Conservative Political Forum

General Category => The Living Room => Topic started by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 09:16:24 AM

Title: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 09:16:24 AM
Far from what you  might  have  heard she  is  very  considerate. Just got  my Christmas card from Jodi. I  have an account set  up with Barnes and Noble so she  can receive 5 books a  month. I cant send anything directly to her thats  packaged, only  letters. Barnes and Noble has to send her the  books directly. She  loves all kinds  of  books. I  have received many letters from her and  never has  she  complained  or  said anything  negative.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on December 18, 2020, 10:00:31 AM
WTF is wrong with you? The woman is a murderer and sociopath.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Sick Of Silence on December 18, 2020, 10:05:36 AM
Quote from: Solar on December 18, 2020, 10:00:31 AM
WTF is wrong with you? The woman is a murderer and sociopath.

Only lefties like criminals.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on December 18, 2020, 10:10:43 AM
Quote from: Sick Of Silence on December 18, 2020, 10:05:36 AM
Only lefties like criminals.
Oddly enough, this is usually something emotional women do, cling to murders and abusers.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 12:58:52 PM
Quote from: Solar on December 18, 2020, 10:00:31 AM
WTF is wrong with you? The woman is a murderer and sociopath.

I feel strongly  she deserves a  new trial. The  prosecutor  in the case  has been disbarred and  her  own defense attorney voluntarily gave  up his  licence before  he was disbarred because  he wrote a tell all book about  her. I  look at  it  like this, if  her defense counsel was  planning to write a  book to cash in after the trial was  he doing things during the trial that  made  her case worse just to make  his  book better?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 01:07:41 PM
Quote from: Solar on December 18, 2020, 10:10:43 AM
Oddly enough, this is usually something emotional women do, cling to murders and abusers.

Some truth to that as Ted Bundy got  married  in prison. In Jodi's case the jury voted  11-1 for the death penalty with 1 female who kept her from death. She tells  me she  gets large quantities of  mail. One reason i keep writing  is  because she  has  never  asked  me  for  money which she  could do. Every  prisoner has an account that  money  can be transferred to but  in 3 years she  never has  mentioned  it. Oh, and  i never bring  up her trial but  i do ask her the type  of  books she  likes and she  has a  part time job. 
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 01:16:35 PM
Quote from: Solar on December 18, 2020, 10:00:31 AM
WTF is wrong with you? The woman is a murderer and sociopath.

I feel her sentence was too extreme. I just read where a woman stabbed  her  husband 23 times when she  murdered him and got  25 years. I think i gained her trust through letters  by  never talking about  her  past  or  saying i love  her  or this or that. I dont  even know  her. On a  personal level all i say is i care about  her and hope  by  writing  it  makes things a  little  better for  her. Her favorite  book i have sent  her so far  is a Twilight  saga  book, The Second  Short Life of Bree Tanner. She  cant  have pets of  course so for this  Christmas  i sent several photography  books of cats.  I  know everyone will find  it  hard to believe but she  is truly amazing  in her letters. Intelligent, thoughtful and  kind.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on December 18, 2020, 01:21:19 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 12:58:52 PM
I feel strongly  she deserves a  new trial. The  prosecutor  in the case  has been disbarred and  her  own defense attorney voluntarily gave  up his  licence before  he was disbarred because  he wrote a tell all book about  her. I  look at  it  like this, if  her defense counsel was  planning to write a  book to cash in after the trial was  he doing things during the trial that  made  her case worse just to make  his  book better?
Had he won he'd have made even more money, so your logic is prejudiced!
I suggest you read the actual evidence in the case, the woman was a stalker and murdered this guy!

I've dated these crazy bitches in my past and I can assure you, they are all the same, she thought she was smart enough to get away with it, they all do, it's all a game with these people.
Try studying the mind of the sociopath, she fits the description to a T!
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 01:29:25 PM
Quote from: Solar on December 18, 2020, 01:21:19 PM
Had he won he'd have made even more money, so your logic is prejudiced!
I suggest you read the actual evidence in the case, the woman was a stalker and murdered this guy!

I've dated these crazy bitches in my past and I can assure you, they are all the same, she thought she was smart enough to get away with it, they all do, it's all a game with these people.
Try studying the mind of the sociopath, she fits the description to a T!

In this case you  are aware that Mr Alexander kept  having sex with her even after they has broken up several times. In fact they had sex the day she  killed  him. He was equally as  manipulative. My theory  is he wanted to be a  good  mormon boy and was ashamed  of Jodi but  kept  going  back for  more sex. He didnt deserve to die  but  Jodi was  used  by  him alot. I think she  snapped.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on December 18, 2020, 02:07:08 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 01:29:25 PM
In this case you  are aware that Mr Alexander kept  having sex with her even after they has broken up several times. In fact they had sex the day she  killed  him. He was equally as  manipulative. My theory  is he wanted to be a  good  mormon boy and was ashamed  of Jodi but  kept  going  back for  more sex. He didnt deserve to die  but  Jodi was  used  by  him alot. I think she  snapped.
Psychopaths' never snap, they always have in the back of their mind vengeance and justified murder as their remedy.
When people don't do as they demand, they must pay the price. In their mind they see themselves as a victim of another's manipulating, when in fact it was them doing all of the manipulating all along.

Seriously, read up on these people, it's a fascinating subject. I dealt with these people for a living, I know what they are capable of.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Calypso Jones on December 18, 2020, 02:34:20 PM
I hope you aren't sending her any money. 
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 03:12:46 PM
Quote from: Calypso Jones on December 18, 2020, 02:34:20 PM
I hope you aren't sending her any money.

Not a dime and thats why i decided to keep writing  her. Had she requested  money from me the first time  she wrote  back then i would have stopped.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 03:17:31 PM
Quote from: Solar on December 18, 2020, 02:07:08 PM
Psychopaths' never snap, they always have in the back of their mind vengeance and justified murder as their remedy.
When people don't do as they demand, they must pay the price. In their mind they see themselves as a victim of another's manipulating, when in fact it was them doing all of the manipulating all along.

Seriously, read up on these people, it's a fascinating subject. I dealt with these people for a living, I know what they are capable of.
Whether she  is  or  not her letters only show a  person who just wants a friend. She gets thousands  of  letters and for  me to be  one  of the few she  corresponds with means something.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 03:40:20 PM
This  is  her being interviewed the  day before she was sentenced. The reason i wrote to her  in the first  place was  one  night  i was watching youtube videos  of  people  getting sentenced and  hers was the  9th one  i watched. I felt  bad  because  i had forgotten her case and what  little  i remembered at the time was i thought  she should  have gotten death.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on December 18, 2020, 04:36:04 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 03:40:20 PM
This  is  her being interviewed the  day before she was sentenced. The reason i wrote to her  in the first  place was  one  night  i was watching youtube videos  of  people  getting sentenced and  hers was the  9th one  i watched. I felt  bad  because  i had forgotten her case and what  little  i remembered at the time was i thought  she should  have gotten death.
Take this to heart. You are an easy mark...
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 07:15:58 PM
Quote from: Solar on December 18, 2020, 04:36:04 PM
Take this to heart. You are an easy mark...

I dont think so. i provide  her some  books to read. She seems to appreciate them so i feel its  helping  her  cope.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on December 19, 2020, 06:10:11 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 07:15:58 PM
I dont think so. i provide  her some  books to read. She seems to appreciate them so i feel its  helping  her  cope.
She deserves to live in the Hell she created, she murdered a man! Why would you be OK with that? She will never redeem herself, she is a manipulator and you're playing right into her hands.
You keep her fantasy alive by enabling her, if everyone ignored the bitch she'd lose her power, that's the wakeup call she needs.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 19, 2020, 06:32:24 AM
Quote from: Solar on December 19, 2020, 06:10:11 AM
She deserves to live in the Hell she created, she murdered a man! Why would you be OK with that? She will never redeem herself, she is a manipulator and you're playing right into her hands.
You keep her fantasy alive by enabling her, if everyone ignored the bitch she'd lose her power, that's the wakeup call she needs.

What  power does she  have?Who says  im ok with what she did? Im just  making  her  life a  tiny  bit  more enjoyable.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Possum on December 19, 2020, 06:50:28 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on December 19, 2020, 06:32:24 AM
What  power does she  have?Who says  im ok with what she did? Im just  making  her  life a  tiny  bit  more enjoyable.
Yeah, guess there's not too much you can do for the man she shot to make his life more enjoyable.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on December 19, 2020, 08:26:26 AM
Quote from: Possum on December 19, 2020, 06:50:28 AM
Yeah, guess there's not too much you can do for the man she shot to make his life more enjoyable.
Goes Right over his head. He needs to buy one of those human life like silicone dolls.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on December 19, 2020, 08:57:33 AM
Quote from: Possum on December 19, 2020, 06:50:28 AM
Yeah, guess there's not too much you can do for the man she shot to make his life more enjoyable.

Dont forget stabbed  29 times as well and slit  his throat. She snapped and there  is  no indication she was in any trouble  before this  or would  be after.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on January 08, 2021, 03:57:17 PM
Got another  Jodi letter today.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on January 14, 2021, 03:28:34 AM
Here's ldub at her next parole hearing:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on January 14, 2021, 04:40:21 AM
Quote from: taxed on January 14, 2021, 03:28:34 AM
Here's ldub at her next parole hearing:
He needs to quit pining, save his money and just buy her.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Bronx on January 15, 2021, 06:53:01 AM
Quote from: Solar on January 14, 2021, 04:40:21 AM
He needs to quit pining, save his money and just buy her.

F*^k...why put shit like this in my head............. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on January 15, 2021, 07:09:59 AM
Quote from: Bronx on January 15, 2021, 06:53:01 AM
F*^k...why put shit like this in my head............. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm trying to save Ldub's pining away for the unattainable. :biggrin:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Bronx on January 15, 2021, 09:05:25 AM
Quote from: Solar on January 15, 2021, 07:09:59 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm trying to save Ldub's pining away for the unattainable. :biggrin:

Yeah but now I want one........... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: walkstall on January 15, 2021, 09:18:57 AM
Quote from: Bronx on January 15, 2021, 09:05:25 AM
Yeah but now I want one........... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hmmm ONLY one????  What will you do the other 6 days a week???
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on January 15, 2021, 10:11:32 AM
Quote from: Bronx on January 15, 2021, 09:05:25 AM
Yeah but now I want one........... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on January 16, 2021, 03:15:21 PM
Too much competition for  Jodi. I will have to settle for  being a  penpal
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: walkstall on January 16, 2021, 03:47:34 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on January 16, 2021, 03:15:21 PM
Too much competition for  Jodi. I will have to settle for  being a  penpal

Jodi said Here's your sign!
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on January 16, 2021, 04:36:42 PM
Jodi only says  nice  things
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on January 17, 2021, 06:17:43 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on January 16, 2021, 04:36:42 PM
Jodi only says  nice  things
Of course, she's a manipulative cunt!!!
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Sick Of Silence on January 17, 2021, 11:14:59 AM
Quote from: Solar on January 14, 2021, 04:40:21 AM
He needs to quit pining, save his money and just buy her.

They have dolls for leftist guys as well!
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on January 17, 2021, 03:55:31 PM
Quote from: Sick Of Silence on January 17, 2021, 11:14:59 AM
They have dolls for leftist guys as well!
Now why would you mention that? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: walkstall on January 17, 2021, 04:01:21 PM
Quote from: Solar on January 17, 2021, 03:55:31 PM
Now why would you mention that? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I take it some men can not handle a real woman.   :rolleyes:  :lol:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on January 17, 2021, 04:42:54 PM
Jodi is the  best there  is.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on January 17, 2021, 04:49:54 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on January 17, 2021, 04:42:54 PM
Jodi is the  best there  is.
She's a Fuickin Sociopath who stabbed her boyfriend 37 damned times!
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: walkstall on January 17, 2021, 06:12:48 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on January 17, 2021, 04:42:54 PM
Jodi is the  best there  is.

You need help see a psychiatrists or psychologists, as you may need some medications.  Sounds like you have a combination of physical and mental problems.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on January 18, 2021, 04:09:22 AM
Quote from: walkstall on January 17, 2021, 06:12:48 PM
You need help see a psychiatrists or psychologists, as you may need some medications.  Sounds like you have a combination of physical and mental problems.
This thread explains many of his filed predictions....
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 01, 2021, 05:05:01 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 12:58:52 PMI feel strongly  she deserves a  new trial. The  prosecutor  in the case  has been disbarred and  her  own defense attorney voluntarily gave  up his  licence before  he was disbarred because  he wrote a tell all book about  her. I  look at  it  like this, if  her defense counsel was  planning to write a  book to cash in after the trial was  he doing things during the trial that  made  her case worse just to make  his  book better?

Ah, I remember now... this was the girl...

BTW, I started a new True Crime board:

So for other cases or any other crushes you have, that's a good place to post.  I'm into True Crime myself...
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 01, 2021, 05:12:30 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on December 18, 2020, 01:16:35 PMI feel her sentence was too extreme. I just read where a woman stabbed  her  husband 23 times when she  murdered him and got  25 years.
I know, right?  You'd think when you stab the hell out of someone while they're taking a shower you'd get SOME leniency.

QuoteI think i gained her trust
So did Travis.  Ask him how that worked out.

Quotethrough letters  by  never talking about  her  past  or  saying i love  her  or this or that. I dont  even know  her. On a  personal level all i say is i care about  her and hope  by  writing  it  makes things a  little  better for  her.
I'm sure Travis' family really appreciates that.

QuoteHer favorite  book i have sent  her so far  is a Twilight  saga  book, The Second  Short Life of Bree Tanner.
You are so kind.

QuoteShe  cant  have pets of  course
What the hell?  It's like she's in damn prison.

Quoteso for this  Christmas  i sent several photography  books of cats.  I  know everyone will find  it  hard to believe but she  is truly amazing  in her letters. Intelligent, thoughtful and  kind.
I have no doubt she's the most truly amazing killer who murders an innocent man in cold blood as one can be.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 01, 2021, 05:13:26 AM
Quote from: Solar on December 19, 2020, 06:10:11 AMShe deserves to live in the Hell she created, she murdered a man! Why would you be OK with that? She will never redeem herself, she is a manipulator and you're playing right into her hands.
You keep her fantasy alive by enabling her, if everyone ignored the bitch she'd lose her power, that's the wakeup call she needs.

Can you believe this?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 01, 2021, 06:46:40 AM
Quote from: taxed on November 01, 2021, 05:13:26 AMCan you believe this?
Bleeding hearts? Where have we heard that term? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on November 01, 2021, 08:57:20 AM
Quote from: Solar on November 01, 2021, 06:46:40 AMBleeding hearts? Where have we heard that term? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

She  is doing well in Perryville and  has  landed a  job  in recreation services.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 01, 2021, 10:08:41 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 01, 2021, 08:57:20 AMShe  is doing well in Perryville and  has  landed a  job  in recreation services.
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I'll bet you don't even see the joke in there.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 01, 2021, 11:39:46 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 01, 2021, 08:57:20 AMShe  is doing well in Perryville and  has  landed a  job  in recreation services.

Good for her.  How's Travis doing?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on November 01, 2021, 07:53:14 PM
Quote from: taxed on November 01, 2021, 11:39:46 AMGood for her.  How's Travis doing?

Her abuser  is  no longer with us.  I  have  lots  of  true  crimes that are  interesting  but  i cant  post them because they are  on youtube.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Possum on November 02, 2021, 04:03:01 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 01, 2021, 07:53:14 PMHer abuser  is  no longer with us.  I  have  lots  of  true  crimes that are  interesting  but  i cant  post them because they are  on youtube.
After reading what you have posted I have to ask, should we overturn the justice system based on your feelings? You have not quite convinced me that she is not how she seems, stabbing someone 37 times seems to reveal to me what she really is like.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 02, 2021, 06:51:18 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 01, 2021, 07:53:14 PMHer abuser  is  no longer with us.  I  have  lots  of  true  crimes that are  interesting  but  i cant  post them because they are  on youtube.

He abused her? Please provide court testimony or evidence that supports that.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 02, 2021, 08:12:51 AM
Quote from: taxed on November 02, 2021, 06:51:18 AMHe abused her? Please provide court testimony or evidence that supports that.
Beat me to it.

On the witness stand, Arias told the court an entirely different story than the two previous ones she'd told investigators. She testified to killing Alexander but claimed that it was done in self-defense after he became angry when she dropped the camera that authorities later found in the washing machine. She claimed Alexander had abused her on several previous occasions.

She also claimed that she'd found him masturbating to a photograph of a child.

"There was absolutely no proof that Travis had ever been physically abusive with her or anyone in his life in the past. ... None of these claims were ever proven. Police never found child pornography anywhere in Travis' house," Skoloff said.

"Her mission was basically to murder my brother again for a second time by destroying his reputation," Steven Alexander said. "The self-defense story was just...a joke. My brother didn't even own a gun."

In May 2013, the jury found Arias guilty of first-degree murder in Alexander's death.

"Everybody in my family was bawling. They were happy. ... We were all hugging and just was preparing for the next phase. The sentencing phase," Steven Alexander said.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 02, 2021, 08:34:06 AM
Lovingier Hughes and her then-husband, Chris Hughes, said they eventually sat Alexander down and warned him they thought Arias was dangerous. 

'All of a sudden I got this cold feeling over me and I knew she was outside our door... I mouthed to them and pointed at the door and I said, 'She's out there,'' Lovingier Hughes said.

Alexander, who had rebuffed their concerns, opened the door suddenly and was confronted by Arias.

His friends said the look in her eyes was 'evil'.

'There was a rage in her eyes... Sky and I are very frightened at this point. She might burn down our house, you know, with all of us in it,' Hughes said.

Alexander ended his relationship with Arias after five months but friends say she then moved to Arizona and would show up at his home announced.

He was pursuing relationships with other women but his friends didn't know that he was still texting Arias and having phone sex with her.

In 2008, he was meant to go to Mexico with the Hughes and a Mormon woman that he was seeing at the time.

After his friends hadn't heard from him in five days, they went to his home and discovered his body.

Arias was accused of violently attacking Alexander in a jealous rage after he planned the Mexico trip with the other woman.

After the murder, Arias fled and drove to Utah to meet up with another romantic interest before being arrested weeks later.

She initially denied any involvement in the brutal murder but later claimed she killed him in self defense after he attacked her.

In a police interrogation interview, Arias denied killing Alexander and said she was on a road trip in Utah at the time.

Arias had actively courted the spotlight since her 2008 arrest   +10
Arias had actively courted the spotlight since her 2008 arrest

'There's no reason for it,' she said. 'There's no reason why. There's no reason I would ever want to hurt him.'

In that same interrogation, Arias was captured on camera doing yoga and handstands when she was left alone in the room. 

Police then presented her with evidence that showed she had been inside Alexander's home the day he was murdered.

A camera found in Alexander's washing machine contained deleted photos of her naked in his bed. Police also uncovered photos that were accidentally taken showing Alexander's naked body in the shower after he was attacked.

When Arias realized police were going to show her the photos, she said: 'I am not a murderer, but if I was, I would wear gloves or try to wash him off or something.'
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on November 02, 2021, 10:04:32 AM
Quote from: taxed on November 02, 2021, 06:51:18 AMHe abused her? Please provide court testimony or evidence that supports that.

She said she was abused and she  is  very  nice  in her  letters.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Calypso Jones on November 02, 2021, 10:32:07 AM
Conmen are always nice.   They know how to work naive people.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 02, 2021, 10:52:14 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 02, 2021, 10:04:32 AMShe said she was abused and she  is  very  nice  in her  letters.
I just posted that was a bold face lie!
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 02, 2021, 11:50:21 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 02, 2021, 10:04:32 AMShe said she was abused and she  is  very  nice  in her  letters.

Oh, why didn't you say so?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on November 02, 2021, 01:42:43 PM
Quote from: Solar on November 02, 2021, 10:52:14 AMI just posted that was a bold face lie!

There have been and are people  in prison falsely  convicted. Jodi is a good  person.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 02, 2021, 02:08:22 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 02, 2021, 01:42:43 PMThere have been and are people  in prison falsely  convicted. Jodi is a good  person.

Not a fan of forensic evidence I take it?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 02, 2021, 03:55:21 PM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 02, 2021, 01:42:43 PMThere have been and are people  in prison falsely  convicted. Jodi is a good  person.
So an admitted murderer doesn't faze you?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Possum on November 03, 2021, 04:08:03 AM
Quote from: Solar on November 02, 2021, 03:55:21 PMSo an admitted murderer doesn't faze you?
Manson found someone to marry in prison. I wonder do some people not see evil, are they attracted to evil, do they think they can save evil, or do they think evil is all they deserve?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Grammy on November 03, 2021, 07:08:38 AM
Oh, good grief!!  I didn't click any links, just started with post 1 and breezed through all the comments.....  and now, toward the end, I find out we're talking about Jodi Arias??

I have to log off for a while, my head is going to explode.  I just felt my blood pressure go up.   :cursing:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 03, 2021, 07:37:55 AM
Quote from: Possum on November 03, 2021, 04:08:03 AMManson found someone to marry in prison. I wonder do some people not see evil, are they attracted to evil, do they think they can save evil, or do they think evil is all they deserve?
This is like an anime cartoon, where the naive kid befriends an evil murderous dragon and they go on to save all the puppies of the world.
Both are mentally deluded, she kills, justifies it through claims she was somehow wronged when her perfect imagined world came crashing down. (must get revenge)

In comes the white knight of emotional support, just as deluded, but instead of rescuing her, he leaves his captor in her castle tower of a prison, this way she will always remain his.

Toy and I are watching an anime called Future Diary. No shit, it parallels his story, in that they are 14 in school, she has adored him from afar, then they are forced into a scenario where their phones tell the future within hours and minutes.

She keeps saving his ass by killing everyone close to him so he is hers forever, the phone said so.
She's literally Ldubs pen pal, the boy, gullible as fuck, is Ldub.

Want to see how crazy works? Just watch it on Hulu or whatever you have for cable.
I speak from experience, these women are far more readily available than people think. I believe a lot of it has to do with big pharma.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 03, 2021, 07:40:06 AM
Quote from: Grammy on November 03, 2021, 07:08:38 AMOh, good grief!!  I didn't click any links, just started with post 1 and breezed through all the comments.....  and now, toward the end, I find out we're talking about Jodi Arias??

I have to log off for a while, my head is going to explode.  I just felt my blood pressure go up.  :cursing:
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on November 03, 2021, 08:04:18 AM
Quote from: Solar on November 03, 2021, 07:37:55 AMThis is like an anime cartoon, where the naive kid befriends an evil murderous dragon and they go on to save all the puppies of the world.
Both are mentally deluded, she kills, justifies it through claims she was somehow wronged when her perfect imagined world came crashing down. (must get revenge)

In comes the white knight of emotional support, just as deluded, but instead of rescuing her, he leaves his captor in her castle tower of a prison, this way she will always remain his.

Toy and I are watching an anime called Future Diary. No shit, it parallels his story, in that they are 14 in school, she has adored him from afar, then they are forced into a scenario where their phones tell the future within hours and minutes.

She keeps saving his ass by killing everyone close to him so he is hers forever, the phone said so.
She's literally Ldubs pen pal, the boy, gullible as fuck, is Ldub.

Want to see how crazy works? Just watch it on Hulu or whatever you have for cable.
I speak from experience, these women are far more readily available than people think. I believe a lot of it has to do with big pharma.

What's even funnier is she'd slit his neck if he got her coffee order wrong...
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 03, 2021, 08:05:43 AM
Quote from: taxed on November 03, 2021, 08:04:18 AMWhat's even funnier is she'd slit his neck if he got her coffee order wrong...
Isn't safe love grand?
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Grammy on November 03, 2021, 09:26:39 AM
All I know, OP, is pray she never gets out.... 'cause if she does, we may start wondering whatever happened to you.

Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 03, 2021, 10:08:15 AM
Quote from: Grammy on November 03, 2021, 09:26:39 AMAll I know, OP, is pray she never gets out.... 'cause if she does, we may start wondering whatever happened to you.

He has competition.
Wonder if he got one of those Christmas cards she bought.

QuoteI continue to visit her, and we continue our mini-book club discussions, share favorite authors and talk about art. I tell stories about my family and friends. We have never discussed her trial, the past, or the future. It's just a brief respite from reality. Even for me. Because I've made the decision to visit her, I separate her from her crime. The only Jodi I know is the one I see for 30 minutes every few weeks. I still hold on to my belief that it is not my role to judge, but rather to be an extremist offering love and small kindnesses.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: ldub23 on November 17, 2021, 09:14:10 AM
Quote from: Solar on November 03, 2021, 10:08:15 AMHe has competition.
Wonder if he got one of those Christmas cards she bought.

Jodi deserves love from everyone. Im glad  she  has  many friends. I  just sent  her a  Christmas card with my best wishes.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on November 17, 2021, 10:38:41 AM
Quote from: ldub23 on November 17, 2021, 09:14:10 AMJodi deserves love from everyone. Im glad  she  has  many friends. I  just sent  her a  Christmas card with my best wishes.
She deserves Ridicule and Disdain, nothing more!
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Twinkle on February 10, 2022, 04:36:52 AM
Wow.  Just wow.

Conclusion:  Leftists just can't see evil.  Is it because they are owned by the father of evil?

One of my favorite quotes:  "The devil's greatest trick is convincing the world that he doesn't exist" --  Charles Baudelaire
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Possum on February 10, 2022, 04:43:48 PM
Quote from: Twinkle on February 10, 2022, 04:36:52 AMWow.  Just wow.

Conclusion:  Leftists just can't see evil.  Is it because they are owned by the father of evil?

One of my favorite quotes:  "The devil's greatest trick is convincing the world that he doesn't exist" --  Charles Baudelaire
That just became on of my favorites too.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Twinkle on February 11, 2022, 02:49:44 AM
Quote from: Possum on February 10, 2022, 04:43:48 PMThat just became on of my favorites too.

Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on February 12, 2022, 08:15:57 PM
Quote from: Solar on November 17, 2021, 10:38:41 AMShe deserves Ridicule and Disdain, nothing more!

Just because she stabbed an innocent man to death while he was in the shower?  You're so judgmental.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on February 12, 2022, 08:20:24 PM
Quote from: taxed on February 12, 2022, 08:15:57 PMJust because she stabbed an innocent man to death while he was in the shower?  You're so judgmental.
I'm funny that way. I'd have had the same reaction had the tables been turned.
And still, I would never be stupid enough to befriend one in prison. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: taxed on February 12, 2022, 08:28:24 PM
Quote from: Solar on February 12, 2022, 08:20:24 PMI'm funny that way. I'd have had the same reaction had the tables been turned.
And still, I would never be stupid enough to befriend one in prison. :rolleyes:

In every movie I watch where the killer gets out of prison, the pen pals and groupies are the first ones they kill.
Title: Re: This is my penpal. Been writing back and forth for 3 yrs
Post by: Solar on February 12, 2022, 08:35:38 PM
Quote from: taxed on February 12, 2022, 08:28:24 PMIn every movie I watch where the killer gets out of prison, the pen pals and groupies are the first ones they kill.
And they always run to the nearest shed full of running chainsaws.