How Would You Change the List of People Prohibited from Buying a Firearm?

Started by ammodotcom, October 22, 2020, 05:31:36 PM

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Quote from: Dayton3 on December 27, 2020, 06:53:15 PM
Agree to disagree.

So you disagree that both parties are ruining our culture or that the culture is being ruined at all?

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."


Quote from: Dayton3 on December 27, 2020, 06:14:11 PM
I wouldn't use that term but the way I see it,  it was liberals using government power that changed our country for the worse so it is only logical to use government power to reverse those changes.
How can the government enforce or even pass laws when the people think "The only interpretation of the U.S. Constitution that matters to me is my own." How can you have it both ways where you only want to live by what you believe and want the government to control your neighbor? Tell me, how are you a conservative?


Quote from: Possum on December 28, 2020, 03:15:47 AM
How can the government enforce or even pass laws when the people think "The only interpretation of the U.S. Constitution that matters to me is my own." How can you have it both ways where you only want to live by what you believe and want the government to control your neighbor? Tell me, how are you a conservative?

I'm a social conservative.   I want our nation and our government to reflect and practice the standards and values it had (for the most part) when I was a younger person.    Say prior to 1973 give or take.


Quote from: Dayton3 on December 28, 2020, 03:19:43 AM
I'm a social conservative.   I want our nation and our government to reflect and practice the standards and values it had (for the most part) when I was a younger person.    Say prior to 1973 give or take.
Can you name a couple of presidents who presided over a time such as that.


Quote from: Possum on December 28, 2020, 03:50:56 AM
Can you name a couple of presidents who presided over a time such as that.

No.   But that doesn't mean there can't be in the future.



Quote from: Possum on December 28, 2020, 04:16:08 AM
What I expected.

You do know that exact same question applies to you and your fellow travelers here?

Name an American president that has regarded and treated the U.S. Constitution as you've suggested it should be treated?    That is perfect and unalterable.


Quote from: Dayton3 on December 28, 2020, 04:42:33 AM
You do know that exact same question applies to you and your fellow travelers here?

Name an American president that has regarded and treated the U.S. Constitution as you've suggested it should be treated?    That is perfect and unalterable.
You are the one who was specific about a time period " I want our nation and our government to reflect and practice the standards and values it had (for the most part) when I was a younger person.   Say prior to 1973 give or take. " and then could not give an example. Typical throw crap against the wall and run liberal.


Quote from: Dayton3 on December 27, 2020, 06:53:15 PM
Agree to disagree.
Do you even know what a social conservative is? The left hounded the Right over this as a way of dividing the Rights power base back in the 70s.
Social conservatives for the most part was the church. These were the people who wanted God brought back into the schools, they were a myopic lot, they were Right, but that was their only complaint, they did not understand our Constitution either.

Today's social conservative is, for the most part ignorant libs who do not understand our Constitution. Forcing the culture to change is what the left has done via the CCP media in their use of PC speak.
They destroy thought by controlling what people are allowed to say in general conversation. Just look at how they forced the public to accept butt sex as a normal way of life, and to speak against it is to be crucified as a bigot.

The only way to change culture is by voting out Marxists in both party's, but as long as you remain ignorant of our Constitution, you'll never understand anything.

Do yourself a favor, read the Federalist Papers, they were written in the day so people could understand what and why the founders chose a Republican form of govt.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Dayton3 on December 28, 2020, 03:19:43 AM
I'm a social conservative.   I want our nation and our government to reflect and practice the standards and values it had (for the most part) when I was a younger person.    Say prior to 1973 give or take.

How do you define "social conservative"? Socialist? Conservative? Progressive? Liberal? Democrat? Republican? Independent? You see, you can call yourself a Cat but, if no one else identifies you as one, then it's only your delusion. You can call yourself a "social conservative" but, just like the politicians who call themselves "Republicans", their voting records show quite the opposite.

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."


Quote from: Solar on December 28, 2020, 05:32:04 AM
Do you even know what a social conservative is? The left hounded the Right over this as a way of dividing the Rights power base back in the 70s.
Social conservatives for the most part was the church. These were the people who wanted God brought back into the schools, they were a myopic lot, they were Right, but that was their only complaint, they did not understand our Constitution either.

Today's social conservative is, for the most part ignorant libs who do not understand our Constitution. Forcing the culture to change is what the left has done via the CCP media in their use of PC speak.
They destroy thought by controlling what people are allowed to say in general conversation. Just look at how they forced the public to accept butt sex as a normal way of life, and to speak against it is to be crucified as a bigot.

The only way to change culture is by voting out Marxists in both party's, but as long as you remain ignorant of our Constitution, you'll never understand anything.

Do yourself a favor, read the Federalist Papers, they were written in the day so people could understand what and why the founders chose a Republican form of govt.

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on December 28, 2020, 06:51:52 AM
I'll bet he's never even heard of them before. :popcorn:

People should read the Federalist Papers first.  Then read The Constitution, and go back and read the Federalist Papers again.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on December 28, 2020, 10:16:20 AM
People should read the Federalist Papers first.  Then read The Constitution, and go back and read the Federalist Papers again.
And do it semiannually!
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: RV on December 06, 2020, 06:49:11 PM
What these liberals forget is that it is just as painful, just as devastating and just as disruptive to be stabbed, blown up, hit with an automobile, hit with a blunt object, punched, kicked or murdered in some other way as to be shot with a firearm. Death is death, regardless of how that death was perpetuated. If someone is a violent lunatic, they will find someway to carry out their insanity on the innocent.
Very Well said.  I have been shot, and I have been stabbed.  I have also been beaten half to death. I'd be hard pressed to tell you which I would prefer, since they all hurt like Hell.  I was shot where vitals come in to play.  I was stabbed in a less critical area.  The knife hurt worse, but probably because it got infected.  None of it was a "party".
The only instance where I could see that denying the 2nd to someone would be justified would be a criminal who uses weapons in the commission of other crimes, i.e. Armed Robbery, Rape, etc.