Weekend Straw Poll Had A Surprise Result

Started by wizard, July 10, 2011, 07:12:30 PM

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Conservative Leadership Conference Presidential Straw Poll Surprise Result

It seems that Bachmann is all washed up - until you realise that less than 200 conservatives participated and most of them may have been Southern Nevadans. In that case, it may say less about the likelyhood of any candidate becoming the nominee, and more about the ability of candidates to get their positions across to the people who will be voting.

What do you think?


I think it's a no news story, 200 hundred people do not make a poll.
Official Trump Cult Member



Cryptic Bert

Quote from: Solar on July 10, 2011, 08:06:02 PM
I think it's a no news story, 200 hundred people do not make a poll.

200 barely make a quorum...


Official Trump Cult Member




For all the alleged importance, it seems to me it was an utter failure.

200 or so attendees?

I think if there were any really significant Conservatives in attendance their names would have been mentioned.

To me it says it either wasn't all that Conservative or the attendees were Republican Moderates - Rinos?  or it was miles from Tea Party type conservative type interests.   

I would imagine some of the speakers must have bee disappointed as the sparse attendance.

Then the fees might have been outrageous.

The sponsors (most of them from Las Vegas paid somewhere between $1,000 - $50,000 to get their name mentioned. Don't know if there were any $50,000 payers.

Several of the Speakers were from the Health care industry.

The Fact that the Scheduled debate was canceled should say a lot.


    The conference will conclude with a bang on Sunday night with a nationally televised debate between the Republican presidential candidates. The debate will be moderated by Tucker Carlson of The Daily Caller and Grover Norquist. Over 200 bloggers, reporters and columnists are expected to attend and cover the debate.

    All of the leading GOP candidates have been invited – including recently announced candidate Jon Huntsman who was not yet a candidate for the recent New Hampshire debate, and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson who was not invited to the New Hampshire debate. Most, if not all, are expected to participate.

Pre-conference expectations to likely show up were Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.

Apparently only 2 candidates showed up. if I got it right?

Herman Cain and Johnson. If it hadn't been for Cain they would have had nothing to report.
Short List Speakers
Speakers  Eric O'Keege CEO Health Care Compact Alliance

Sponsorship Opportunities

Some sponsors
Clarke County Association of Health Underwriters
Nevada Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU)
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