Why Don't They Just Moved To Africa?

Started by lessthantolerant, June 21, 2012, 11:23:45 AM

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You give me better jobs, better pay, better treatment, and a better chance - all because of the color of my skin," reads one poster that features a close shot of a Caucasian male.

If this doesn't prove liberalism is a mental disorder, nothing will. :popcorn:


Quote from: lessthantolerant on June 21, 2012, 11:23:45 AM

You give me better jobs, better pay, better treatment, and a better chance - all because of the color of my skin," reads one poster that features a close shot of a Caucasian male.

If this doesn't prove liberalism is a mental disorder, nothing will. :popcorn:
Interesting. In short, he has no confidence in his own abilities? He doesn't believe he's earned whatever position he has? Then sooth your conscious - quit. Tough job market out there. I'm sure your position will quickly be taken, by someone - of whatever race, creed, color, or point of national origin - that does believe they deserve your job.
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


Quote from: mdgiles on June 21, 2012, 11:31:41 AM
Interesting. In short, he has no confidence in his own abilities? He doesn't believe he's earned whatever position he has? Then sooth your conscious - quit. Tough job market out there. I'm sure your position will quickly be taken, by someone - of whatever race, creed, color, or point of national origin - that does believe they deserve your job.

Can you believe our institutions teach this crap? No wonder we rank so low in edcucation standards al over the world.


Quote from: lessthantolerant on June 21, 2012, 11:33:18 AM
Can you believe our institutions teach this crap? No wonder we rank so low in edcucation standards al over the world.

While Bill Gates is siiting up in Redmond called for looser H1B visa requirements because we don't produce enough of our own engineers, there's a college about a hundred miles north of me advertising their masters degree program in Educational Justice on the radio - you're right - no wonder we're where we are ... actually it's amazing that we're still where we are.


Quote from: wtd on June 21, 2012, 11:56:43 AM
While Bill Gates is siiting up in Redmond called for looser H1B visa requirements because we don't produce enough of our own engineers, there's a college about a hundred miles north of me advertising their masters degree program in Educational Justice on the radio - you're right - no wonder we're where we are ... actually it's amazing that we're still where we are.

It os because of immigration.


The problem is that whenever a foreign student comes here on an educational visa and graduates with an MS in chemical enigineering ro mathematics or aeronautical engineering, as soon as he's handed his diploma he's escorted to the airport by a oupla ICE guys to catch a plane back to his home country because his student visa's ecpired, while at the same not only allowing, but advocating for every every third world future car-washer with a fourth grade education who wants to, to wander in across the southern border.

And meanwhile we're graduating our own students with advanced degrees in crap like Economic Justice in Early Aztec Civilization, Cultural Diversity Among Pre-European Pacific Islanders and Homophobic Speech Patterns in 16th Century English Poets.

We're exporting the people who can turn dimes into dollars and educating our own people on how to turn dollars into dimes - and importing lots more that already have that skill.

Door Kicker

Quote from: wtd on June 21, 2012, 02:49:13 PM
The problem is that whenever a foreign student comes here on an educational visa and graduates with an MS in chemical enigineering ro mathematics or aeronautical engineering, as soon as he's handed his diploma he's escorted to the airport by a oupla ICE guys to catch a plane back to his home country because his student visa's ecpired, while at the same not only allowing, but advocating for every every third world future car-washer with a fourth grade education who wants to, to wander in across the southern border.

And meanwhile we're graduating our own students with advanced degrees in crap like Economic Justice in Early Aztec Civilization, Cultural Diversity Among Pre-European Pacific Islanders and Homophobic Speech Patterns in 16th Century English Poets.

We're exporting the people who can turn dimes into dollars and educating our own people on how to turn dollars into dimes - and importing lots more that already have that skill.

Well said.  And the universities are partly to blame for offering degrees in all these lame-ass disciplines.

BILLY Defiant

Quote from: wtd on June 21, 2012, 02:49:13 PM
The problem is that whenever a foreign student comes here on an educational visa and graduates with an MS in chemical enigineering ro mathematics or aeronautical engineering, as soon as he's handed his diploma he's escorted to the airport by a oupla ICE guys to catch a plane back to his home country because his student visa's ecpired, while at the same not only allowing, but advocating for every every third world future car-washer with a fourth grade education who wants to, to wander in across the southern border.

And meanwhile we're graduating our own students with advanced degrees in crap like Economic Justice in Early Aztec Civilization, Cultural Diversity Among Pre-European Pacific Islanders and Homophobic Speech Patterns in 16th Century English Poets.

We're exporting the people who can turn dimes into dollars and educating our own people on how to turn dollars into dimes - and importing lots more that already have that skill.

THIS is spot on. The other problem we have is that our high corporate taxes and Income taxes DO NOT ATTRACT monied overseas investors...not anymore. They are finding other free markets more profitible and sinking their money there.

Evil operates best when it is disguised for what it truly is.


There is hope, boys and girls. I have two grand daughters, just graduated, and freshly enrolled at Texas A&M University at Galveston. One will study Marine Biology and the other will study Marine Systems Engineering. Both kids are bright, motivated, and have a lot of potential. They motivated themselves while in high school.
There's no ticks like Polyticks-bloodsuckers all Davy Crockett 1786-1836

Yankees are like castor oil. Even a small dose is bad.