Thurdays Debate -Thoughts on what Cruz needs to do

Started by Sauce, February 24, 2016, 07:08:34 AM

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Quote from: mrconservative on February 24, 2016, 09:40:10 AM
He did say NY Values but he did not go so far to say that Trump is masquerading around as a Conservative.

He needs to call Trumps bluff when Trump beats the drum of "well, Reagan evolved". Cruz needs to point out that yes, Reagan evolved but in doing so he was the face and leader of conservative movement and was a Republican Governor of California all before becoming President. Reagan didnt evolve in 1 or 1 years, more so 5-6 before becoming governor and then another 4-5 years after that before becoming President. So in total an evolving over 12-15 years.

I thunk you have a point. Cruz is "third and long" and needs a big play. The Greg Abbott endorsement was a big help today.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Quote from: supsalemgr on February 24, 2016, 12:23:10 PM
The Greg Abbott endorsement was a big help today.

It may be but I don't think so. Abbott saying he endorses Cruz today was nothing but a formality. Any smart person already should have assumed Abbott was for Cruz. The question wasn't who Abbott would endorse, it was when would Abbott endorse.

And waiting to make the endorsement until Texas becomes the next state to vote is nothing short of a surprise either. At least it shouldn't be.

The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds. - Ted Cruz



I heard a rumor one of Cruz's Super Pacs just got a $1.8m infusion of cash.   It could be that one that runs radio spots, like the one that talks about Ted's reliability and trustworthiness..  Not sure though.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


DRAT!!!!   Just lost an hour of composition.

Going negative is not Ted Cruz, nor is it where his strength resides.  Forget Nevada, and the quirk of South Carolina (40% undecided 2 days before the primary, got bombarded by negative ads).  Going negative against Trump and Rubio is far from Ted Cruz's strength.

Focus on POLICY, policy, policy.  Drive the policy positions, all of which are winning positions.

Stay positive, give a reason for HOPE - lower taxes, less government regulation, less Federal interference, abolish the IRS, equal justice under the law, level playing field for energy development, lower corporate taxes to bring jobs back to America, etc.

Avoid getting caught up in these foolish accusations - hit back with the winning POLICIES that won us over in the first place.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Hoofer on February 24, 2016, 05:15:15 PM
DRAT!!!!   Just lost an hour of composition.

Going negative is not Ted Cruz, nor is it where his strength resides.  Forget Nevada, and the quirk of South Carolina (40% undecided 2 days before the primary, got bombarded by negative ads).  Going negative against Trump and Rubio is far from Ted Cruz's strength.

Focus on POLICY, policy, policy.  Drive the policy positions, all of which are winning positions.

Stay positive, give a reason for HOPE - lower taxes, less government regulation, less Federal interference, abolish the IRS, equal justice under the law, level playing field for energy development, lower corporate taxes to bring jobs back to America, etc.

Avoid getting caught up in these foolish accusations - hit back with the winning POLICIES that won us over in the first place.

I hate to say it but Im not sure focusing on policy is the answer anymore. What do Libs do best when their policies cant hold water? They play on the fears and emotions of people (ex: R's will push granny off a cliff, R's will take away Social Security, etc). Sadly, in this day in age, the method of playing on fear and emotion when policies dont hold water seems to work with people.

Trump is winning. And whats Trump doing in the process? Not talking policy (cause his wont hold water) and playing on peoples anger, fear, and other emotions.
The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds. - Ted Cruz



Quote from: mrconservative on February 24, 2016, 05:31:44 PM
I hate to say it but Im not sure focusing on policy is the answer anymore. What do Libs do best when their policies cant hold water? They play on the fears and emotions of people (ex: R's will push granny off a cliff, R's will take away Social Security, etc). Sadly, in this day in age, the method of playing on fear and emotion when policies dont hold water seems to work with people.

Trump is winning. And whats Trump doing in the process? Not talking policy (cause his wont hold water) and playing on peoples anger, fear, and other emotions.

OK, who would likely win the debate, if policy is ignored and everyone goes negative?   Trump.  Simply because he's the best in the field (like Christie) at working an audience.  Cruz cannot win by abandoning his strength and trying to fight from the weaker position.

Nevada was expected to go to Trump, anything Rubio or Cruz could peal off was Trump's loss.
South Carolina had 40% undecided, 2 days before the voting began, Trump & Rubio hit Cruz with negative ads, the media was questioning his ethics ... yet, he still hung on.   Things like that are going to happen, we all would have preferred Cruz win, at least to halt the Trump momentum. 

Why am I positive on Cruz, and so many are so down...?   Maybe they have TVs, and foolishly expect the coverage of the primaries to be unbiased?   It's bad enough on the Radio, but Television, I'm hearing even FOX is in the tank full bore for Rubio - well of course you're gonna get nervous.   Does that mean Ted Cruz should stop talking up his economic policy?  Seriously - which policy of Ted Cruz is a bad one, give me something he should drop or reform, please!  Nothing comes to mind.

Look at Trump, Mr. Taxation & Tariff, we know that's extracting $ from the economic engine, and skyrocketing product costs - it'll only hurt the economy, so who's going to talk about it, or should he be given a pass?   Instead of Cruz, then let the Super Pacs go after Trump on his economic failures (bankrupcy) and the danger of his economic proposals.

Or, take Rubio on his immigration position, really amnesty - which he hasn't given up on.  Add to that his betrayal of the Florida voters, lying about it..., give that over to the Super Pacs, and watch this get even messier.

Mark Levin brought up a good point, these negative attacks are turning off voters, turning them against each other, within the Republican party - we may loose the General Election because the groups of Republicans are at each other's throats.   This hard biting negative campaign is altered my opinion of Trump - I don't want him anywhere NEAR the White House.   Rubio is earning the same lack of support, he can't be trusted at all.

on Policy issues, Ted Cruz absolutely SHINES!   Speak to those issues, and it gives Americans hope.

What's interesting about these debates, during the debate, nobody has enough time to develop a point - just a sound bite here or there.  That is the real problem for Ted.   Too many faces on the stage, multiple subjects, and few candidates get a shot at the same question - a huge problem.  Look at the Democrat stage, just 2 people, and it sounds like a love-fest.   If you're realizing voters are going to get turned off by the Republicans negative ads, then it's really doing the job for the Democrats.   Ever notice how easy it is to remember 1 or 2 key statements from the debates?   Cruz needs a couple of catchy ones.

Ted knows where his strengths are, let Ted be Ted, and then he won't need to backtrack.   If I were making a suggestion directly to Ted Cruz, I'd say, "Put some real passionate FIRE into those descriptions of your policies, and how every American will benefit."    I believe that can defuse the Trump / Rubio attacks.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Dam**t, another debate I don't get on antenna TV even if it's broadcast in my area --Houston-- but w/Clinton New Network [aka CNN] producing it, maybe I'm better off being unable to watch..!!
Loyalty above all else except Honor


Quote from: TXborn on February 25, 2016, 01:56:22 PM
Dam**t, another debate I don't get on antenna TV even if it's broadcast in my area --Houston-- but w/Clinton New Network [aka CNN] producing it, maybe I'm better off being unable to watch..!!

There always a live stream on the net.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: TXborn on February 25, 2016, 01:56:22 PM
Dam**t, another debate I don't get on antenna TV even if it's broadcast in my area --Houston-- but w/Clinton New Network [aka CNN] producing it, maybe I'm better off being unable to watch..!!

It will just be another "gotcha" circle jerk trying to hurt the GOP. Maybe not Trump.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


Quote from: TXborn on February 25, 2016, 01:56:22 PM
Dam**t, another debate I don't get on antenna TV even if it's broadcast in my area --Houston-- but w/Clinton New Network [aka CNN] producing it, maybe I'm better off being unable to watch..!!
It will be broadcast online on the Communist News Network (CNN) website.

It's live, free, and no cable needed.   Hope you see it, so you too can make an informed decision in the ballot box TXborn. :biggrin:
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)


Quote from: daidalos on February 25, 2016, 02:46:34 PM
It will be broadcast online on the Communist News Network (CNN) website.

It's live, free, and no cable needed.   Hope you see it, so you too can make an informed decision in the ballot box TXborn. :biggrin:
I think he stated earlier he has a slow connection and can't stream or youtube.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: TXborn on February 25, 2016, 01:56:22 PM
Dam**t, another debate I don't get on antenna TV even if it's broadcast in my area --Houston-- but w/Clinton New Network [aka CNN] producing it, maybe I'm better off being unable to watch..!!

Can you get it on the radio?
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.