
Started by Solar, September 06, 2011, 06:00:52 PM

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Does He Stay Or Go

Outta Here


Quote from: Arelcey on September 06, 2011, 08:42:51 PM

Ask Solar about it.  ;)

Slow down. Don't blow a gasket.


Quote from: taxed on September 06, 2011, 06:43:30 PM
I would argue your head is fully up his ass... But whatever...
Settle down. Bama had nothing to do with me being here. In fact, the initial PM was from something-or-other-"Pete" over at LNF, saying that Harry was sending me an invitation to come here. True story. Whether or not it was actually Harry sending the invite, who knows? Anyway, I just deleted the PM. Then one of the MySpacers sent a PM asking if I'd seen what was happening over here. Remembering that I have a new computer, plus our old ISP was bought out by a new one about a year ago, I decided to try my luck and asked the the link.


I voted "outta here." It's jerks like him that made the LNF an unpleasant experience. He told Admin there openly that he would keep returning to cause trouble, and he did. He has no desire to contribute. He just wants to infect the forum.


Quote from: Arelcey on September 06, 2011, 08:47:41 PM
Settle down. Bama had nothing to do with me being here. In fact, the initial PM was from something-or-other-"Pete" over at LNF, saying that Harry was sending me an invitation to come here. True story. Whether or not it was actually Harry sending the invite, who knows? Anyway, I just deleted the PM. Then one of the MySpacers sent a PM asking if I'd seen what was happening over here. Remebering that I have a new computer, plus our old ISP was bought out by a new one about a years ago, I decided to try my luck and asked the the link.

I can clear that bit of bullshit up real quick.


Quote from: Arelcey on September 06, 2011, 08:47:41 PM
Settle down. Bama had nothing to do with me being here. In fact, the initial PM was from something-or-other-"Pete" over at LNF, saying that Harry was sending me an invitation to come here. True story. Whether or not it was actually Harry sending the invite, who knows? Anyway, I just deleted the PM. Then one of the MySpacers sent a PM asking if I'd seen what was happening over here. Remebering that I have a new computer, plus our old ISP was bought out by a new one about a years ago, I decided to try my luck and asked the the link.

You have a fan base, but you get drunk, fall off stage, and can't perform...
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: bama_beau_redux on September 06, 2011, 08:50:15 PM
Who do you think I am, Marcus Bachmann?

Nah...  He married a woman...
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Ouch!  Jaz may have put the nail in the coffin...  And Ricky pisses off Harry...  Uh oh!!
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Indy on September 06, 2011, 08:21:37 PM
Let him stay.He's a lot more intelligent than some of the left on the other forum. He actually has a point of view and is able to articulate it. It's only when he has one of his meltdowns when it's a problem.
And I only have meltdowns when people start dogpiling on me, and begin going after Lin as a way to try to get to me. People, people, people, I'm EASY to get along with: just treat me with some respect.


Quote from: Arelcey on September 06, 2011, 08:54:07 PM
And I only have meltdowns when people start dogpiling on me, and begin going after Lin as a way to try to get to me. People, people, people, I'm EASY to get along with: just treat me with some respect.

Poor baby...


Quote from: Arelcey on September 06, 2011, 08:54:07 PM
And I only have meltdowns when people start dogpiling on me, and begin going after Lin as a way to try to get to me. People, people, people, I'm EASY to get along with: just treat me with some respect.
Maybe you should try giving us a reason why we should respect you.


Quote from: quiller on September 06, 2011, 08:43:45 PM
No, too much like LNF, where you admitted publicly you have been banned 150+ times. I'm tired of lying trolls like you, Ricky. I came here and stayed, thinking Solar had actually banned you.
Does that mean you'd leave if I was allowed to stay? That promise from you just might be enough to tip the votes in my favor!  :))


Quote from: bama_beau_redux on September 06, 2011, 08:57:52 PM
Are you trying to provoke him into a meltdown?  That's not nice.

Try calling him a 'poopie head'.

No, I'm sympathizing with the poor putout little thing.


Quote from: taxed on September 06, 2011, 08:44:26 PM
I did.  He is the one that busted you, silly boy...
No, Harry busted me. Solar just did some digging, and thought he uncovered chicanery; but I explained all that to him in a PM.


Quote from: Arelcey on September 06, 2011, 09:01:26 PM
No, Harry busted me. Solar just did some digging, and thought he uncovered chicanery; but I explained all that to him in a PM.

Ok...  I believe you.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Jasmine on September 06, 2011, 08:48:19 PM
I voted "outta here." It's jerks like him that made the LNF an unpleasant experience. He told Admin there openly that he would keep returning to cause trouble, and he did. He has no desire to contribute. He just wants to infect the forum.
Jizz ... I mean Jaz, you cut me to the quick! ...And here I thought I had replaced Scott in your heart.