Multiple Sources: Ted Cruz To Publically Announce Support of Donald Trump

Started by mrconservative, September 23, 2016, 11:42:05 AM

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Quote from: Solar on November 02, 2016, 05:02:21 PM
"after pressure from fellow Republicans, and meeting privately with Pence in Washington, Cruz endorsed Trump on Sept. 23 in a Facebook post."

This means absolutely nothing. If they really wanted to make a difference, he needed to campaign with Trump, not Pence.
All this does is change Trumpanzees minds about Cruz and getting in their better graces, but it means nothing to Conservatives, Trump's still a lib, that will never change.

It means quite a bit. They are coming home. We are also seeing Johnson's support evaporating as i expected. On a side note Rand Paul who i initially supported is +16 in KY with Trump with a slightly bigger lead. Im seeing a trend where Trump is outperforming the GOP senate candidates in many states like MO, where he is +14 while Blunt is even.


Quote from: ldub23 on November 02, 2016, 05:11:10 PM
It means quite a bit. They are coming home. We are also seeing Johnson's support evaporating as i expected. On a side note Rand Paul who i initially supported is +16 in KY with Trump with a slightly bigger lead. Im seeing a trend where Trump is outperforming the GOP senate candidates in many states like MO, where he is +14 while Blunt is even.
Coming home? No Conservative will be swayed by anything Cruz says, the only people that give a shit about Trump are libs and people voting against Hillary.
No one on the Right actually supports Trump the NY Lib, they're voting against Hillary.
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