Update on Marianne

Started by keyboarder, April 02, 2013, 04:32:05 AM

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Marianne does have a very slow cancer but widespread in both breasts, not just one like we were told at first.  She skipped one mammogram-last year's and she was concerned about missing one exam because of our family history.  As it turned out, they had to call her in because something was suspicious about the exam.  They did an ultra sound and found a (1) tumor which they biopsied and determined that it was cancer.  The doctors then ordered an mri which determined that she had multiple tumors in both breasts which they biopsied and they told her that she had stage 2 cancer, which is a workable cancer.  Even with that the doctors that are to do her prosthetic implants were not satisfied with the test results.  You see, these doctors would be at her surgery to remove the breasts and start their reconstruction.  They wanted to make sure that she didn't have cancer in any of the many lymph nodes so she was called back to surgery to determine if she had cancer in any of her lymph nodes and if she did they would have to treat her with chemo and radiation to get rid of her cancer before they would do their implants.  What a mess!  She was scared as could be iniatially but has finally digested all that she's been told and she's ready to fight it.  She's spiritually ready to deal with the problem and this makes me feel better about her plight.  When they did the surgery to find out about the many lymph nodes, they found cancer in 5 out of 6 nodes and they didn't proceed with the many others.  That is when they determined that she would have to have chemo before her surgery.  Folks, it is a long road ahead for us.  This is my only daughter and she's a pretty thing.  She's only recently remarried and moving into her new home with her husband.  He's being very supportive and so are the folks she works with.  She works as a scheduler for ENT. in Sptbg for some fine specialists and they are good for her to be around right now.  I have and will be by her side as she goes thru this time in her life.

  Please understand that I've been with her much lately, plus I've recently finished my eye surgeries.  I'm at least ok to drive now and I have been able to see my pc keys just this past week.  My final checkup is by the end of April.  I may only need glasses to read but that's ok, I've worn these glasses since I was 6.

Ladies, please remember to get your screenings regularly.  I'm questioning the whole process of mammograms right now.  We asked the doctors why didn't the tumors show up on the mammograms and were told of a specific problem relating to her specifically.  It seems that if your breasts are of excessive density, the tumors won't always show up on the exams.  They showed us the scan or exray and told us that gray areas on the exam film mean't that she had excess density to her breasts.  She has most likely had these tumors for 5-6 years which they say is the reason mammograms she's had didn't see them.  Well, if they knew this from earlier exams, why didn't they order a mri for her density problem?  Who of us knows that they have this obstruction and what good does it do to run in there every year for mammograms if we have this problem?  To date from January 2013, she's had her hopes built up about her problem 3 times, only to be cast down again with another setback.  Please remember her in your prayers.   Thank you ahead of time for your concerns.
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes


She will continue to be in my prayers. 


Thank you Kari.

Marianne had a port put in place this past Thursday.  She wants to work so the hospital has scheduled her chemo every three weeks on Thursdays for the 6 months she'll be taking it, then she'll be set to have the surgery and reconstruction,  provided everything goes well with these treatments. 
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes


Surgery went well for Marianne and she's been out and about since they sent her home the day after her surgery.  She started on a drug that is a cancer fighting drug and will take it for the next 5 years.  Reconstruction surgery is scheduled in April.

I broke my ankle on Oct. 1 and have just graduated to wearing the boot (feels like a demotion).  I fell in my bathroom and sustained a double fracture.  I've got pins and a plate now and I'm thinking that it'll be fun when I go thru some kind of scanner.  I am so thankful that nothing like this injury ever happened to me during my career, don't know how I would have handled it. 

As we enter the joyous Thanksgiving season and then that of our Savior's birth, I would like to be the first to kick the season off with a grateful heart and prayers for
the times we are facing.  Also, thanks for the many countless times that these posts have mean't so much to me in the comfort, FYI info, confidence, support, and just plain old good cheer and funnies from all of you.  Reading this forum is like having someone to talk to in good times and bad. 
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes


I pray a lot these days. Your Marianne will fit right in, as will you. May God bless you both.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington


Thank you so much T-Bone.  I can always give thanks for prayers and will do my part of the praying too.  Someone, somewhere needs our prayers and it is the best we can do for them.
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes


Quote from: keyboarder on November 13, 2013, 07:54:43 AM
Thank you so much T-Bone.  I can always give thanks for prayers and will do my part of the praying too.  Someone, somewhere needs our prayers and it is the best we can do for them.

Good to hear from you. So sorry about your ankle, but it sounds like your daughter is making good progress.

"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Wow you been through a lot in the month or so.

Prayers for you and Marianne young lady.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."

Solars Toy

Prayers for Marianne and for you.  Not just the healing of your ankle but for your spirit as you go through tough times. 

I pray, not wish because I have a God not a Genie.


Thanx supersls, walks, and solarstoy for the good wishes and thoughts/prayers for my daughter and myself.  The only part of this whole ordeal is not being able to do what all moms like to do when one of their children is in need of help with personal stuff.  All we have been able to do is talk to each other and do some visiting when our husbands can take us as neither of us is supposed to be driving right now.  Marianne will be turned loose next week to return to work if she feels she can handle it and I think she will go because it will be a short week due to the holiday.  I will have to wear this boot until the 2nd week in Dec. before I can actually drive. 

Please continue to pray for Marianne.  She went to her doctor Monday and while she was waiting for him to see her, she came across a book that explained all about cancer when it was found in the lymph nodes.  She had it in three or four nodes when the path report came back.  There's increased risk of her cancer coming back because of the occurrence of cancer in the nodes and this info has sent her into mild depression.  The chemo she took was supposed to get rid of as much of the cancer as it could and shrink the tumors.  The doctor said that he was pleased at the results of the path but facts are that the cancer could come back somewhere else.  One day at a time..............
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes