Bump stocks legal

Started by Possum, June 14, 2024, 01:59:06 PM

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Quotehe Supreme Court on Friday struck down a federal rule put in place during former President Donald Trump's administration that prohibited bump stocks for guns, handing a major victory to Second Amendment advocates.

In a 6-3, ruling, the court ruled the devices added to semiautomatic weapons to make them fire faster does not convert weapons into prohibited machine guns.
I'm neither jumping up and down with joy nor crying in my non alcohol beer. Had the rule stayed in place, it would not have stopped one nut job who wanted to kill innocents. I can prove that just by looking at all the killings that took place with the rule in place.
The SCOTUS kinda straddles the fence here, they did not say you can not ban bump stocks, what they stated was
QuoteThe Supreme Court ruling invalidates the ban and finds that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms overstepped its authority by imposing it.
Leaves it wide open for congress to pass a law??

I don't care for one. I'm all in favor of something which can make the rifle more accurate, more reliable, and I don't see the bump stock delivering on either, only that you can shoot faster. But where I am concerned, would the SCOTUS accept a ban if passes as law since they would be banning an aftermarket part, not the firearm.



Quote from: Possum on June 14, 2024, 01:59:06 PMhttps://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/supreme-court-strikes-down-bump-stock-ban-firearms
 I'm neither jumping up and down with joy nor crying in my non alcohol beer. Had the rule stayed in place, it would not have stopped one nut job who wanted to kill innocents. I can prove that just by looking at all the killings that took place with the rule in place.
The SCOTUS kinda straddles the fence here, they did not say you can not ban bump stocks, what they stated was  Leaves it wide open for congress to pass a law??

I don't care for one. I'm all in favor of something which can make the rifle more accurate, more reliable, and I don't see the bump stock delivering on either, only that you can shoot faster. But where I am concerned, would the SCOTUS accept a ban if passes as law since they would be banning an aftermarket part, not the firearm.

I agree.
I always saw the bumpstock akin to playing cards on bicycle spokes. Sure, it was cool, but useless, they slowed down the bike.
Same thing, as you pointed out, there is an accuracy issue as one finds the rhythm, after wasting several rounds and hitting nothing, just in time to reload.

But we all know this had nothing to do with bans, it's all a distraction by the left to keep the Right distracted from the real problems.

They do this daily, it's always a new distraction as they undermine our culture, our Republic and the Constitution.
The left loses daily, the courts set them straight, only after months of more hammering on our Rights.
Fact is, the left is losing, but they keep us off balance with all these distractions, in hopes of us giving up at the daily attacks/distractions.

I'll never stop fighting, for I know we are going to win!
Official Trump Cult Member