Trump Dispatches US Military

Started by Solar, June 02, 2020, 04:13:36 AM

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Quote from: Mjolnir on June 04, 2020, 11:02:12 AM
And where do you get your information?  My impression is quite the opposite.  Trump actively sought capable military men for key administration positions, such as Mattis for SecDef and Flynn - then McMaster for NSA.  Both Mattis and McMaster had little good to say about trump.  And yesterday, Mattis let loose with what he really thought.

Other reporting has revealed that the top brass have little respect for Trump as President (though of course they respect the office).

Do you think a lot of them are Obama holdovers?


Quote from: Solar on June 03, 2020, 07:44:00 AM
Very few incidents. These Marxists teamed up with other white Marxists to loot and and spread violence.
Let's call a spade a spade and forget about the lefts attempt to divide along race lines, it has absolutely nothing to do with race and everything to do with destroying the US!

This all day, its not black versus white.  Its good vs evil, liberals vs conservatives, law abiding citizens vs thugs.  If they ever try to cross into peoples homes then they will be met with force.  I'm loaded to the gills, i will shoot till i have no more bullets.


Quote from: Mjolnir on June 04, 2020, 09:10:21 PM
Please tell me you're not serious.
No, you could say I am DEAD Fuckin Serious!!!

Funny, this Nation's real enemy has always been communism, and now that it took over one party, were supposed to all get along and sing Kumbya?
Fuck You, wake up snowflake, the enemy is here and were purging it from within!!!
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: dannyripms78 on June 05, 2020, 12:18:18 AM
This all day, its not black versus white.  Its good vs evil, liberals vs conservatives, law abiding citizens vs thugs.  If they ever try to cross into peoples homes then they will be met with force.  I'm loaded to the gills, i will shoot till i have no more bullets.
Welcome to the forum Danny. :thumbup:
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: taxed on June 04, 2020, 09:46:58 PM
Of course he's not serious.

You throw Marxists out of helicopters; everyone knows that.
Remember that one time when we flew over that lake at night, gave them water wings?
Hey, Death Valley looks like water at night.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on June 05, 2020, 05:12:39 AM
No, you could say I am DEAD Fuckin Serious!!!

Funny, this Nation's real enemy has always been communism, and now that it took over one party, were supposed to all get along and sing Kumbya?
Fuck You, wake up snowflake, the enemy is here and were purging it from within!!!

I just feel so privileged to have gotten the "fuck you snowflake" epithet.  Now I can sleep soundly.   To answer your question, no, we are not all supposed to get along, if by get along you mean be friends and sing Kumbaya.  But we are supposed to tolerate and respect the rights even (or especially) of those whose opinions we find hateful, misguided, prejudiced, bigoted. ignorant, etc. That's just how we roll in the good ol' US of A.  See, and now I'm going to demonstrate.

I know lots of Democrats, but never talked to who one professed to follow Marx, or whose ideas remotely smacked of Communism.  Haven't met any Republicans either whose ideas smacked of Fascism.

Purging is the language of totalitarianism.  You want to pro/persecute people for thought crime.  Sorry, but that is profoundly UNAMERICAN, utterly contrary to the principles this country was founded on.  Last time I checked, people are allowed to think whatever they want.  Hell, you can even advocate murder, as you have just done.  You are so afraid that you cannot tolerate different opinions?  Your ideas are that tepid, and your powers of persuasion so weak that you have to resort to violence?  Man up.  Do you even know any American "Marxists?"  Have you ever spoken to one?

I understand that you feel the need to demonize and simplify; it makes life so much easier not having to think, to address complexity.  That's my biggest beef with so many posts on these forums.  Terms like "Libtards" and "Dims" allow to you vent but also weaken your mind.  Worse, these attitudes corrupt our political system.  When you homogenize your perceived opponent, you dehumanize them and make them easy to hate, absolving yourself of any adult, rational responsibility to actually listen and try to understand where people are coming from.  Do you really believe that all Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, Socialists etc. think alike?  You could have that opinion only with the strongest aversion to critical thinking, isolation from new information, and greatest self-delusion.  THERE IS A HUGE AND ALL IMPORTANT DISTINCTION BETWEEN HATING WHAT SOMEONE ELSE BELIEVES, AND HATING THEM FOR BELIEVING IT.

People in this country are feeling angry, frustrated and overwhelmed.  For years, polls have shown frustration with Congress' inability to get stuff done.  But if individual citizens are unwilling to talk to each other respectfully, and to listen, how can they demand more of their political parties?  WE are responsible for the health of our democracy. What makes the United States great, and so important to world history, is that it is a grand experiment in talking things out rather than shooting them out.


Quote from: Mjolnir on June 05, 2020, 02:31:33 PM
I just feel so privileged to have gotten the "fuck you snowflake" epithet.  Now I can sleep soundly.   To answer your question, no, we are not all supposed to get along, if by get along you mean be friends and sing Kumbaya.  But we are supposed to tolerate and respect the rights even (or especially) of those whose opinions we find hateful, misguided, prejudiced, bigoted. ignorant, etc. That's just how we roll in the good ol' US of A.  See, and now I'm going to demonstrate.
To Hell with the opinions of leftists, they are the enemy of this great nation, for them I have zero respect!

QuoteI know lots of Democrats, but never talked to who one professed to follow Marx, or whose ideas remotely smacked of Communism.  Haven't met any Republicans either whose ideas smacked of Fascism.
Then you aren't asking the Right questions, like why are you supporting a party that's Hell bent on destroying the country?
I'm certain there are some so called Pubs who are facists, but nowhere the number of Marxists the Dim party has.

QuotePurging is the language of totalitarianism.  You want to pro/persecute people for thought crime.  Sorry, but that is profoundly UNAMERICAN, utterly contrary to the principles this country was founded on.  Last time I checked, people are allowed to think whatever they want.  Hell, you can even advocate murder, as you have just done.  You are so afraid that you cannot tolerate different opinions?  Your ideas are that tepid, and your powers of persuasion so weak that you have to resort to violence?  Man up.  Do you even know any American "Marxists?"  Have you ever spoken to one?

Wrong! Look at out history, it's full of persecution, and now the left is persecuting Conservatives as well as Christians. Don't deny this is happening!

QuoteI understand that you feel the need to demonize and simplify; it makes life so much easier not having to think, to address complexity.  That's my biggest beef with so many posts on these forums.  Terms like "Libtards" and "Dims" allow to you vent but also weaken your mind.
What part of enemy do you not get?

QuoteWorse, these attitudes corrupt our political system.
Man, you are one clueless  kid. I remember when the only thing political in this country was politics, but over the last 50 years the left has managed to make every subject under the sun political. Have you not been paying attention to that either, or are you too young to have noticed yet?

QuoteWhen you homogenize your perceived opponent, you dehumanize them and make them easy to hate
I didn't do it, they did! The Dim party used to support American culture, that is no longer the case.

Quoteabsolving yourself of any adult, rational responsibility to actually listen and try to understand where people are coming from.
They own the media lib, or have you not noticed that either? I hear the leftist message daily, so I have no interest in listening to some lib define for me their emotional rant on the subject.

QuoteDo you really believe that all Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, Socialists etc. think alike?  You could have that opinion only with the strongest aversion to critical thinking, isolation from new information, and greatest self-delusion.  THERE IS A HUGE AND ALL IMPORTANT DISTINCTION BETWEEN HATING WHAT SOMEONE ELSE BELIEVES, AND HATING THEM FOR BELIEVING IT.
ROFL!!! Nice stab at attacking my intellect, of which I'll place against yours any day of the week, son!

QuotePeople in this country are feeling angry, frustrated and overwhelmed.
Now, ask yourself, why is that?

QuoteFor years, polls have shown frustration with Congress' inability to get stuff done.
That's because we have two leftist party's, neither of which are following the Constitution!

QuoteBut if individual citizens are unwilling to talk to each other respectfully, and to listen, how can they demand more of their political parties? 

WE are responsible for the health of our democracy. What makes the United States great, and so important to world history, is that it is a grand experiment in talking things out rather than shooting them out.
See, this is why you can't grasp the problem at hand. We are not a democracy, never have, nor will be!
We are a Republic, and the sooner you figure that out, the sooner you may just start grasping why the Right despises the left!
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: drifter106 on June 04, 2020, 10:02:48 PM
Do you think a lot of them are Obama holdovers?

This is an interesting clip concerning "Mad Dog" Mattis
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. -Jeffrey Borenstein


Quote from: Mjolnir on June 04, 2020, 11:02:12 AM
And where do you get your information?  My impression is quite the opposite.  Trump actively sought capable military men for key administration positions, such as Mattis for SecDef and Flynn - then McMaster for NSA.  Both Mattis and McMaster had little good to say about trump.  And yesterday, Mattis let loose with what he really thought.

Other reporting has revealed that the top brass have little respect for Trump as President (though of course they respect the office).

Perhaps you should read more carefully with concentration, or possibly work on your comprehension. If you go back and read the first line of my post on page 1, third from the top you will know where I get my information
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. -Jeffrey Borenstein


Quote from: drifter106 on June 04, 2020, 10:02:48 PM
Do you think a lot of them are Obama holdovers?

I think that military culture demands that Generals serve whoever is President, regardless of policy or party.  And this is one of the things that makes our system of government quite stable and free from military coups.  Whether one agrees with Mattis' criticism of the President, you have to concede that he has devoted his life to serving his country, and has a lot of experience (and success) at leading people and bringing them together for a common goal.   If anyone is qualified to criticize the President's leadership during this crisis, it is Mattis.  Fine if you disagree with his assessment, but very silly to smear him.  That just won't fly.


Quote from: Mjolnir on June 04, 2020, 09:10:21 PM
Please tell me you're not serious.

We're both new here and I don't really know you, but all the same I'm hoping you'll stick around because I think we're going to have a lot of fun at your expense. And if you still insist on knowing where I get "MY" information because I haven't provided a link you can be sure it's just my opinion
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. -Jeffrey Borenstein


Quote from: Solar on June 05, 2020, 03:50:04 PM
To Hell with the opinions of leftists, they are the enemy of this great nation, for them I have zero respect!
Then you aren't asking the Right questions, like why are you supporting a party that's Hell bent on destroying the country?
I'm certain there are some so called Pubs who are facists, but nowhere the number of Marxists the Dim party has.

Wrong! Look at out history, it's full of persecution, and now the left is persecuting Conservatives as well as Christians. Don't deny this is happening!

What part of enemy do you not get?

Man, you are one clueless  kid. I remember when the only thing political in this country was politics, but over the last 50 years the left has managed to make every subject under the sun political. Have you not been paying attention to that either, or are you too young to have noticed yet?
I didn't do it, they did! The Dim party used to support American culture, that is no longer the case.

They own the media lib, or have you not noticed that either? I hear the leftist message daily, so I have no interest in listening to some lib define for me their emotional rant on the subject.
ROFL!!! Nice stab at attacking my intellect, of which I'll place against yours any day of the week, son!
Now, ask yourself, why is that?
That's because we have two leftist party's, neither of which are following the Constitution!
See, this is why you can't grasp the problem at hand. We are not a democracy, never have, nor will be!
We are a Republic, and the sooner you figure that out, the sooner you may just start grasping why the Right despises the left!

Man you are so like a three year old with a temper tantrum, singing "LALALALA I can't hear you.  He started it, not me!  They dehumanized me first!"  Give me a break.   :rolleyes:  It's amusing that you decry the emotional rants of others, because your post is one long emotional rant.  You complain and complain but raise not one single issue.  And FWIW, I am not attacking your intellect, just what you do with it.

You throw out wild generalizations, ad hominem attacks, unsubstantiated claims, opinions bordering on conspiracy theories, but don't address any of the points I actually made.  Might want to grab a towel to wipe some of that foam off the keyboard.

I am happy to discuss any specific, but you give me nothing to work with.  Your attitude is basically, "accept my point of view or you are stupid/uninformed."  With that level of dialectical skill it's no wonder you want to skip the talk and go straight to the sword. 

See, when you use the term "leftist", it conveys nothing to me, because I don't know what YOU mean by it.  Leftist covers a whole range of political philosophies and policies.  Lumping all your perceived enemies together is convenient and meaningless.  For example, libertarians are conservative in some respects and liberal in others. 

You're splitting semantic hairs going on about Democracy vs Republic, or else you're not explaining the significance you see.  I would call the US a democratic republic.  The two terms overlap.  Citizens do not directly debate and vote on legislation; they elect representatives to do so.  But we have only been democratic since women were accorded the vote, since before that political citizenship was restricted to men only (and white men only before that).  So please explain to me, preferably using more than one sentence and without making me have to guess, what exactly it is I am missing in this regard, and why the right despises the left.
For my part, I could give a rat's ass about political parties.  Political philosophy is another matter, but conversations rarely go that deep.  I see serious problems that we need to address as a nation and I'm trying to figure out how to get there.  I want solutions that work, regardless of where they come from, and I know that real solutions require citizens to come together (unless we go to dictatorship, in which case we will have failed).

You, however, just want to eliminate everyone who disagrees with you.  You are so angry that you advocate murder.  That's about as emotional as it gets.  And I am not wrong that purging is the language of totalitarianism. Sure, our history is full of persecution, but that doesn't mean it is what the Founders had in mind.  They wanted to avoid tyranny, because tyranny abrogates the rule of law, denies individual freedoms and leads to persecution, all things that you are advocating.  If you think your fellow citizens are your enemies to be slaughtered, then I feel sorry for you.


Quote from: Mjolnir on June 05, 2020, 05:18:16 PM
Man you are so like a three year old with a temper tantrum, singing "LALALALA I can't hear you.  He started it, not me!  They dehumanized me first!"  Give me a break.   :rolleyes:  It's amusing that you decry the emotional rants of others, because your post is one long emotional rant.  You complain and complain but raise not one single issue.  And FWIW, I am not attacking your intellect, just what you do with it.

You throw out wild generalizations, ad hominem attacks, unsubstantiated claims, opinions bordering on conspiracy theories, but don't address any of the points I actually made.  Might want to grab a towel to wipe some of that foam off the keyboard.

I am happy to discuss any specific, but you give me nothing to work with.  Your attitude is basically, "accept my point of view or you are stupid/uninformed."  With that level of dialectical skill it's no wonder you want to skip the talk and go straight to the sword. 

See, when you use the term "leftist", it conveys nothing to me, because I don't know what YOU mean by it.  Leftist covers a whole range of political philosophies and policies.  Lumping all your perceived enemies together is convenient and meaningless.  For example, libertarians are conservative in some respects and liberal in others. 

You're splitting semantic hairs going on about Democracy vs Republic, or else you're not explaining the significance you see.  I would call the US a democratic republic.  The two terms overlap.  Citizens do not directly debate and vote on legislation; they elect representatives to do so.  But we have only been democratic since women were accorded the vote, since before that political citizenship was restricted to men only (and white men only before that).  So please explain to me, preferably using more than one sentence and without making me have to guess, what exactly it is I am missing in this regard, and why the right despises the left.
For my part, I could give a rat's ass about political parties.  Political philosophy is another matter, but conversations rarely go that deep.  I see serious problems that we need to address as a nation and I'm trying to figure out how to get there.  I want solutions that work, regardless of where they come from, and I know that real solutions require citizens to come together (unless we go to dictatorship, in which case we will have failed).

You, however, just want to eliminate everyone who disagrees with you.  You are so angry that you advocate murder.  That's about as emotional as it gets.  And I am not wrong that purging is the language of totalitarianism. Sure, our history is full of persecution, but that doesn't mean it is what the Founders had in mind.  They wanted to avoid tyranny, because tyranny abrogates the rule of law, denies individual freedoms and leads to persecution, all things that you are advocating.  If you think your fellow citizens are your enemies to be slaughtered, then I feel sorry for you.

More bull shit from some clueless lib kid! I gave you a litany of perfect examples, yet you aren't smart enough to construe what I posted. All you come back with is "You hurt my feewings" you big meanie.
I suggest you go back and read them again and respond accordingly, I'm running out of patience with your dumb ass!

QuoteI see serious problems that we need to address as a nation and I'm trying to figure out how to get there.

Damn son, how thick are you? I told you to read our Founding Documents, understand them, we're a Republic, the only answer you need, is Small Govt, but you morons want Govt to be the end all answer to all the problems the left created.
That's Right, everything wrong in this country is because both partys grew govt so big, that it is killing our Freedoms.

QuoteYou, however, just want to eliminate everyone who disagrees with you.  You are so angry that you advocate murder.

ROFL!!! No, I just want to shut your idiot asses up! Why do you think I'm even taking the time to respond to you? Everyone that reads this now knows just how ignorant you libs are on virtually every subject.
You can tell your leftist friends as well, that we're taking back the country, shrinking Govt , and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, all because your own party decided to move Marxist and collapsed!

QuoteThey wanted to avoid tyranny, because tyranny abrogates the rule of law, denies individual freedoms and leads to persecution, all things that you are advocating.  If you think your fellow citizens are your enemies to be slaughtered, then I feel sorry for you.

Got news for you son, our Founders made certain, if our govt ever got too big, we reserved the Right to dismantle it and start anew. Now you know why we have a Second Amendment, to rectify the very things the left advocates!
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Mjolnir on June 05, 2020, 05:18:16 PM
Man you are so like a three year old with a temper tantrum, singing "LALALALA I can't hear you.  He started it, not me!  They dehumanized me first!"  Give me a break.   :rolleyes:  It's amusing that you decry the emotional rants of others, because your post is one long emotional rant.  You complain and complain but raise not one single issue.  And FWIW, I am not attacking your intellect, just what you do with it.

You throw out wild generalizations, ad hominem attacks, unsubstantiated claims, opinions bordering on conspiracy theories, but don't address any of the points I actually made.  Might want to grab a towel to wipe some of that foam off the keyboard.

I am happy to discuss any specific, but you give me nothing to work with.  Your attitude is basically, "accept my point of view or you are stupid/uninformed."  With that level of dialectical skill it's no wonder you want to skip the talk and go straight to the sword. 

See, when you use the term "leftist", it conveys nothing to me, because I don't know what YOU mean by it.  Leftist covers a whole range of political philosophies and policies.  Lumping all your perceived enemies together is convenient and meaningless.  For example, libertarians are conservative in some respects and liberal in others. 

You're splitting semantic hairs going on about Democracy vs Republic, or else you're not explaining the significance you see.  I would call the US a democratic republic.  The two terms overlap.  Citizens do not directly debate and vote on legislation; they elect representatives to do so.  But we have only been democratic since women were accorded the vote, since before that political citizenship was restricted to men only (and white men only before that).  So please explain to me, preferably using more than one sentence and without making me have to guess, what exactly it is I am missing in this regard, and why the right despises the left.
For my part, I could give a rat's ass about political parties.  Political philosophy is another matter, but conversations rarely go that deep.  I see serious problems that we need to address as a nation and I'm trying to figure out how to get there.  I want solutions that work, regardless of where they come from, and I know that real solutions require citizens to come together (unless we go to dictatorship, in which case we will have failed).

You, however, just want to eliminate everyone who disagrees with you.  You are so angry that you advocate murder.  That's about as emotional as it gets.  And I am not wrong that purging is the language of totalitarianism. Sure, our history is full of persecution, but that doesn't mean it is what the Founders had in mind.  They wanted to avoid tyranny, because tyranny abrogates the rule of law, denies individual freedoms and leads to persecution, all things that you are advocating.  If you think your fellow citizens are your enemies to be slaughtered, then I feel sorry for you.

Thanks Mjolnir,
Your post is a perfect example of indoctrination instead of an Education and you should sue to get your money back. All you got was a list of problems and no reasoning power to even consider a solution other than "can't we go along to get along"? The world's a really tough place Sonny Boy and there's no place for snowflakes who need a timeout and a safe Zone. I would suggest you stay in your basement enjoy your cocoa and don't come out till it's over.
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. -Jeffrey Borenstein


Quote from: TrumpTrain on June 06, 2020, 07:14:50 AM
When Gen. MacArthur ordered US troops to attack protesters

The troops massed on the Ellipse, right outside the White House: More than two hundred soldiers on horseback, plus men on foot and five tanks.

On July 28, 1932, at the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, they marched down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol........

.........Accompanied by his aide (and future president) Maj. Dwight D. Eisenhower, MacArthur had a contingent of troops at Fort Myer and Fort Washington on alert. At 1:50 p.m., Maj. George S. Patton ordered his cavalrymen to saddle up.

Glassford rode his motorcycle to the Ellipse and asked MacArthur to give the veterans more time to disperse. For two hours, the veterans stood their ground.

At 4 p.m., more than 200 soldiers on horseback, sabers drawn, descended on Pennsylvania Avenue from 15th Street and headed toward the Capitol. They jabbed at everyone in their path, veterans and bystanders alike. The infantry followed, donning gas masks and lobbing tear gas. The tanks rolled behind the cavalry.

With brutal efficiency, they cleared the Pennsylvania Avenue camp, then headed for the communist encampment. Tanks rolled over shacks. Occupants set fires, then ran with belongings.

At 9 p.m., MacArthur ordered his men to march to Anacostia. According to Paul Dickson and Thomas B. Allen in the book, "The Bonus Army: An American Epic," the White House sent Gen. George Van Horn Moseley with a written message that the president did not want the Anacostia camp evacuated. MacArthur ignored the message.

At 11 p.m., tanks blocked access to the bridge. Then the troops raised the 11th Street drawbridge. No one could enter or leave.

A National Guard unit turned a searchlight on the pitch-dark camp. As people panicked, the infantrymen entered and lobbed tear gas. Moving down the rows of huts, the soldiers lit folded-up newspapers and systematically torched the dwellings.

Hearst columnist Bess Furman, witnessing the scene from nearby Hains Point described "a blaze so big that it lighted the whole sky . . . a nightmare come to life."

At midnight, MacArthur held a news conference while the president was in bed and accused the Bonus Army of subversion: "They had come to the conclusion that they were going to take over the government in an arbitrary way or by indirect means"...........
Good post!
Another reason one never calls themselves an army. The Symbionese Liberation Army learned the hard way as well.
Official Trump Cult Member