:01:52 PMOh my heavens! Was I colligating in public again? And just last week I was caught openly masticating in a restaurant! And on the way out, the missus and I were both busted for osculating!

I wonder who got a thesaurus for Christmas.....  :tounge:
Nah, I have a weird recall of obscure words, always have, just like useless facts, completely worthless shit I never seem to forget.
But what I did lose was my ability to work with electricity, something I've done since I was 5, and my complete repertoire of jokes. I had more than a hundred I could rattle off, some damn good ones too, all gone...
I probably lost more mental abilities, but you can't remember what you forgot. But words and useless facts are still intact. :blink: 
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: TboneAgain on January 16, 2022, 01:26:53 PM
Quote from: Solar on January 16, 2022, 12:12:12 PMNah, I have a weird recall of obscure words, always have, just like useless facts, completely worthless shit I never seem to forget.
But what I did lose was my ability to work with electricity, something I've done since I was 5, and my complete repertoire of jokes. I had more than a hundred I could rattle off, some damn good ones too, all gone...
I probably lost more mental abilities, but you can't remember what you forgot. But words and useless facts are still intact. :blink:
Ain't that the way? I've got all the memory cells needed to remember useless crap from bygone days, but when it comes to what I was doing five minutes ago, I've got the dreaded CRS.

For instance, I cannot tell you right now what my wife's phone number is, at least if I don't have my own phone to refer to. But I can tell you that 275-4623 was our home phone number sixty years ago, and my friend Mark's number was 274-1491. (Actually, back then the numbers began with CR, the two-letter shorthand for the Crestview exchange Ohio Bell operated in Dayton. So our number was CR5-4623.) We moved in 1968 and lost that home phone number forever; Mark moved around the same time. I can reel off the street addresses of places I haven't lived or even seen for fifty or sixty years, but I can't recall the address I moved from when I came here 13 years ago.

The only time it's a real problem is when I get into one of those situations online where I have to identify myself, and they ask me, "Have you ever lived at any of these addresses? A) B) C) and so on. Sometimes I stare at those addresses and I have to really think about it. I worked heavy highway construction for a large part of my adult life, and traveled a bunch. I have a LOT of old addresses to remember... or forget.
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: Solar on January 16, 2022, 03:25:54 PM
Quote from: TboneAgain on January 16, 2022, 01:26:53 PMAin't that the way? I've got all the memory cells needed to remember useless crap from bygone days, but when it comes to what I was doing five minutes ago, I've got the dreaded CRS.

For instance, I cannot tell you right now what my wife's phone number is, at least if I don't have my own phone to refer to. But I can tell you that 275-4623 was our home phone number sixty years ago, and my friend Mark's number was 274-1491. (Actually, back then the numbers began with CR, the two-letter shorthand for the Crestview exchange Ohio Bell operated in Dayton. So our number was CR5-4623.) We moved in 1968 and lost that home phone number forever; Mark moved around the same time. I can reel off the street addresses of places I haven't lived or even seen for fifty or sixty years, but I can't recall the address I moved from when I came here 13 years ago.

The only time it's a real problem is when I get into one of those situations online where I have to identify myself, and they ask me, "Have you ever lived at any of these addresses? A) B) C) and so on. Sometimes I stare at those addresses and I have to really think about it. I worked heavy highway construction for a large part of my adult life, and traveled a bunch. I have a LOT of old addresses to remember... or forget.
Obviously a lot of it is age. I too remember our Ph from 1959, GA1-2809, (Garden for those wondering what the GA was for).
I still remember all the neighbors License plates as well, even spotted the Cooks old 57 Ford on the Hwy a few years back, S84788 was the plate# and it was still the original yellow, neighbors Bug, OO1BGO, our Belair, MRS788, all useless shit.
Only if I could dump it to improve my short term memory, which is now totally shot, just ask Taxed..  :biggrin:

My short term memory is getting even worse, too often I find myself stopping and asking myself "WTF was I going to do?"
Backtracks to start point, remember, only to forget a second time.
Aging sucks, but I know a lot of it was from my concussion, I lost soooo much of my cognitive abilities.

Maybe that's why I still play Borderlands, like an Alzheimer's victim, seeing Gone With The Wind anew everyday. :popcorn: 
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: jaminhealth on January 19, 2022, 06:36:26 PM
Just not into writing paragraphs of nothings...
Title: Re: Don't come here for a few days
Post by: Solar on January 19, 2022, 06:54:46 PM
Quote from: jaminhealth on January 19, 2022, 06:36:26 PMJust not into writing paragraphs of nothings...
Then why even bother to comment in the first place?