Your IRA's and 401k's Are About To Be Confiscated!

Started by AmericanFlyer, September 30, 2010, 11:32:29 AM

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The dollar is losing ground vs the Euro specifically because they are cutting their deficits through budget cuts and we are growing our budgets with money we are borrowing from the fed. We are printing money people. It's like adding water to cool aid. Eventually it stops tasting like cool aid and starts tasting like water.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Solar on September 30, 2010, 01:42:44 PM
If I was holding gold, I would unload iit now, only because after the mid term is over, the economy will begin to improve and investors will be looking to better return on investments.
At that point gold will start to fall.

Solar, you're making a lot of assumptions.  The mid-terms are (hopefully) going to stop Obama from FURTHER destroying our economy.  The damage he and his communist minions have already done cannot be reversed.

Gold and silver are not riding some "bubble" like the housing market or the dot com bubbles.  Comparing precious metals to housing and startup companies is comparing apples to oranges. 

People are confusing safe commodities that have permanent intrinsic value and follow the rules of "supply and demand", with reckless lending practices that created artificial prosperity in the housing market and stock market improprieties and rampant speculation that created the dot com bubble.

I like gold and silver as investments, but I prefer silver for "safety" reasons, and for "affordability" reasons.

Those of you who insist on holding on to your "paper and ink promises", just remember that there are over 400 banks right now that are on the FDIC "intensive care" list. 

Those of you who have a 401K and are involved in mutual funds, and those of you who are involved at all in the U.S. stock market, be forewarned that the U.S. stock market is going to crash, and crash hard, within the next 12 months.


Quote from: AmericanFlyer on September 30, 2010, 02:41:37 PM
Solar, you're making a lot of assumptions.  The mid-terms are (hopefully) going to stop Obama from FURTHER destroying our economy.  The damage he and his communist minions have already done cannot be reversed.

Gold and silver are not riding some "bubble" like the housing market or the dot com bubbles.  Comparing precious metals to housing and startup companies is comparing apples to oranges. 

People are confusing safe commodities that have permanent intrinsic value and follow the rules of "supply and demand", with reckless lending practices that created artificial prosperity in the housing market and stock market improprieties and rampant speculation that created the dot com bubble.

I like gold and silver as investments, but I prefer silver for "safety" reasons, and for "affordability" reasons.

Those of you who insist on holding on to your "paper and ink promises", just remember that there are over 400 banks right now that are on the FDIC "intensive care" list. 

Those of you who have a 401K and are involved in mutual funds, and those of you who are involved at all in the U.S. stock market, be forewarned that the U.S. stock market is going to crash, and crash hard, within the next 12 months.
You assume way too much, I never said it was a bubble, Pagan did.
I merely pointed out, that after the midterms are over, can stop the hemorrhaging of the economy, at which point the World will breathe a sigh of relief.

As to the damage done, we may not easily reverse it, but we can defund it, and it will die a slow death.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on September 30, 2010, 01:42:44 PM
If I was holding gold, I would unload iit now, only because after the mid term is over, the economy will begin to improve and investors will be looking to better return on investments.
At that point gold will start to fall.

I'm with you on that.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on September 30, 2010, 05:45:51 PM
I'm with you on that.
Yep, there's no law that say's we have to fund stupid liberal programs, and if there is, we can easily change that.
Official Trump Cult Member




After the midterms, confidence will be higher, and there will be a perception that things will get better, since there will be a huge monkey off our backs, and many of us can take somewhat of a deep breath.  If we at least feel we are somewhat guarded from Hussein and the destruction of the libs, and we, at the very least, see some passion from the newly elected to overturn HusseinCare and other newly formed cancers on our society, then that will just turn business and spending loose.

Of course, after the spike, Hussein will take credit, but I could care less at that point.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon

BILLY Defiant

I must disagree. Even if the mid terms are swept by elections, remember we still got a socialist menace in the WH who will veto anything that comes out of a conservative dominated congress or resort to executive order anything that might have a ghost of a chance of damage control re the economy.

It will take years to undo this mess, trying to stop this twenty ton overloaded truck going down hill on ice without brakes.

My advice would be to hold gold and start buying silver.

Evil operates best when it is disguised for what it truly is.


Quote from: BILLY-bONNEY on September 30, 2010, 06:06:08 PM
I must disagree. Even if the mid terms are swept by elections, remember we still got a socialist menace in the WH who will veto anything that comes out of a conservative dominated congress or resort to executive order anything that might have a ghost of a chance of damage control re the economy.

It will take years to undo this mess, trying to stop this twenty ton overloaded truck going down hill on ice without brakes.

My advice would be to hold gold and start buying silver.

He has no control over budget, both houses do.
He can cry and stamp his feet, but if we don't open the wallet, he is shit out of luck.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: BILLY-bONNEY on September 30, 2010, 06:06:08 PM
I must disagree. Even if the mid terms are swept by elections, remember we still got a socialist menace in the WH who will veto anything that comes out of a conservative dominated congress or resort to executive order anything that might have a ghost of a chance of damage control re the economy.

It will take years to undo this mess, trying to stop this twenty ton overloaded truck going down hill on ice without brakes.

My advice would be to hold gold and start buying silver.


I haven't done the math yet, but would there be enough conservatives to override veto?  I need to look at that (assuming it plays out the way many think)...

It  will take years to undo, but if they jump right into it and start raising hell, and also get support from those who now "get it" and will go into self-preservation mode for their election survival, and show progress before it is really to late, then that is enough for me to stay confident on.

At this point, people just want their life back, and if they see evidence of us changing course, then that will spark a lot of folk.

I won't have confidence in the dollar for a while, and I agree on silver.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Bert, Ann Coulter brought up the point that once the Dems lose their leadership positions and once they realize how the American people have rejected the liberal agenda, then it would be very realistic to think we can have many Dems cross the lines and vote with us. And that could sometimes give us veto-proof majorities.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Dan on October 01, 2010, 03:21:35 AM
many Dems cross the lines and vote with us. And that could sometimes give us veto-proof majorities.

Now that would be nice to see something like that in my life time. 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on October 01, 2010, 09:01:02 AM
Now that would be nice to see something like that in my life time.

Here's the thing. Lots of Democrats represent conservative districts. The got the job by running to the right of their Republican opponents and then voted for Obama's hyperliberal agenda. And they will get scalped for it. The house hits a reset button every 2 years so those guys are gone.

But in the Senate they only have to face the voters once every 6 years. But if they see a bunch of Dems in Blue states getting scalped in 2010, then how easy will it be to tell the Ben Nelsons of the world representing much redder states that they better start listening to their voters. And that will be all the easier if the Dems lose control of the Senate and the Democrat Senate leaders have little leverage with things like committe chairs to hang over their heads. ;)
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.


Quote from: Dan on October 01, 2010, 09:05:20 AM
Here's the thing. Lots of Democrats represent conservative districts. The got the job by running to the right of their Republican opponents and then voted for Obama's hyperliberal agenda. And they will get scalped for it. The house hits a reset button every 2 years so those guys are gone.

But in the Senate they only have to face the voters once every 6 years. But if they see a bunch of Dems in Blue states getting scalped in 2010, then how easy will it be to tell the Ben Nelsons of the world representing much redder states that they better start listening to their voters. And that will be all the easier if the Dems lose control of the Senate and the Democrat Senate leaders have little leverage with things like committe chairs to hang over their heads. ;)

Exactly!  Those that are not up for election right now will see the onslaught, and that will instantly get their attention.  After that, even if they are the libbiest of libs, they will go along with the conservatives.

One thing I would push for heavily, if I was in charge, is pro-active reporting from the reps.  Every month, submit a newsletter to your constituents detailing what you have done, what is going on in DC, and what bills you voted on, and why.  I don't want to go chase what my rep has done.  I want something like:

"Last week I voted for HB-XXX, and I voted Nay.  The bill was to reduce taxes for this and that.  The reason I voted Nay was because even though the bill would reduce taxes here and there, there was pork here that I didn't like, and the bill would raise taxes there, which is not acceptable, and I wasn't going to support a bill that steals from my constituents to fund X, Y, and Z.  When the bill comes back around without this pork, I will vote Yay, so my constituents, and other Americans, will enjoy further tax relief."

That way, when election time comes, and they get hit with the "Candidate X voted Nay on reducing your taxes", the constituents will know that is BS, and their vote will be informed.

One medium I would like the Tea Party to take is to do conservative lobbying for the reps.  For example, if there is a pro-conservative bill, and a conservative lets some pork slip in, then the other reps can inform their Tea Party-type medium, and the Tea Party from there can apply pressure to that rep to remove the pork.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on October 01, 2010, 12:08:14 PM
Exactly!  Those that are not up for election right now will see the onslaught, and that will instantly get their attention.  After that, even if they are the libbiest of libs, they will go along with the conservatives.

One thing I would push for heavily, if I was in charge, is pro-active reporting from the reps.  Every month, submit a newsletter to your constituents detailing what you have done, what is going on in DC, and what bills you voted on, and why.  I don't want to go chase what my rep has done.  I want something like:

"Last week I voted for HB-XXX, and I voted Nay.  The bill was to reduce taxes for this and that.  The reason I voted Nay was because even though the bill would reduce taxes here and there, there was pork here that I didn't like, and the bill would raise taxes there, which is not acceptable, and I wasn't going to support a bill that steals from my constituents to fund X, Y, and Z.  When the bill comes back around without this pork, I will vote Yay, so my constituents, and other Americans, will enjoy further tax relief."

That way, when election time comes, and they get hit with the "Candidate X voted Nay on reducing your taxes", the constituents will know that is BS, and their vote will be informed.

One medium I would like the Tea Party to take is to do conservative lobbying for the reps.  For example, if there is a pro-conservative bill, and a conservative lets some pork slip in, then the other reps can inform their Tea Party-type medium, and the Tea Party from there can apply pressure to that rep to remove the pork.
You know Taxed, that's an excellent idea, but instead of a mailer, they need an open website detailing just what is happening, and do it brief and in layman's terms.
If the Dims are playing dirty, then expose them, let everyone see what they are doing.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on October 01, 2010, 12:29:09 PM
You know Taxed, that's an excellent idea, but instead of a mailer, they need an open website detailing just what is happening, and do it brief and in layman's terms.
If the Dims are playing dirty, then expose them, let everyone see what they are doing.

Yeah, and I wasn't even thinking of a mailer, but maybe an electronic newsletter, website, and maybe a mailer if they opt for it and will pay $1 per month or something.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon