PPP Poll-- the turn coat, Crist Dropping like a rock in Floridia

Started by redbeard, January 22, 2014, 03:27:35 PM

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Florida Gov. Rick Scott has closed the gap with former Democratic Gov. Charlie Crist into a virtual dead heat in a re-election contest in November, the latest Public Policy Polling survey shows.

The poll of 591 state voters taken Jan. 16-21 showed Scott at 41 percent to Crist's 43 percent. The survey results were released Wednesday.

That's a big change from September's PPP survey, in which Scott finished with 38 percent to Crist's 50 percent.

Crist, who is seeking the 2014 Democratic nomination for Florida governor, served as Florida's Republican governor from 2007 to 2011. He then sought a U.S. Senate seat but lost to Marco Rubio.

Crist then quit the GOP, becoming first an independent and then a Democrat.

"Republican votes have really rallied around Rick Scott over the last three months," Dean Debnam, PPP's president, said in a statement. "His consolidating support from the party base explains most of his gains relative to Charlie Crist since the last time we polled."

The latest survey found Scott's rating with GOP voters at 80 percent, compared with 65 percent in the September poll.

"That shift with Republicans accounts for almost the entire movement in Scott's direction over the last few months," Debnam said.

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Cryptic Bert

I think I can say with certainty that Crist is worse than a Liberal...



Quote from: JRP1990 on January 22, 2014, 06:19:20 PM
I thought PPP was a crap poll that couldn't be trusted?  :wink:
It's actually a democrat pole! I don't care much for it but it's the only recent one going here in Florida right now.

Cryptic Bert

Quote from: JRP1990 on January 22, 2014, 06:19:20 PM
I thought PPP was a crap poll that couldn't be trusted?  :wink:

A left leaning polling firm showing a lefty candidate losing ground.

Things often sail over your head.

kit saginaw

Floridian media should stop calling him 'Charlie'.  He's not someone's friendly neighbor nor an-uncle-in-an-apron.  It's Charles... and he's dropping like a rock because his head is full of them.


Quote from: JRP1990 on January 22, 2014, 06:19:20 PM
I thought PPP was a crap poll that couldn't be trusted?  :wink:
Many left leaning polls tend to over poll Democraps, so it's likely Crist is doing even worse than the poll shows.  :wink:
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


How could any sane person even consider supporting this wishy-washy scumbag?
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"