Hopper: Left-Wing Agenda Has Infiltrated the Texas State Guard

Started by Solar, June 21, 2021, 05:26:13 PM

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Posted here because...

Governor Abbot has sum splainin to do....

"Ultimately, what I witnessed on May 22 was a case of leadership boldly weaponizing the chain of command to indoctrinate a left-wing political agenda of cultural Marxism, critical race theory, and moral relativism upon military forces of the State of Texas."

I am a Texas State Guardsman. The Texas Military Forces motto of "Duty. Honor. Texas." is more than just words to me. I joined freely in 2014, as a 37-year-old father of three, and seven years later, I still feel that the Guard is made up of the most outstanding Texans. But on Saturday, May 22, 2021, my unshakable pride in the Guard was rattled.

During our monthly drill, we were ordered into an auditorium at Camp Mabry and indoctrinated with themes of cultural Marxism and critical race theory that characterize the same DOD "extremism" training that has been forced upon all federal troops since the January 6 rally for President Trump in Washington, D.C. Unlike the federal training, our training occurred with a room full of Texas general officers, including Major General Robert Bodisch, the commanding general (CG) of the Texas State Guard.

Texas is somewhat unique in that the Texas Military Forces is made up of no less than three branches: the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, and the Texas State Guard. The reporting structure is complex, but the bottom line is that the State Guard only reports to the governor of Texas and cannot be federalized. The Department of Defense is not in our reporting structure, and Washington, D.C. has no role in the command of our state military forces.

Reporting to the governor is not the only unique thing about the State Guard. Holding to tradition, the Guard is still made up of families from all over the state: fathers and daughters, brothers and cousins, all serving side by side. Indeed, it is what the United States military used to be: a proud, organized militia made up of families serving their homes and neighbors.

I implore you to read the rest, this exposes just how deep the swamp really is.

Official Trump Cult Member