Quinnipiac National Poll: Clinton leads all GOPers; 2014 vote near tied

Started by JRP1990, January 21, 2014, 09:37:22 AM

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Quote from: taxed on January 22, 2014, 12:36:21 PM
You're not a communist?  Since when?
haha, you know the answer.  The little 17-22 YO gaggle will just tell you that "you don't know what it means" when you remind them that they, and Obama, and others are following the communist playbook to a T.

Especially when they're reminded of how completely dogshit every use of communism has ever been.  They just say, as good little moronic lying children will, "oh that wasn't communism, you don't know what it means".

My favorite was the one young dipshit who said "oh, what they tried wasn't the REAL Marxism........they never got past the necessary fascism (needed to destroy capitalism and constitutionalism / federalism) to the citizen-owned country....".

How wonderfully moronic.  All we've learned over the last 125 years is that the only REAL marxism-communism is in fact what we've gotten from Stalin, Mao, Ho, Castro, the Kims, and do on.  It's the only way it ever has, or ever will, unfold.  The cute little book by marx will never be real, it's bullshit, and a grand spoof of mindless liberals.  It took the dumbass Chinese about 70 years to quietly shitcan Marxism, and the Russians about 35 years, with the help of great people like Reagan and Thatcher.