Thurdays Debate -Thoughts on what Cruz needs to do

Started by Sauce, February 24, 2016, 07:08:34 AM

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Thursdays debate, IMHO is a make or break night for Ted.

I hope he is working overtime honing his message and working on a full court press strategy of exposing Trump and Rubio for what they are.

He really is going to need to throw out the queensbury rules for debating and when either of them throws out the "LIAR" card, talk over, around and through the moderator to make it known point by point who the "LIARS" are.

HE MUST take the gloves off and own the stage Thursday.  This is the ONLY way to expose those two and have the media report it.     

If not, he has no one to blame if he flames out Super Tuesday but himself.   .... It absolutely KILLS me to say that for the good of our country.....


Quote from: Sauce on February 24, 2016, 07:08:34 AM
Thursdays debate, IMHO is a make or break night for Ted.

I hope he is working overtime honing his message and working on a full court press strategy of exposing Trump and Rubio for what they are.

He really is going to need to throw out the queensbury rules for debating and when either of them throws out the "LIAR" card, talk over, around and through the moderator to make it known point by point who the "LIARS" are.

HE MUST take the gloves off and own the stage Thursday.  This is the ONLY way to expose those two and have the media report it.     

If not, he has no one to blame if he flames out Super Tuesday but himself.   .... It absolutely KILLS me to say that for the good of our country.....

I dont like saying it or feeling it, but Im starting to become more and more discouraged. I think that no matter what Cruz says during the debate, no matter how factually true it may be about Trump, that Trump will just continue to yell Liar Liar Liar, and sadly most people will continue to side with Trump and buy Trumps claim of Cruz being a liar.

And if Cruz does take off the gloves, Trump will just point and say "See, I told you he was a nasty guy". And then people will buy that too.

Trump, along with some help from Rubio, has got the majority of people hypnotized into thinking that Cruz is a nasty liar who has a scam campaign.
The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds. - Ted Cruz



Quote from: mrconservative on February 24, 2016, 07:21:05 AM
I dont like saying it or feeling it, but Im starting to become more and more discouraged. I think that no matter what Cruz says during the debate, no matter how factually true it may be about Trump, that Trump will just continue to yell Liar Liar Liar, and sadly most people will continue to side with Trump and buy Trumps claim of Cruz being a liar.

I think you may be onto something and no matter who really wins, the media will declare Trump the victor.


I kind of am starting to believe that the only way to stop Trump is for the RNC to treat him "unfairly". The more "unfairly" they treat Trump, maybe that will push Trump over the edge to abandon the agreement and then run 3rd party.

Trump would then split the Dem vote more so than the Republican vote.
The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds. - Ted Cruz



Quote from: mrconservative on February 24, 2016, 07:27:47 AM
I kind of am starting to believe that the only way to stop Trump is for the RNC to treat him "unfairly". The more "unfairly" they treat Trump, maybe that will push Trump over the edge to abandon the agreement and then run 3rd party.

Trump would then split the Dem vote more so than the Republican vote.

That may work.  Nothing so far has.  Even if Cruz does well on Tuesday, it's far from over. There just may be too many ill-informed voters to overcome. 

But as I've said, never say never.  I refuse to give up.


Quote from: Sauce on February 24, 2016, 07:08:34 AM
Thursdays debate, IMHO is a make or break night for Ted.

Bill Clinton didn't win first place in a primary/caucus until the sixth state, Georgia.

He did come in second in NH. 

What I think helped Clinton was becoming more of a populist.  He would go on late night TV and play his saxophone and joke around. 

I'll probably get clobbered here, but I think Cruz comes off too much like a preacher.  Being serious is fine, but maybe a more positive approach would go further.  Trump talks to his supporters, albeit like they are kindergarteners.  He doesn't go into detail, just throws out whatever comes off the top of his head without any substance.  Not suggesting Cruz do that per se, but some positive cheerleading might help. 
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.


Quote from: Cruzman on February 24, 2016, 07:22:08 AM
I think you may be onto something and no matter who really wins, the media will declare Trump the victor.

GEEZE, I was looking for some positive life support guys!! :biggrin: :sad: :confused: :sad: :confused: :wink:

Come 'on ,lets at least rally around this debate and the hope he breaks through the barriers in front on him to expose the lies and get his message  out. 

This may end up  being another Wounded Knee, Thermopylae, the Alamo or TAFFY 3 (that one I had to look up) but hell, if your gonna go down, might as well bring everybody down if nothing else.


Quote from: Sauce on February 24, 2016, 07:42:09 AM

GEEZE, I was looking for some positive life support guys!! :biggrin: :sad: :confused: :sad: :confused: :wink:

Come 'on ,lets at least rally around this debate and the hope he breaks through the barriers in front on him to expose the lies and get his message  out. 

This may end up  being another Wounded Knee, Thermopylae, the Alamo or TAFFY 3 (that one I had to look up) but hell, if your gonna go down, might as well bring everybody down if nothing else.

Well we do need to be realistic and truthful.  Does anyone really think Trump won any of the debates?  All he does is make faces, lie, interrupt and say nothing of substance.  Then every talking head yahoo and network declares him the winner.

That's just reality.  No one is pulling and praying harder for Cruz than me.


Quote from: mrconservative on February 24, 2016, 07:21:05 AM
I dont like saying it or feeling it, but Im starting to become more and more discouraged. I think that no matter what Cruz says during the debate, no matter how factually true it may be about Trump, that Trump will just continue to yell Liar Liar Liar, and sadly most people will continue to side with Trump and buy Trumps claim of Cruz being a liar.
Yes, but that's OK.  We have something that was a variable, but is now a constant.  No matter what is exposed about Trump, he'll keep his liberal 30% base.  That's fine.  We just need to work around that and take down Rubio.

And if Cruz does take off the gloves, Trump will just point and say "See, I told you he was a nasty guy". And then people will buy that too.
Trump looks like a fool.  That's why the majority vote for Cruz and Rubio.

Trump, along with some help from Rubio, has got the majority of people hypnotized into thinking that Cruz is a nasty liar who has a scam campaign.
Rubio is the target.  Also, Cruz goes into this knowing the debate is stacked with Rubio donors, so he will be prepared for that.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on February 24, 2016, 07:50:11 AM
Yes, but that's OK.  We have something that was a variable, but is now a constant.  No matter what is exposed about Trump, he'll keep his liberal 30% base.  That's fine.  We just need to work around that and take down Rubio.
Trump looks like a fool.  That's why the majority vote for Cruz and Rubio.
Rubio is the target.  Also, Cruz goes into this knowing the debate is stacked with Rubio donors, so he will be prepared for that.

That's the key.  Rubio has to be eliminated soon.  He along with Kasich and Carson are dragging Cruz into second and third place . They need to get the hell out.  Kasich's and Carson's campaigns are DOA.  Rubio is being propped up by the establishment.

Billy's bayonet

Don't get too discouraged by what happened in Nevada, remember, the place is run by a bunch of semi mobsters who built casino's to launder mob money, Trump has been hand in glove with the Mafia controlled unions in NYC and "jersey" that built his buildings. Of course those crooks are gonna be in the tank for Trump, birds of a feather and all that. WE ALL KNEW TRUMP WAS GONNA WIN NEVADA.

Super Tuesday will tell the tale, real good chance Cruz can take Virginia and Tennessee and perhaps a few other southern states with a high population of Evangelicals that don't like Mr Loud Mouth NOO YAWK Yankee Carpetbagger.

Cruz should bring out the big guns, mention how many times Mr Donald has been investigated by the FBI over his mob affiliates & Union "deals", right there in the debate, make Donald lose it totally, then expose Rubio with an actual clip of him in SPANISH translated making assurances on Univision over illegals and SHamnesty.
Evil operates best when under a disguise





Quote from: Cruzman on February 24, 2016, 07:52:42 AM
That's the key.  Rubio has to be eliminated soon.  He along with Kasich and Carson are dragging Cruz into second and third place . They need to get the hell out.  Kasich's and Carson's campaigns are DOA.  Rubio is being propped up by the establishment.

I'm actually feeling pretty positive.  I don't even count Nevada.  The GOP is letting that fraud go because it put Cruz in third. 
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Cruzman on February 24, 2016, 07:46:17 AM
Well we do need to be realistic and truthful.  Does anyone really think Trump won any of the debates?  All he does is make faces, lie, interrupt and say nothing of substance. Then every talking head yahoo and network declares him the winner.

That's just reality.  No one is pulling and praying harder for Cruz than me.

That Trump in a nutshell, he must keep the spotlight on himself at all times.  The MSM lets it happen on every debate, they do not control him like they do others.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: taxed on February 24, 2016, 08:01:32 AM
I'm actually feeling pretty positive.  I don't even count Nevada.  The GOP is letting that fraud go because it put Cruz in third.

Agreed.  Now is not the time to give up.  Trump is far from unbeatable.  We've had only a handful of states vote and as you said, NV was almost a given for Trump.


Both New Hampshire and Nevada were virtually a given for Trump, which is true, but SC was not. SC was supposed to be Cruz's safe haven to clean up with Evangelicals and come in at least a close 2nd, if not win.

What happened though? Cruz lost the evangelical vote, failed to win even 1 county, and statistically came in 3rd in SC. Yes, a 0.2% difference is practically a tie with Rubio but that extra 1,000+ votes for Rubio takes bragging writes and momentum away from Cruz.
The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds. - Ted Cruz